This is the forty-fourth level of the game, and takes place within some dilapidated Aperture Science offices, Pump Station Gamma and Enrichment Sphere #6. This level introduces Conversion Gel, its ability to make virtually any surface Portal-conductive and the way in which it can be used to enable the player to take advantage of standard Portal mechanics such as the use of momentum. Pistons are present as the primary hazard.
Walk straight along the catwalk and enter the lobby.
Turn to the left and walk to the other end of the lobby.
Turn to face the chairs and fire a portal to the wall behind them. Then fire a portal above the catwalk at the other end of the lobby and go through the portal.
Shoot a portal on the wall on the right above the catwalks. Place the other portal on the wall next to you and go through it.
Go through the door on the left and enter the Pump Station Gamma.
Turn left from the Grill and then go along the catwalk on the left to the room on the other side.
Activate the three pumps from the levers.
Turn around and fire a portal on the wall. Place the other portal on the wall on the opposite side.
Shoot a portal on the Conversion Gel on the floor and the other portal on the gel covering the ceiling. Go through the portal and you should be on a catwalk.
Now turn to face the "Keep out" sign ahead. Jump on the other side by using the Repulsion Gel on the floor. Then go through the Grill on the left.
Go to the room on the other side by using the Propulsion Gel.
Go through the door and put a portal on the angled wall on the left. Go back inside and place the other portal on the other end of the runway.
Run along the runway and go through the portal. You should land on the catwalk.
Go in the building and past the computers.
Jump down from the broken window and go in to the room on the right and press a button.
Now go back and go in the room on the left and through the door on the opposite side.
Head for the elevator ahead and go in it.
Walk to the end of the catwalk but don't jump down yet. Place a portal on the flowing Conversion Gel and the other one next to it, so the gel paints the corner.
Fire the same portal on the wall next to the Conversion Gel pipe. Now the gel is painting outside of the fenced area.
Place the same portal on the gel on the inside of the fenced area. Gel should now paint outside of the fenced area and between the two pillars.
Put the other portal on the outside of the fenced area, jump down from the catwalk and go through the portal.
Go on the catwalk and shoot a portal on the gel on the floor before the two pillars. Place the other one on the floor where the flowing gel is painting.
Now the wall on the left pillar facing the other pillar should be covered in gel. Shoot a portal on the same wall to cover the other pillar too.
Repeat until you've reached the top of the pillars. When the gel covers the wall above the catwalk on the pillar on the right, shoot the other portal on the wall.
Go down from the catwalk and fire the other portal on the floor in order to get to the catwalk.
Now go to the other side of the pillar and fire a portal on the floor below the flowing gel again and the other one right in front of the catwalks below.
Now put the portal on the fresh gel and wait for the wall to be painted.
Place a portal on the wall and wait for the gel to cover the angled wall below.
Place a portal on the angled wall and the other one below the catwalk where you are and jump through the portal.
Walk along the catwalk and go through the two doors.
Go through the Emancipation Grill and then walk forwards until you are in an old elevator shaft.
Fire a portal above the catwalk on the left, higher up. Put the other one on the wall on the left and go through it.
Turn around and fire a portal on the wall ahead. Place the other portal on the wall above the catwalk higher up.
Do the same again until you reach the elevator.
Shoot a portal on the floor of the elevator and then put one on the floor below the end of the catwalk. Jump through the portal.
When you have entered the portal, look for the white floors on the sides. Go on one of the sides and fire a portal on it, while keeping the other one on the floor of the elevator.
Jump through the portal in the elevator and then look for an angled wall.
Fire the portal from the floor to the angled wall and jump through the portal in the elevator.