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Portal 2 Chapter 1 Test Chamber 1
sp_a1_intro2.bspPortal Carousel
This is the second level of the game, and introduces the concept of controlling Portals with Switches. This level takes place within a dilapidated Test Chamber, and allows the player to control the location of a Portal using a Switch. Activating and using the Portals in the correct order allows the player to enter the Chamberlock and move deeper into the Facility.
Jump into the pit and activate the button when prompted; a blue portal will open. Turn around to face the starting ledge to see an orange portal.
Walk through the orange portal and pick up the Weighted Storage Cube, bring the cube back to the central area.
Press the button opposite the first button to open a different portal. Take the cube through the orange portal and place it on the Heavy Duty Super-Colliding Super Button, then return to the central area.
Press the remaining button to open another portal. Walk through the orange portal and through the Chamberlock.