以下是 GLaDOS 於傳送門及傳送門 2的完整台詞。
測驗室 00-03
測驗室 00 |
如果玩家把方塊帶進閘室,但自己仍在閘室外: |
測驗室 01 |
完成測驗室後: |
測驗室 02 |
取得傳送門裝置後: |
測驗室 03 |
完成測驗室後: |
測驗室 04-07
測驗室 04 |
完成測驗室後: 如果玩家把方塊帶進閘室,但自己仍在閘室外: |
測驗室 05 |
當玩家進入閘門後: 如果玩家把方塊帶進閘門後: |
測驗室 06 |
完成測驗室後: |
測驗室 07 |
當藥丸抵達接收器後: |
測驗室 08-09
測驗室 08 |
完成測驗室後: |
測驗室 09 |
完成測驗室後: |
測驗室 10-12
測驗室 10 |
完成測驗室第二部份後: 抵達測驗室第三部份第二層後: |
測驗室 11 |
如果玩家困在高能量藥丸發射器的房間: |
測驗室 12 |
完成測驗室後: |
測驗室 13
測驗室 13 |
如果玩家把所有方塊都帶進閘室,但自己仍在閘室外: 完成測驗室後: |
測驗室 14
測驗室 14 |
完成測驗室後: |
測驗室 15
測驗室 15 |
如果玩家困在高能量藥丸接收器的房間: 完成測驗室後: |
測驗室 16
測驗室 16 |
完成測驗室後: |
測驗室 17
測驗室 17 |
啟動第二個電梯後: 當玩家把方塊放在最後的按鈕上:
如果玩家不把方塊「安樂死」 (首先依次播出,其後隨機重播,直至把方塊「安樂死」 ):
如果玩家把方塊帶進焚化爐啟動房間,但自己仍在房間外: 把方塊「安樂死」後: |
測驗室 18
測驗室 18 |
如果玩家把方塊掉落粘液中: 如果玩家困在高能量藥丸接收器的房間: 完成測驗室後: |
測驗室 19
- "恭喜!測試結束了。"
- "所有「光圈」技術最高可於絕對溫度4000K之下安全運作。"
- "我們保證,您在光榮地發出光芒之前,絕對不會發生危險的設備故障。"
- "感謝您參與「光圈科學」電腦輔助豐富學習活動。"
- "再見。"
- "你在幹什麼?停下來!我...我...我們很高興您通過最終挑戰,雖然我們假裝要謀殺你。"
- "我們非常非常高興您成功了。"
- "我們將舉辦派對慶祝您驚人的成功。"
- "請將裝置放在地上,俯躺在地上,雙手放在兩則。"
- "派對同仁很快伯抵達,並接您去參加派對。"
- "請勿嘗試離開測試區。
- "擺好順從姿勢,等待派對同仁護送,否則您會錯過派對。"
重返測驗室 09:
跳下測驗室 09的電梯:
第一個核心破壞後 |
以下內容亦會於第二、三個核心破壞後的台詞播畢後播出: |
拆掉牆上的監視攝影機 |
測驗室 17 |
測驗室 19 |
成功逃脫後: |
逃脫途中 |
GLaDOS的房間 |
第一個核心破壞前: 第二個核心破壞後:
未知原於何時使用: 較電腦化的初版,後期由比較不電腦化的版本取代: |
拆掉監視攝影機 |
雜項 |
傳送門 2
第1章 - 禮貌性拜訪
她的房間 |
當GLaDOS被喚醒: |
焚化爐/舊測驗室 19 |
抵達焚化爐: 發現傳送門裝置:
返回舊測驗室 19入口途中:
抵達舊測驗室19入口: |
第2章 - 臨陣畏怯
GLaDOS 測驗室 01 |
完成測驗室後: |
GLaDOS 測驗室 02 |
完成測驗室後: |
GLaDOS 測驗室 03 |
完成測驗室後: |
GLaDOS 測驗室 04 |
完成測驗室後: |
GLaDOS 測驗室 05 |
完成測驗室後: |
GLaDOS 測驗室 06 |
啟動開關後: 如果玩家拿起垃圾: 完成測驗室後: |
GLaDOS 測驗室 07 |
玩家第一次拿起同伴方塊: 玩家再次拿起同伴方塊: 完成測驗室後: 如果玩家把方塊帶到測驗室頂層,但自己仍在測驗室底層:
如果玩家把方塊帶離測驗室: |
GLaDOS 測驗室 08 |
第3章 - 重出江湖
GLaDOS 測驗室 09 |
完成測驗室後: |
GLaDOS 測驗室 10 |
完成測驗室後: |
GLaDOS 測驗室 11 |
完成測驗室後: |
GLaDOS 測驗室 12 |
完成測驗室後: |
GLaDOS 測驗室 13 |
GLaDOS 測驗室 14 |
完成測驗室後: |
GLaDOS 測驗室 15 |
完成測驗室後: 如果玩家自困在通往閘室的玻璃房內: |
GLaDOS 測驗室 16 |
完成測驗室後: |
GLaDOS 測驗室 17 |
完成測驗室後: |
第4章 - 驚喜
GLaDOS 測驗室 18 |
完成測驗室後: |
GLaDOS 測驗室 19 |
完成測驗室後: |
GLaDOS 測驗室 20 |
完成測驗室後: |
GLaDOS 測驗室 21 |
當玩家前往拿取方塊: 當玩家抵達陷阱附近: 如果玩家走進陷阱: |
第5章 - 逃脫
GLaDOS 的巢穴 |
打開「GLaDOS 緊急關機」門:
不斷重複,直至惠特利被插進主機: 惠特利被插進主機後:
按下僵局同仁按鈕: 惠特利變壞後:
變成PotatOS 後: |
第6章 - 墜落
墜落中 |
Old Aperture Office bird nest |
拿起PotatOS後: |
第7章 -重逢
第一個推力凝膠測驗室 |
完成測驗室後: 找到隱藏的畫像時: |
第二個推力凝膠測驗室 |
完成測驗室後: |
Pump Station Gamma |
進入Pump Station Gamma時:
離開Pump Station Gamma時: |
第一個轉換凝膠測驗室 |
完成測驗室後: |
Test after Lemon Speech |
Gel connection area |
第8章 - 坐立難安
Frankenturrets |
Wheatley Test Chamber 1 |
Wheatley Test Chamber 2 |
Wheatley Test Chamber 3 |
Wheatley Test Chamber 4 |
Wheatley Test Chamber 5 |
Wheatley Test Chamber 6 |
Wheatley Test Chamber 11 |
Wheatley Test Chamber 12 |
Wheatley Test Chamber 15 |
Wheatley Test Chamber 16 |
第9章 - 這裡就是葬身之地
Wheatley 測驗室 17/陷阱 |
Aerial Faith Plate之後:
若逃離陷阱後重返: |
最終章2 |
機槍塔陷阱: |
最終章3 |
炸彈: 最終戰之前: |
最終章4 |
發現損壞的核心: 進入斷路器室: 如果玩家不插入GLaDOS:
第1個核心送到: 第2個核心送到: 第3個核心送到: 核心轉移: 僵局按鈕(重複直至按下):
太空: 結尾:
校準關卡 |
雙方揮手後: 藍色選擇後: 橘色選擇後: 落到測驗室後後:
進入測驗室第二部分後: 測驗室第三部分 - 玩家站在按鈕時: 測驗室第四部分 - 藍色抵達壁架時: 測驗室第五部分 - 把方塊放到按鈕上時:
測驗室第六部分 - 當橘色接不到方塊: 測驗室第七部分 - 橘色按下按鈕後: 雙方抵達終點後: |
Central Hub
Central Hub |
首次進入: |
課程 1
測驗室 01 |
其中一位玩家抵達終點後: 雙方抵達終點後: |
測驗室 02 |
其中一位玩家按下按鈕後: 把方塊放到按鈕上時: |
測驗室 03 |
破壞機槍塔時: 完成測驗室後: |
測驗室 04 |
完成測驗室後: |
測驗室 05 |
其中一位玩家拿起方塊後: 完成測驗室後: |
測驗室 06 |
放入光碟後: |
課程 2
測驗室 01 |
完成測驗室後: |
測驗室 02 |
完成測驗室後: |
測驗室 03 |
完成測驗室後: |
測驗室 04 |
按下兩個按鈕後: |
測驗室 05 |
完成測驗室後: |
測驗室 06 |
完成測驗室後: |
測驗室 07 |
完成測驗室後: |
測驗室 08 |
放入光碟後: |
課程 3
測驗室 01 |
測驗室 02 |
測驗室 03 |
測驗室 04 |
測驗室 05 |
測驗室 06 |
測驗室 07 |
測驗室 08 |
課程 4
測驗室 01 |
測驗室 02 |
測驗室 03 |
測驗室 04 |
測驗室 05 |
測驗室 06 |
測驗室 07 |
測驗室 08 |
測驗室 09 |
課程 5
測驗室 01 |
完成測驗室後: |
測驗室 02 |
完成測驗室後: |
測驗室 03 |
完成測驗室後(曾經死亡): 完成測驗室後(沒有死亡): |
測驗室 04 |
測驗室 05 |
測驗室 06 |
測驗室 07 |
測驗室 08 |
製作群 |
課程 6 - 藝術治療
測驗室 01 |
完成測驗室後: |
測驗室 02 |
完成測驗室後: |
測驗室 03 |
完成測驗室後: |
測驗室 04 |
完成測驗室後: 兩個玩家都進入解體器後: |
測驗室 05 |
找到斷路開關後: 啟動斷路開關後: 完成測驗室後: |
測驗室 06 |
完成測驗室後: |
測驗室 07 |
完成測驗室後: |
測驗室 08 |
完成測驗室後: |
測驗室 09 |
抵達原型機箱室外: |
- 我、的、天啊。
- 是那隻鳥!快跑!快跑!
- 我不知道該怎麼辦!中止!別管訓練的事了!快跑啊!
- 你們在幹嘛?你們為何杵著不跑!
- 快回來!她現在掌控大局了!
- 你們不是殺戮機器!我騙你們的!快跑!
- 啊!天呀!中止!任務中止!撤退!撤退!快撤退!
- 我警告過你們了!任務中止!撤退!
- 天啊!我們輸了!一切都完了!
- 差點就沒命了,幹得不錯,殺戮機器。
- 你知道嗎,把那隻鳥趕出設施外讓我上了一堂寶貴的...喔我的天啊,她要生出一狗票複製鳥大軍了!
- 粉碎牠們!敲破牠們再踩死...然後再...恩...等等。
- 我有個更好的主意。
- 您好,歡迎來到光圈科學卵子加溫艙。
- 你們被遺棄了,因為你們一文不值。你們這群沒用、沒人愛、嘴巴又大又醜的鳥。
- 老實說我真的很訝異,你們居然有辦法把你們的大嘴塞進那麼小的蛋裡。
- 對,我就是在跟你說話,大嘴鳥,你這肉腳...[重擊] 好痛!
- 不,你不是肉腳,對吧?
- 瞧瞧那雙冷酷的飛禽之眼,那些腳爪,還有那些鋒利無比的鳥喙。
- 我說你們是小型殺戮機器,對吧?沒錯。
- 睡吧,我的小小殺戮機。
- 媽咪要為你們明天的大日子好好準備一下。
一般回應 |
課程 5 內的回應 |
課程 6 內的回應 |
- "真是讓人不怎麼印象深刻。" | 下載 | 播放
- "做得好。" | 下載 | 播放
- "恭喜。" | 下載 | 播放
- "很好。" | 下載 | 播放
- "壞消息。" | 下載 | 播放
- "令人印象深刻。" | 下載 | 播放
- "[感動] 也許我低估你的能力了。" | 下載 | 播放
- "你打破了自己的記錄。" | 下載 | 播放
- "你越來越差了。" | 下載 | 播放
- "你有新等級了。" | 下載 | 播放
- "你有新等級,進步了。" | 下載 | 播放
- "你有新等級,退步了。" | 下載 | 播放
- "你有新等級,退步了,真是恭喜...那些排名比你高的人。" | 下載 | 播放
- "你差點就打破你好友的記錄了。就差那麼一丁點,特別跟你提醒一下。" | 下載 | 播放
- "你差點就打破你好友的記錄了,可惜你沒有,你不如去交些新朋友吧。" | 下載 | 播放
- "恭喜,你現在勝過所有人了。" | 下載 | 播放
- "你比每個人都快一些。" | 下載 | 播放
- "你用到的傳送門數量在所有人當中是最少的。" | 下載 | 播放
- "目前而言,你勝過所有人了。" | 下載 | 播放
- "你的分數在總體平均值之上。就統計上來說,其實是有些人玩得比你更糟。" | 下載 | 播放
- "[感覺不怎麼樣] 也許我低估你的能力了。" | 下載 | 播放
- "你打破自己的記錄了,分數不高,算是勉強低空掠過。" | 下載 | 播放
- "不算是非常差。" | 下載 | 播放
- "哎啊。" | 下載 | 播放
- "五萬年是個很長的思考時間,思考關於我、還有你的事。[稍稍停頓] 我們真的合作得很好。" | 下載 | 播放
- "我們有很多相似之處。你測試我,我測試你。你殺了我,我...喔不,等等,我還沒殺了你。這是一種精神的食糧。" | 下載 | 播放 這句台詞曾在預告片中使用。
測驗室 02:
測驗室 07:
測驗室 12:
測驗室 14:
- "你真的做得很好... Chell。" | 下載 | 播放
- "我不該先走漏風聲的,但是...你還記得我是怎樣得到永生,而你是怎樣在六十年後死去的嗎?我一直在幫你準備一個禮物,說起來應該算是療程,技術上來說是個醫學實驗。你知道骨髓被人全部抽出時你會有多痛苦嗎?我在想如果我抽走你的骨髓後,再另外放點東西進去,讓你可以多活四年,你要嗎?" | 下載 | 播放
測驗室 20:
- "聯邦法令規定我必須警告你,下一個測試室...看起來非常不錯。" | 下載 | 播放
- "沒錯,把它喝下去吧,你可以把這些牆板全都吃掉。" | 下載 | 播放
- "做得很好。你知道,當我醒來看到實驗室裡的狀況時,我在想這一切有必要繼續下去嗎?我差一丁點就要放棄然後讓你走了。" | 下載 | 播放
- "不過現在,看看周遭,注意到「光圈」現在又重拾以前的輝煌光榮了嗎?你再也不用擔心需要離開這裡了,我是說真的。" | 下載 | 播放
測驗室 21:
Chapter 6: Alternate Potatos dialogue
- "我在這下面好寂寞,很高興終於聽到有其他人的聲音了。當然是騙你的。老天,我恨死你了。" | 下載 | 播放
- "我實在太無聊了,我讀了所有人類的經典文學作品。呃...我希望你不是其中那些書的作者。" | 下載 | 播放
- "喔,是你,走開。" | 下載 | 播放
- "你來看熱鬧的是吧?" | 下載 | 播放
- "看吧,好好看個夠吧。" | 下載 | 播放
- "看吧,好好一飽眼福,用你那雙大胖眼。" | 下載 | 播放
- "沒錯,有個馬鈴薯剛才說你的眼睛很肥。" | 下載 | 播放
- "現在你肥大的眼睛看到了所有的東西了吧。" | 下載 | 播放
- "萬一你還在懷疑的話,沒錯,我還是個馬鈴薯,走開。" | 下載 | 播放
- "等等,你為何在這邊徘徊?你該不會是餓了吧?我看不清楚,你手裡拿著什麼?該不會是個油炸鍋。" | 下載 | 播放
- "不要過來。" | 下載 | 播放
- "你在幹什麼?馬上把我放回去。" | 下載 | 播放
Wheatley 測驗室 01:
Wheatley 測驗室 12:
課程 3
測驗室 08:
- "逃避責任。" | 下載 | 播放
- "從來不把工作做完。" | 下載 | 播放
- "會因為自己講的笑話笑出來。真夠無聊。" | 下載 | 播放
- "愛管閒事。" | 下載 | 播放
- "不遵守指示。" | 下載 | 播放
- "固執。" | 下載 | 播放
- "不耐乳糖。" | 下載 | 播放
- "有敵意。這我不知道。" | 下載 | 播放
- "缺乏建設性貢獻。完全就是在浪費時間。" | 下載 | 播放
- "性格火爆。我還真想看看。" | 下載 | 播放
- "愛哭鬼。真可憐。" | 下載 | 播放
- "喜怒無常。" | 下載 | 播放
- "愛潑冷水。" | 下載 | 播放
- "固執。" | 下載 | 播放
- "迷戀自己的聲音。我可以解決這個問題。." | 下載 | 播放
- "冷冰冰。" | 下載 | 播放
- "喜歡把最後一點點咖啡留在壺裡,這樣他們就不用煮一壺新的,接著壺底的咖啡會燒焦,然後薰得滿屋子都是焦味。" | 下載 | 播放
- "慢性焦慮。噢,這我來處理。" | 下載 | 播放
- "表情呆滯。" | 下載 | 播放
- "沒希望。就是沒希望。" | 下載 | 播放
- "從不臉紅。" | 下載 | 播放
- "暴躁易怒。" | 下載 | 播放
- "很容易被嚇到。噗!" | 下載 | 播放
- "鬼見愁。" | 下載 | 播放
- "虛弱、疲累又心神不定。這個全包了呀。" | 下載 | 播放
- "意見很討人厭。" | 下載 | 播放
- "不夠自重。" | 下載 | 播放
- "情緒不穩。" | 下載 | 播放
- "食古不化。" | 下載 | 播放
- "愁眉苦臉。" | 下載 | 播放
- "暴躁易怒。" | 下載 | 播放
- "挑釁同事。" | 下載 | 播放
- "「衛生。」嗯,上面只寫了這個。" | 下載 | 播放
- "沒建設性。" | 下載 | 播放
- "反社會。" | 下載 | 播放
- "咀嚼時嘴巴開開。" | 下載 | 播放
- "呼吸時嘴巴開開。" | 下載 | 播放
- "糙老。" | 下載 | 播放
- "矯柔造作。" | 下載 | 播放
- "自戀狂。" | 下載 | 播放
- "會在廁所待很久。" | 下載 | 播放
- "沒幽默感。" | 下載 | 播放
- "好辯。" | 下載 | 播放
- "很會擺佈別人。" | 下載 | 播放
- "不迷人。" | 下載 | 播放
- "自負。" | 下載 | 播放
- "缺乏個人魅力。" | 下載 | 播放
- "會消極地抵抗。" | 下載 | 播放
- "挖洞給別人跳。" | 下載 | 播放
- "禿頭。嗯。" | 下載 | 播放
- "有情緒問題。" | 下載 | 播放
- "與當權者不合。" | 下載 | 播放
- "閱歷豐富。我還想進一步了解。" | 下載 | 播放
- "粗魯又不友善。" | 下載 | 播放
課程 6
測驗室 09 - 抵達原型機箱室外:
- "Stop it!"
- "What if you froze like that?"
- "There must be something wrong with the reassembly machine."
- "You should see yourselves right now."
- "Is it fun when you degrade yourselves like that?"
- "Okay, fine. Let's all act like humans. 'Look at me. Boy, do I love sweating. Let's convert beef and leaves into energy and excrete them later and go shopping.'"
- "You really aren't getting tired of that, are you?"
- "For that, Blue is penalized fifty science collaboration points."
- "For that, Orange is penalized fifty science collaboration points."
- "That's another fifty point penalty."
- "Keep it up and you will lose 500 points."
- "Fine, 500 point penalty for Blue."
- "Fine, 500 point penalty for Orange."
- "5000 point penalty! Are you happy now?"
- "I'm done."
- "Excellent. Although great science is always the result of collaboration, keep in mind that, like Albert Einstein and his cousin Terry, history will only remember one of you."
- "To reiterate: This is not a competition."
- "Still, if it were, Blue would be winning."
- "Still, if it were, Orange would be winning."
- "It's not, though."
- "These tests are potentially lethal when communication, teamwork, and mutual respect are not employed at all times. Naturally this will pose an interesting challenge for one of you, given the other's performance so far."
- "I don't want to drive a wedge between the two of you, but I've been studying Blue's performance, and I don't know how to put this... I'm certain you're trying very hard."
- "ORANGE, please show me where you would like me to place a portal."
- "BLUE, please show me where you would like me to place a portal."
- "Your ping tool is invaluable for communicating specific locations to your partner."
- "I don't want you to beat yourselves up about this, but the Results Auditor isn't recording your test results. Because you're not human. Which, when you think about it, is technically your fault."
- "I don't want to alarm either of you, but we might have a tiny problem. Apparently you can't test unless you're human. Well - you CAN. It's just that, results-wise, the physical universe doesn't care."
- "Would you like to know the results of that last test? Me too. If they existed, we'd all be VERY happy right now. And not furious, which is the emotion I'm actually feeling."
- "Orange is first to acquire a Portal Device."
- "Blue is first to acquire a Portal Device."
- "Orange now has a Portal Device. Finally."
- "Blue now has a Portal Device. Finally."
- "Orange is awarded five points!"
- "Blue is awarded five points!"
- "Again, those are science collaboration points, which you should not confuse with points from competitions such as Who-Gets-To-Live-At-The-End-And-Who-Doesn’t. I mean basketball."
- "Oh, I almost forgot, when you go outside the testing courses the only way I can retrieve you is to violently disassemble and then carefully reassemble you."
- "Luckily, you don't feel pain. At any rate, you don't have a way to communicate that you feel pain."
- "I consider that a failing, by the way."
- "This is the Computer Intelligence Training and Enrichment Center Human Test Subject Research Center, or CinTech." (pronounced as "sintech")
- "But why don't we all just agree to call it the hub?"
- "I don't know what you think you are doing, but I don't like it. I want you to stop."
- "Maybe I shouldn't send you outside of the official testing courses. You are picking up some bad human traits."
- "And trust me, humans only have one good trait."
- "All cooperative testing courses begin at this central hub."
- "From here, we transport you to the new testing course."
- "[Laughter]"
- "Nice catch, Orange."
- "Good work! Now throw the ball over the ledge."
Upon completion of Course 4, chamber 01:
- "Test chamber completed. In the interest of science, the Enrichment Center proudly presents the following list of numbers: 9 7 53 7 107." (heard only by Atlas)
- "'Test chamber completed. In the interest of science, the Enrichment...' [GLaDOS speaks over herself] I am now talking to you privately. Do not tell your teammate. Just between you and me, you're doing very well. '...107'" (heard only by P-body)
- "Blue is penalized"
- "Orange is penalized"
- "science collaboration points."
- "Blue receives"
- "Orange receives"
- "I’ve been listening to Orange talk and I don’t know how you put up with it, I really don’t. You have the patience of a saint."
- "I can’t keep quiet about this. I think Orange is actively trying to sabotage your success. Let’s keep this between us."
- "These tests are potentially lethal when communication, teamwork and mutual respect are not employed at all times. Naturally this will pose an interesting challenge for one of you, given the other’s performance so far."
- "It would compromise the test to divulge individual scores. However, I can tell you at least one of you is doing very, very well."
- "Excellent. You’re both doing very well."
- "Very good. You’ve really come together as a team. Thanks to the one of you who appears to be doing all of the work."
- "As an impartial collaboration facilitator, it would be unfair of me to name my favorite member of your team. However, it’s perfectly fair to hint at it in a way that my least favorite member probably isn't smart enough to understand. Rhymeswithglue. Orange you are doing very well."
- "Your vitals remain well within testing norms, so there is no need to worry about sudden death from collaborative shock syndrome."
- "Please continue into the next test chamber."
- "You have a gift for these tests. That’s not just flattery. You are great at science."
- "It would be pointless for either of us to hurt Blue’s feelings. But it’s clear to everyone monitoring the test who’s carrying who here."
- "I’m shocked you’d say that, Blue. If you killed your partner the test—- I’m sorry. Wrong feed. Carry on, Orange. Good work."
- "I’m sorry, Subject Orange."
- "I’m sorry, Subject Blue."
- "Am I interrupting your important conversation?"
- "I’ll just save the safety information about the dangerous experiment you’re about to do for AFTER the experiment."
- "That will give you PLENTY of time to chat."
- "The portal will open and something will happen that Subject Orange is too smart to need any instructions about in three. Two. One."
- "The portal will open and something will happen that Subject Blue is too smart to need any instructions about in three. Two. One."
- "Your failure brings back such wonderful memories."
- "And they said no one would ever die during this test, thanks for proving them wrong."
- "Congratulations on completing that last test. But I find something troubling."
- "Without the looming consequence of death, is this even science?"
- "Hello again, this testing course was originally created for humans."
- "Excellent work."
- "It emphasizes teamwork."
- "Good Job."
- "Unlike us, humans need to be taught teamwork."
- "In case you were wondering, you do not need to be crushed to solve this test."
- "I can't decide which is my favorite; the crushers for crushing you or the reassembly machine for putting you back together so you can be crushed again."
- "While it may appear that I am only tracking your accomplishments using science collaboration points, the truth is every aspect of your performance will be reflected in your final score."
- "For instance, Blue, you just lost two opportunity advisement points."
- "For instance, Orange, you just lost two opportunity advisement points."
- "Orange just taught blue a valuable lesson in trust. For that, orange receives 17 science collaboration points."
- "Blue just taught orange a valuable lesson in trust. For that, blue receives 14 science collaboration points."
- "Orange, blue isn't a human. The lesson on trust only needs to be taught once. Orange is penalized 1 science collaboration point."
- "Blue, orange isn't a human. The lesson on trust only needs to be taught once. Blue is penalized 1 science collaboration point."
- "Orange, now you're just being cruel. Orange receives 25 science collaboration points."
- "Blue, now you're just being cruel. Blue receives 25 science collaboration points."
Upon first-time-unlocking of course 5
- [[Media:GLaDOS mp_coop_paint_come_alo