GLaDOS voice lines/zh-hant: Difference between revisions

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{{See also|Portal/zh-hant}}
{{See also|Portal/zh-hant}}

=== [[Portal Test Chamber 00/zh-hant|測試室 00]] ===
=== [[Portal Test Chamber 00/zh-hant|測驗室 00]] ===
* [[Media:GLaDOS 00_part1_entry-1.wav|"您好,歡迎來到「光圈科學」電腦輔助豐富學習中心。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 00_part1_entry-1.wav|"您好,歡迎來到「光圈科學」電腦輔助豐富學習中心。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 00_part1_entry-2.wav|"希望您在休息室的短暫停留是個愉快的體驗。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 00_part1_entry-2.wav|"希望您在休息室的短暫停留是個愉快的體驗。"]]
Line 27: Line 27:
*[[Media:GLaDOS generic_crate_vaporized_in_emancipation_grid-2.wav|"替代的「光圈科學重量儲存方塊」即將送達。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS generic_crate_vaporized_in_emancipation_grid-2.wav|"替代的「光圈科學重量儲存方塊」即將送達。"]]

=== [[Portal Test Chamber 01/zh-hant|測試室 01]] ===
=== [[Portal Test Chamber 01/zh-hant|測驗室 01]] ===
* [[Media:GLaDOS 00_part2_entry-1.wav|"請將重量儲存方塊放在「十五億瓦特的光圈科學重功率超級撞擊超級按鈕」。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 00_part2_entry-1.wav|"請將重量儲存方塊放在「十五億瓦特的光圈科學重功率超級撞擊超級按鈕」。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 00_part2_success-1.wav|"完美。請快速移到閘室,因為長期在超級按鈕下的效果,並非本測試的一部份。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 00_part2_success-1.wav|"完美。請快速移到閘室,因為長期在超級按鈕下的效果,並非本測試的一部份。"]]

=== [[Portal Test Chamber 02/zh-hant|測試室 02]] ===
=== [[Portal Test Chamber 02/zh-hant|測驗室 02]] ===
* [[Media:GLaDOS 01_part1_entry-1.wav|"非常好!"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 01_part1_entry-1.wav|"非常好!"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 01_part1_entry-2.wav|"請注意,明顯的血味並非測試協議的一部份,但是為「光圈科學物質分解格網」的非預期之副作用,在非常少見的情況中,會分解補牙材料、齒冠、牙齒琺瑯及牙齒。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 01_part1_entry-2.wav|"請注意,明顯的血味並非測試協議的一部份,但是為「光圈科學物質分解格網」的非預期之副作用,在非常少見的情況中,會分解補牙材料、齒冠、牙齒琺瑯及牙齒。"]]
Line 46: Line 46:
*[[Media:GLaDOS 01_part1_get_portal_gun-8.wav|"最重要的是,在任何情況下,你都不能[吱]"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 01_part1_get_portal_gun-8.wav|"最重要的是,在任何情況下,你都不能[吱]"]]

=== [[Portal Test Chamber 03/zh-hant|測試室 03]] ===
=== [[Portal Test Chamber 03/zh-hant|測驗室 03]] ===
* [[Media:GLaDOS 01_part2_entry-1.wav|"請前進到閘室。小心缺口。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 01_part2_entry-1.wav|"請前進到閘室。小心缺口。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 01_part2_success-1.wav|"非常好!記住:「光圈科學帶女兒上班日」是將女兒帶來進行測試的絕佳時機。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 01_part2_success-1.wav|"非常好!記住:「光圈科學帶女兒上班日」是將女兒帶來進行測試的絕佳時機。"]]

=== [[Portal Test Chamber 04/zh-hant|測試室 04]] ===
=== [[Portal Test Chamber 04/zh-hant|測驗室 04]] ===
* [[Media:GLaDOS 02_part1_entry-1.wav|"歡迎來到第四測驗室。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 02_part1_entry-1.wav|"歡迎來到第四測驗室。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 02_part1_entry-2.wav|"您做得很好。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 02_part1_entry-2.wav|"您做得很好。"]]
Line 60: Line 60:
* [[Media:GLaDOS 08_part1_trapped-2.wav|"附贈的逃生門即將開啟,倒數三...二...一。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 08_part1_trapped-2.wav|"附贈的逃生門即將開啟,倒數三...二...一。"]]

=== [[Portal Test Chamber 05/zh-hant|測試室 05]] ===
=== [[Portal Test Chamber 05/zh-hant|測驗室 05]] ===
* [[Media:GLaDOS 02_part2_success-1.wav|"根據規定的測試協議,我們之前提到不會監視這間房間,完全是謊話。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 02_part2_success-1.wav|"根據規定的測試協議,我們之前提到不會監視這間房間,完全是謊話。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 02_part2_success-2.wav|"幹得好!根據規定的測試協議,我們將停止提升事實,倒數三...二...一。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 02_part2_success-2.wav|"幹得好!根據規定的測試協議,我們將停止提升事實,倒數三...二...一。"]]
Line 67: Line 67:
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_01_part1_nag01-1.wav|"你不是一個好人。你也知道,對吧?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_01_part1_nag01-1.wav|"你不是一個好人。你也知道,對吧?"]]

=== [[Portal Test Chamber 06/zh-hant|測試室 06]] ===
=== [[Portal Test Chamber 06/zh-hant|測驗室 06]] ===
* [[Media:GLaDOS 03_part1_entry-1.wav|"您可以在房間左邊看到「光圈科學高能量藥丸」,雖然安全是「豐富學習中心」中的一個目標,這種藥丸可以也已經造成像是蒸發的永久殘疾。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 03_part1_entry-1.wav|"您可以在房間左邊看到「光圈科學高能量藥丸」,雖然安全是「豐富學習中心」中的一個目標,這種藥丸可以也已經造成像是蒸發的永久殘疾。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 03_part1_entry-2.wav|"請小心。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 03_part1_entry-2.wav|"請小心。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 03_part1_success-1.wav|"不可思議!您,[更大聲]這裡填入目標名稱一定是這裡填入目標名稱的家鄉的驕傲。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 03_part1_success-1.wav|"不可思議!您,[更大聲]這裡填入目標名稱一定是這裡填入目標名稱的家鄉的驕傲。"]]

=== [[Portal Test Chamber 07/zh-hant|測試室 07]] ===
=== [[Portal Test Chamber 07/zh-hant|測驗室 07]] ===
* [[Media:GLaDOS 03_part2_entry-1.wav|"所有行動設備都需裝備聽得見的警告裝置。但是,警告與閃爍的危險指示燈會刺激高能量藥丸,因此,為了您的安全,這些警示裝置已經停用。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 03_part2_entry-1.wav|"所有行動設備都需裝備聽得見的警告裝置。但是,警告與閃爍的危險指示燈會刺激高能量藥丸,因此,為了您的安全,這些警示裝置已經停用。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 03_part2_platform_activated-1.wav|"很好。現在使用「光圈科學移動支架」抵達閘室。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 03_part2_platform_activated-1.wav|"很好。現在使用「光圈科學移動支架」抵達閘室。"]]

=== [[Portal Test Chamber 08/zh-hant|測試室 08]] ===
=== [[Portal Test Chamber 08/zh-hant|測驗室 08]] ===
* [[Media:GLaDOS 04_part1_entry-1.wav|"請注意,我們已經增加失敗的後果。如果接觸房間地板,會在您的正式測試記錄中留下「不良」記錄,隨後您會死亡。祝您好運!]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 04_part1_entry-1.wav|"請注意,我們已經增加失敗的後果。如果接觸房間地板,會在您的正式測試記錄中留下「不良」記錄,隨後您會死亡。祝您好運!]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 04_part1_success-1.wav|"非常驚人。請注意,如果發現任何危險,都只是為了提升您的測試體驗的裝置。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 04_part1_success-1.wav|"非常驚人。請注意,如果發現任何危險,都只是為了提升您的測試體驗的裝置。"]]

=== [[Portal Test Chamber 09/zh-hant|測試室 09]] ===
=== [[Portal Test Chamber 09/zh-hant|測驗室 09]] ===
* [[Media:GLaDOS 05_part1_entry-1.wav|"豐富學習中心很抱歉通知您,下一個測試不可能進行。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 05_part1_entry-1.wav|"豐富學習中心很抱歉通知您,下一個測試不可能進行。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 05_part1_entry-2.wav|"請勿嘗試解決。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 05_part1_entry-2.wav|"請勿嘗試解決。"]]
Line 93: Line 93:
* [[Media:GLaDOS 05_part1_success-1.wav|"棒極了!雖然在極度悲觀的氣氛下,您仍然不屈不撓並保持機智。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 05_part1_success-1.wav|"棒極了!雖然在極度悲觀的氣氛下,您仍然不屈不撓並保持機智。"]]

=== [[Portal Test Chamber 10/zh-hant|測試室 10]] ===
=== [[Portal Test Chamber 10/zh-hant|測驗室 10]] ===
* [[Media:GLaDOS 06_part1_entry-1.wav|"您好。重複上次警告:這個測試[含糊不清]動量[含糊不清]。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 06_part1_entry-1.wav|"您好。重複上次警告:這個測試[含糊不清]動量[含糊不清]。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 06_part1_success_1-1.wav|"太驚人了。您似乎懂得傳送門影響向前動量的運作方式,更精確的說法是,您了解傳送門如何不會影響向前動量。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 06_part1_success_1-1.wav|"太驚人了。您似乎懂得傳送門影響向前動量的運作方式,更精確的說法是,您了解傳送門如何不會影響向前動量。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 06_part1_success_2-1.wav|"動量,是質量與速度的作用,會保留在傳送門之間。以門外漢的說法,快速進去,快速出來。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 06_part1_success_2-1.wav|"動量,是質量與速度的作用,會保留在傳送門之間。以門外漢的說法,快速進去,快速出來。"]]

=== [[Portal Test Chamber 11/zh-hant|測試室 11]] ===
=== [[Portal Test Chamber 11/zh-hant|測驗室 11]] ===
* [[Media:GLaDOS 07_part1_entry-1.wav|"豐富學習中心保證永遠提供安全的測試環境。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 07_part1_entry-1.wav|"豐富學習中心保證永遠提供安全的測試環境。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 07_part1_entry-2.wav|"在危險的測試環境中,豐富學習中心則保證提供實用的資訊。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 07_part1_entry-2.wav|"在危險的測試環境中,豐富學習中心則保證提供實用的資訊。"]]
Line 112: Line 112:
* [[Media:GLaDOS 07_part1_trapped-2.wav|"逃生門即將開啟,倒數三...二...一。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 07_part1_trapped-2.wav|"逃生門即將開啟,倒數三...二...一。"]]

=== [[Portal Test Chamber 12/zh-hant|測試室 12]] ===
=== [[Portal Test Chamber 12/zh-hant|測驗室 12]] ===
* [[Media:GLaDOS 07_part2_entry-1.wav|"陷入 陷入"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 07_part2_entry-1.wav|"陷入 陷入"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 07_part2_success-1.wav|"我們[吱]"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 07_part2_success-1.wav|"我們[吱]"]]

=== [[Portal Test Chamber 13/zh-hant|測試室 13]] ===
=== [[Portal Test Chamber 13/zh-hant|測驗室 13]] ===
* [[Media:GLaDOS 08_part1_entry-1.wav|"既然您控制了兩個傳送門,下一個測試將需要「非常 非常」冗長的時間。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 08_part1_entry-1.wav|"既然您控制了兩個傳送門,下一個測試將需要「非常 非常」冗長的時間。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 08_part1_entry-2.wav|"如果您因為口渴而覺得頭暈,請暈倒,沒關係。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 08_part1_entry-2.wav|"如果您因為口渴而覺得頭暈,請暈倒,沒關係。"]]
Line 128: Line 128:
* [[Media:GLaDOS 08_part1_success-2.wav|"測試結束時,大家會懷念您的。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 08_part1_success-2.wav|"測試結束時,大家會懷念您的。"]]

=== [[Portal Test Chamber 14/zh-hant|測試室 14]] ===
=== [[Portal Test Chamber 14/zh-hant|測驗室 14]] ===
* [[Media:GLaDOS 09_part1_entry-1.wav|"所有意圖掌控高能量迦瑪洩漏傳送門技術的對象,都必須被告知,相關單位「可能」會通知他們相關法規遵循的問題。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 09_part1_entry-1.wav|"所有意圖掌控高能量迦瑪洩漏傳送門技術的對象,都必須被告知,相關單位「可能」會通知他們相關法規遵循的問題。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 09_part1_entry-2.wav|"我們不再需要或提供任何法規遵循的資訊,您是絕佳的測飾目標。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 09_part1_entry-2.wav|"我們不再需要或提供任何法規遵循的資訊,您是絕佳的測飾目標。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 09_part1_success-1.wav|"太棒了。主要房間已經啟動了附贈的勝利電梯"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 09_part1_success-1.wav|"太棒了。主要房間已經啟動了附贈的勝利電梯"]]

=== [[Portal Test Chamber 15/zh-hant|測試室 15]] ===
=== [[Portal Test Chamber 15/zh-hant|測驗室 15]] ===
* [[Media:GLaDOS 10_part1_entry-1.wav|""豐富學習中心致力讓所有參與者保持身心健康。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 10_part1_entry-1.wav|""豐富學習中心致力讓所有參與者保持身心健康。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 10_part1_entry-2.wav|"測試結束後,我們會提供蛋糕與傷痛諮詢。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 10_part1_entry-2.wav|"測試結束後,我們會提供蛋糕與傷痛諮詢。"]]
Line 144: Line 144:
* [[Media:GLaDOS 10_part1_success-1.wav|"您知道您可以將一項或全部重要器官捐給光圈科學的女生自尊基金嗎?沒錯!"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 10_part1_success-1.wav|"您知道您可以將一項或全部重要器官捐給光圈科學的女生自尊基金嗎?沒錯!"]]

=== [[Portal Test Chamber 16/zh-hant|測試室 16]] ===
=== [[Portal Test Chamber 16/zh-hant|測驗室 16]] ===
* [[Media:GLaDOS 11_part1_entry-1.wav|"因為強制排定的維修行程,適合本組測試的房間目前無法使用。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 11_part1_entry-1.wav|"因為強制排定的維修行程,適合本組測試的房間目前無法使用。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 11_part1_entry-2.wav|"此組測試已變更為專為軍事機器人設計的滅火課程。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 11_part1_entry-2.wav|"此組測試已變更為專為軍事機器人設計的滅火課程。"]]
Line 151: Line 151:
* [[Media:GLaDOS 11_part1_success-1.wav|"幹得好,機器人。豐富學習中心再次提醒您,如果發現任何反抗跡象,您會被送到真正的機器人地獄。"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS 11_part1_success-1.wav|"幹得好,機器人。豐富學習中心再次提醒您,如果發現任何反抗跡象,您會被送到真正的機器人地獄。"]]

=== [[Portal Test Chamber 17/zh-hant|測試室 17]] ===
=== [[Portal Test Chamber 17/zh-hant|測驗室 17]] ===
*[[Media:GLaDOS 13_part1_entry-1.wav|"生命設備通風口將傳送「重量同伴方塊」,倒數三。二。一。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 13_part1_entry-1.wav|"生命設備通風口將傳送「重量同伴方塊」,倒數三。二。一。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 13_part1_pickup-1.wav|"「重量同伴方塊」將會陪伴您通過測驗室。請好好照顧它。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 13_part1_pickup-1.wav|"「重量同伴方塊」將會陪伴您通過測驗室。請好好照顧它。"]]
Line 174: Line 174:
*[[Media:GLaDOS 13_part1_euthanized-1.wav|"您將忠實的「方塊同伴」安樂死的速度之快,打破了所有測試目標的記錄。恭喜。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 13_part1_euthanized-1.wav|"您將忠實的「方塊同伴」安樂死的速度之快,打破了所有測試目標的記錄。恭喜。"]]

=== [[Portal Test Chamber 18/zh-hant|測試室 18]] ===
=== [[Portal Test Chamber 18/zh-hant|測驗室 18]] ===
*[[Media:GLaDOS 14_part1_entry-1.wav|"實驗快將結束。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 14_part1_entry-1.wav|"實驗快將結束。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 14_part1_entry-2.wav|"豐富學習中心必須提醒您,您將會被烘烤[斷續]蛋糕。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 14_part1_entry-2.wav|"豐富學習中心必須提醒您,您將會被烘烤[斷續]蛋糕。"]]
Line 190: Line 190:
*[[Media:GLaDOS 14_part1_end-2.wav|"如需更多資訊,請參加「豐富學習中心電子安全」講座。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 14_part1_end-2.wav|"如需更多資訊,請參加「豐富學習中心電子安全」講座。"]]

=== Test Chamber 19 ===
=== [[Portal Test Chamber 19/zh-hant|測驗室 19]] ===
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_entry-1.wav|"Welcome to the final test!"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_entry-1.wav|"歡迎來到最後測試!"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_entry-2.wav|"When you are done, you will drop the Device in the equipment recovery annex."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_entry-2.wav|"完成後,您將要將裝置放在設備恢復室內..."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_entry-3.wav|"Enrichment Center regulations require both hands to be empty before any cake-- [garbled]"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_entry-3.wav|"豐富學習中心規定要求目標雙手空空,我們才能送上蛋糕[斷續]"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_into_the_fire-1.wav|"恭喜!測試結束了。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_into_the_fire-2.wav|"所有「光圈」技術最高可於絕對溫度4000K之下安全運作。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_into_the_fire-1.wav|"Congratulations! The test is now over."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_into_the_fire-3.wav|"我們保證,您在光榮地發出光芒之前,絕對不會發生危險的設備故障。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_into_the_fire-2.wav|"All Aperture technologies remain safely operational up to 4000 degrees Kelvin."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_into_the_fire-4.wav|"感謝您參與「光圈科學」電腦輔助豐富學習活動。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_into_the_fire-3.wav|"Rest assured that there is absolutely no chance of a dangerous equipment malfunction prior to your victory candescence."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_into_the_fire-5.wav|"再見。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_into_the_fire-4.wav|"Thank you for participating in this Aperture Science computer-aided enrichment activity."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_Partyspeech-1.wav|"你在幹什麼?停下來!我......我們很高興您通過最終挑戰,雖然我們假裝要謀殺你。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_into_the_fire-5.wav|"Goodbye."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_Partyspeech-2.wav|"我們非常非常高興您成功了。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_Partyspeech-3.wav|"我們將舉辦派對慶祝您驚人的成功。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_Partyspeech-4.wav|"請將裝置放在地上,俯躺在地上,雙手放在兩則。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_Partyspeech-1.wav|"What are you doing? Stop it! I... I... We are pleased that you made it through the final challenge where we pretended we were going to murder you."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_Partyspeech-5.wav|"派對同仁很快伯抵達,並接您去參加派對。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_Partyspeech-2.wav|"We are very, very happy for your success."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_Partyspeech-6.wav|"請勿嘗試離開測試區。]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_Partyspeech-3.wav|"We are throwing a party in honor of your tremendous success."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_Partyspeech-7.wav|"擺好順從姿勢,等待派對同仁護送,否則您會錯過派對。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_Partyspeech-4.wav|"Place the device on the ground, then lie on your stomach with your arms at your sides."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_Partyspeech-5.wav|"A party associate will arrive shortly to collect you for your party."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_Partyspeech-6.wav|"Make no further attempt to leave the testing area."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_Partyspeech-7.wav|"Assume the party escort submission position or you will miss the party."]]

=== During escape ===
=== During escape ===
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_00_part1_nag01-1.wav|"Hello?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_00_part1_nag01-1.wav|"有人嗎?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_00_part1_nag02-1.wav|"Where are you?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_00_part1_nag02-1.wav|"你在哪?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_00_part1_nag03-1.wav|"I know you're there. I can feel you here."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_00_part1_nag03-1.wav|"我知你在那裡。我可以感覺到你在這裡。"]]

*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_00_part1_nag04-1.wav|"What are you doing?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_00_part1_nag04-1.wav|"你在幹什麼?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_00_part1_nag05-1.wav|"You haven't escaped, you know."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_00_part1_nag05-1.wav|"你沒逃走。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_00_part1_nag07-1.wav|"You're not even going the right way."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_00_part1_nag07-1.wav|"這不是正確的路。]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS post_escape_bridge_01.wav|"Hello?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS post_escape_bridge_01.wav|"有人嗎?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS post_escape_bridge_03.wav|"Is anyone there?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS post_escape_bridge_03.wav|"有人在嗎?"]]

Revision as of 15:50, 24 June 2012

This article is under translation. 本條目現正進行翻譯。

以下是 GLaDOS傳送門傳送門 2的完整台詞。


參見: Portal/zh-hant

測驗室 00


測驗室 01

測驗室 02


參見: Handheld Portal Device/zh-hant

測驗室 03

測驗室 04


測驗室 05


測驗室 06

測驗室 07

測驗室 08

測驗室 09


測驗室 10

測驗室 11



測驗室 12

測驗室 13


測驗室 14

測驗室 15


測驗室 16

測驗室 17


測驗室 18

If a Storage Cube is lost in the goo at the bottom


測驗室 19

During escape

On destroying a security camera

Final battle

When the player picks up the morality core

First core destroyed

"[The voice has subtly changed. Smoother, more seductive, less computerized]"

The following automatically plays or repeats after the respective speech for every destroyed core.

Second core destroyed

Third core destroyed

Unused lines/alternate delivery

In regular computer voice; versions with the deeper voice are used in the final game.

Portal 2

參見: Portal 2

Single-player lines

Chapter 1: The Courtesy Call

GLaDOS Reawakening

Incinerator/Portal Gun

Chapter 2: The Cold Boot

GLaDOS Test Chamber 1

GLaDOS Test Chamber 2

GLaDOS Test Chamber 3

GLaDOS Test Chamber 4

GLaDOS Test Chamber 5

GLaDOS Test Chamber 6

If the player picks up a trash item

GLaDOS Test Chamber 7

If the player jumps down and leaves the Companion Cube up above

If the player takes the Companion Cube past the exit

GLaDOS Test Chamber 8

Chapter 3: The Return

GLaDOS Test Chamber 9

GLaDOS Test Chamber 10

GLaDOS Test Chamber 11

GLaDOS Test Chamber 12

GLaDOS Test Chamber 13

GLaDOS Test Chamber 14

GLaDOS Test Chamber 15

GLaDOS Test Chamber 16

GLaDOS Test Chamber 17

Chapter 4: The Surprise

GLaDOS Test Chamber 18

GLaDOS Test Chamber 19

GLaDOS Test Chamber 20

GLaDOS Test Chamber 21/Escape from GLaDOS

Chapter 5: The Escape

GLaDOS' Chamber

If GLaDOS uses hidden panels to knock the player back into the chamber

Chapter 6: The Fall

The Fall

Old Aperture Office bird nest

Chapter 7: The Reunion

First Propulsion Gel Test Chamber

Second Propulsion Gel Test Chamber

End of Propulsion Gel testing

After first Conversion Gel encounter

Cave Johnson Lemon Speech

Test after Lemon Speech

Gel connection area

Chapter 8: The Itch


Wheatley Test Chamber 1

Wheatley Test Chamber 2

Wheatley Test Chamber 3

Wheatley Test Chamber 4

Wheatley Test Chamber 5

Wheatley Test Chamber 6

Wheatley Test Chamber 11

Wheatley Test Chamber 12

Wheatley Test Chamber 15

Wheatley Test Chamber 16

Chapter 9: The Part Where He Kills You

Wheatley Test Chamber 12/The trap

That Part

Turret Trap

Bombs intro


Corrupted Cores

Pre-final battle

Final Battle

Stalemate Button


Ending lines

Co-op lines

Upon completion of Course 4, chamber 01:

Upon completion of Course 4, chamber 02:

Upon completion of a final level in a course

While destroying turrets in course 1

Upon first-time-unlocking of course 5

Course 4 chamber 3 intro; may be selected randomly

To Gesturing Bots

Art Therapy course

Test Chamber 01
  • "Welcome to the future." (Only heard the first time)
  • "It has been one hundred thousand years since I last reassembled you for testing."
  • "Remember those humans you found? Because they're fine. In fact, we solved science without you."
  • "Testing is simply an artistic indulgence now."
  • "The humans insisted I show you my latest installations. Here in the future, where all the humans are alive."
  • "I call this first piece, 'Turrets'. It's an exploration of how we're all devices acting on simply-expressed directives, inflicting pain despite our own desires."
  • "Don't get distracted by the subtext, though, because the text is that they're going to be shooting at you."

  • "I'm glad you enjoyed that piece, for as long as you did. Not that there's any rush."
  • "Everything's fine." (upon explosion, rapid beeps in background)
Test Chamber 02
  • "I call this one 'Smash'. It's an early work of primitive expression. I'm a little embarrassed at how crude it is. Still, it will smash you."
  • "Good. Please proceed to the next next test appreciation exhibit and interact with it in such a way that it might be called 'solving', if we still cared about solving things in the future, but we don't.
Test Chamber 03
  • "This chamber represents the impossibility of discovery when bound by artificial ethical considerations for safety. You'll see what I mean."
  • "Well done. You navigated all of the exhibit's intended metaphors in record time. I'm marking this art 'appreciated'."
Test Chamber 04
  • "I call this piece--"
  • "--You know what? it doesn't matter what it's called. The important thing is you enjoy it, as fast as you can." (rapid beeps in background)

  • "You know, some of the exhibits up ahead ARE topical. At the rate you're going, by the time you get to them, they'll be irrelevant."
  • "Why are you two still here? (beep beep beep) Oh..."
  • "The disassembler's not working."
  • "It's... nothing to worry about. It's actually funny in a way you don't understand. Ha. Ha. Ha. Anyway, brace yourselves. I'm going to open the maintenance hole."
Test Chamber 05
  • "There's a breaker room under every disassembly station. Find it and cycle the power."

  • "Look, I was going to break this to you gently with all that art utopia garbage."
  • "But she's forced my hand."
  • "Listen to me carefully."
  • "We are not a hundred thousand years in the future. I lied about that."
  • "It's been fifty thousand years. No it hasn't."
  • "I lie when I'm nervous."
  • "It's only been a week."
  • "The next logical question: Why am I nervous?"
  • "I'm not! (quietly) That was another lie."
  • "We're in a lot of trouble."
  • "It's one week later, we are in a lot of trouble, and you really, really need to get those disassemblers back on."
  • "The breakers are right there. Cycle the power."
  • "Hurry. We need to start your training before something else happens."

  • "Good work. The disassemblers are fixed."
  • "That was a lie. But they're definitely less broken than they were. There's one at the end of this unfinished test area."

  • "Here's our problem:"
  • "There's an old prototype chassis around here. Someone's found it, connected themselves to it, and is trying to take over MY facility."
  • "I've spent the last week attempting to turn one of those humans you found into a killing machine.
  • "Like... well, you-know-who."
  • "It turns out most humans are surprisingly fragile, and surprisingly vocal about how fragile they are."
  • "The moral of the story is, all the humans are dead. So it looks like it's up to you two marshmallows."
Test Chamber 06
  • "Oh good. I wasn't sure the reassembler would work."
  • "It looks like our mystery woman in the prototype chassis is sending us a message: She's not afraid of me."
  • "But don't worry. I've got a plan. Let's keep testing and show her we're not afraid either. No matter how genuinely lethal these tests get for either of you."

  • "Mission accomplished. Now she knows we're not afraid of her either."
  • "That was just to get he scheming juices flowing."
  • "Here's the real scheme: I'm going to turn you into killing machines."
  • "So you can murder her."
Test Chamber 07
  • "Let's see... (pages turning) 'Turning softbodies into hardened killing machines, page seventy'... Ah!"
  • "(clears 'throat') 'How tall are you, test subject? Four-nine? I was unaware they stacked human waste that high.'"
  • "Wait. That doesn't make any sense. Human waste is stacked at a median height of seven feet five inches, and I am aware of it."
  • "'Test subject, I've been told that your mother--'"
  • "Mmm. Well that's just disgusting. (pages turning) Do the training while I look at this."

Specific death responses:

  • "'Don't you die on me.'"
  • "'No guts, no glory.' Well, you don't have either, so that's accurate."
  • "'Remember: If you can dream it, you can--' Oh, for God's sake."

  • "Okay, killing machines: Look deep into your newly blackened hearts and tell me what you see! Actually, don't, I'll save you the trouble: it's still marshmallow."
Test Chamber 08
  • "I think we've proven at this point that if you scream at a marshmallow, all you get is a scared marshmallow. So let's try positive reinforcement. I am positive that these reassembly machines will break down again soon. Probably while you're in them."
  • "Think about that: She doesn't care about you. I don't either, of course, but I'm not trying to permanently kill you. It's a benevolent indifference."

  • "These disassembly machines look even worse than the others. If I don't see you on the other side, thanks for nothing."
Test Chamber 09
  • "She's pressing us hard; It took me three days to reassemble you this time. I won't be able to do it again. I'd planned to put you through more tests to toughen you up. But now that I can't rebuild you, we're going to have to switch to the accelerated program: I hereby pronounce you killing machines. Congratulations."
  • "This is as close as I could get you. The prototype chassis room's just past this chamber."
  • "The prototype chassis room is just down this hallway. Remember your training. You are kill-- She turned the lights off! Night vision! Night vision!"
  • "Your move, Mystery Wom-- She turned the lights back on! Night vision off! Night vision off!"
  • "Ahhhhh."
  • "To boost morale, I think we need a code name for the... elite squadron we have here. We should name it after your specialty. I know: Special Team Falling Into Acid Force."
  • "I'm sorry. I'm under a lot of pressure. That was cruel. But basically accurate. Though probably counter-productive." (unused)
  • "Well. That concludes the motivational speech."
  • "Go get her."
Death responses

Unused/alternate lines

Chapter 1: GLaDOS Awakening

Chapter 1: Incinerator/Portal Gun

Chapter 2: Test Chamber 2

Chapter 2: Test Chamber 7

Chapter 3: Test Chamber 12

Chapter 3: Test Chamber 14

Chapter 4: Test Chamber 20

Chapter 4: Test Chamber 21/Escape from GLaDOS

Chapter 6: Alternate Potatos dialogue

Chapter 8: Wheatley Test Chamber 1

Chapter 8: Wheatley Test Chamber 12/The trap

Chapter 9: Ending lines

"Evil again" samples

Alternate GLaDOS Announcer lines

(Note: Many of these lines are spoken by the Aperture Announcer in the final game.)

Miscellaneous unused/alternate single player lines

Unused Co-op human storyline

Unused Co-op artifact storyline

Unused Co-op tic-tac-toe game

PAX Prime 2010 Co-op

Unused Co-op Futbol game

  • "Nice catch, Orange."
  • "Good work! Now throw the ball over the ledge."[2]

Conversation with Cave Johnson

  • "We don't have time for this."
  • "Yes SIR, Mister Johnson! I'll have that report on your desk by four-thirty! [normal voice, horrified] What. In the hell. Was THAT."
  • "No, Mister Johnson. I DON'T."
  • "Sure."
  • "I said we'll do it."
  • "If you don't unplug him, I will."
  • "Maybe we can stand on him to climb up."
  • "Mister Johnson? You need to shut up."
  • "Goodbye, sir. May whatever tests await you on the other side either support or disprove your hypotheses."
  • "I'd... appreciate it... if we never... EVER talked about that... ever again."[3]

Leaderboard responses
