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mp_coop_multifling_1.bsp 06 Multifling

Chamber number 0.pngChamber number 6.png

Test Chamber Infobox previous.png
Test Chamber Infobox next.png
Test Chamber Infobox Portal Guy.png
Chamber progress 0.pngChamber progress 6.pngChamber progress slash.pngChamber progress 0.pngChamber progress 8.png

Chamber icon dirty water.pngChamber icon cube button on.pngChamber icon cube hazard on.pngChamber icon fling enter.pngChamber icon faith plate on.png
Chamber icon pass cube.pngChamber icon player button.pngChamber icon laser redirection.pngChamber icon crusher hazard.pngChamber icon water hazard on.png

This is the thirteenth level in Co-op mode of Portal 2 and the sixth chamber in the course. The chamber requires the players to use the Aerial Faith Plates to get to the other side of the rooms. Goo is present in the second room as the primary hazard.


In the first room the team must utilize all of the portals while using the Faith Plate. The Material Emancipation Grill can prove to be a problem for some. The second room is pretty much self-explanitory. Switch activates the Cube dispenser, which throws the cube at the panel where one can catch it.





# Atlas P-body
1Fire your portals on the two angled panels on the left side of the chamber.Place your portals to the panels near the Aerial Faith Plate and go through the portal.
2Go through your partner's portals but don't use the Faith Plate.
3After your partner has placed the portals, use the Faith Plate and wait for landing. Shoot one portal under yourself and the other on the wall further away on the right. Go through the portal and fire the portal from the wall to the last angled panel.
4Use the Faith Plate and wait for landing. Use the Switch and wait for the Weighted Storage Cube to make its way to you and then drop it from the platform.Go under the exit and wait for the Cube to be dropped.
5Get the Cube and place it on the receptacle.
6Put your portals on the panels where your partners portals are.Go to the first part of the room and fire your portal on the angled panel and on the wall near the Faith Plate. Go through the portal and then fire the portal from the wall to the other angled panel and use the Faith Plate.
7Proceed to the checkpoint and continue to the next room.
8Walk next to the Faith Plate, fire your portals on the panels, and use the Faith Plate.Go stand next to the switch.
9Step on the Faith Plate. This setup will throw you around as long as you need. You'll need to catch a Cube in mid-air.
10Press the switch when your partner is flying in front of the observation room.
11Catch the Cube and try to leave the Faith Plates. Place the Cube on the receptacle.Go stand near the exit.
12Proceed to the disassembly area.

Alternative solution

This solution, when succesful, saves the partners time and portals but it is very hard to execute as it requires precision, timing and luck with the cube. It only concerns the first room of the chamber.

# Atlas P-body
1Fire your portals on the angled panel facing the Faith Plate and to the wall near the Faith Plate. Go through the portal.
2Go through the portals.
3Now use the Faith Plate. Turn to face the gap in the glass and fire the portal from the wall to the angled panel facing the exit platform. Then wait for the landing.
4Use the Faith Plate and wait for landing.
5Press the switch and wait for the Cube to come to you. Then take the Cube and make sure that the cube is oriented straight. Go stand on the edge of the platform and face the receptacle. Toss the cube on the receptacle.
6Proceed to the checkpoint and solve the next room.

Video walkthrough

-To do-

Related achievements

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