Portal 2 Chapter 1 Test Chamber 1
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This is the second level of the game, and introduces the concept of controlling Portals with Switches. This level takes place within a dilapidated Test Chamber, and allows the player to control the location of a Portal using a Switch. Activating and using the Portals in the correct order allows the player to enter the Chamberlock and move deeper into the Facility.
- Heavy Duty Super-Colliding Super Button
- Weighted Storage Cube
- Vital Apparatus Vent
- Emancipation Grill
- Chamberlock
- Portal Spawner
- Pedestal Button
- None
Chamber infobox data
//Map data
"level_number" "1"
"total_levels" "19"
"startup" "dirty_flicker"
"dirt" "2"
"cube_drop" "0"
"cube_button" "1"
"cube_bonk" "0"
"button_stand" "0"
"goop" "0"
"portal_fling" "0"
"portal_fling_2" "0"
"turret" "0"
"drink_water" "0"
"grinders" "0"
- Jump into the pit and activate the button when prompted; a blue portal will open. Turn around to face the starting ledge to see an orange portal.
- Walk through the orange portal and pick up the Weighted Storage Cube, bring the cube back to the central area.
- Press the button opposite the first button to open a different portal. Take the cube through the orange portal and place it on the Heavy Duty Super-Colliding Super Button, then return to the central area.
- Press the remaining button to open another portal. Walk through the orange portal and through the Chamberlock.
Video walkthrough
Overgrowth by Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory [2:50] | Download | Play