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Still Alive 14
This test chamber is the fourteenth and final bonus level of the game. It is taken from Portal: The Flash Version MapPack. The challenges of this level are unlocked when the test chamber is completed once.
- Build a small wall which will block one of the turrets' fire.
- Use one of the cubes to knock down the other turret in the sideways placed gate.
- Knock down the first turret with a cube.
- Portal into the room with the High Energy Pellet that is in the ceiling.
- Use the cubes to build a "staircase" and portal under the High Energy Pellet catcher.
- With portals, redirect the High Energy Pellet into the catcher.
- Portal back into the ceiling room and bring 2 cubes.
- Put the cubes into the buttons.
- Place one of the remaining cubes ono the button that is in the line made with the two previously knocked down Turrets.
- Portal trough the small hole in the wall.
- Navigate your way trough the lasers and put the cube onto the button.
- While you are down, portal trough the small hole next to the button under the Laser Field.
- Wait for the right time and, by bringing a cube, activate the button.
- The door where one of the turrets was will open and proceed to the elevator to finish the chamber.
Video walkthrough
Award requirements (challenge mode)
12 Portals
9 Portals
6 Portals
160 Steps
140 Steps
125 Steps
120 Seconds
100 Seconds
80 Seconds
Video strategies (challenge mode)
Portals challenge
Steps challenge
Time challenge