Portal 2 Chapitre 4 Salle de Test 18

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Chapitre 4 - Salle de Test 18
sp_a2_column_blocker.bsp Bloqueur de colonne

Chamber number 1.pngChamber number 8.png

Test Chamber Infobox previous.png
Test Chamber Infobox next.png
Test Chamber Infobox Portal Guy.png
Chamber progress 1.pngChamber progress 8.pngChamber progress slash.pngChamber progress 2.pngChamber progress 2.png

Portal 2 Chapter 4 Test Chamber 18.png
Chamber icon cube dispenser on.pngChamber icon cube button.pngChamber icon cube hazard on.pngChamber icon player button on.pngChamber icon water hazard on.png
Chamber icon light bridge on.pngChamber icon laser sensor on.pngChamber icon turret hazard on.pngChamber icon bridge shield on.pngChamber icon dirty water on.png

Il s'agit du vingt-septième niveau du jeu, ainsi que le premier du Chapitre 4. Il prend place dans une Salle de Test délabrée, et demande au joueur d'utiliser ses connaissances sur le Pont de lumière tangible ainsi que sur le Rayon thermodécourageant afin de procéder. Ce niveau inclut de la Vase et des Tourelles en tant que dangers principaux. Wheatley fait également une longue apparition à la fin du niveau.


Marche à suivre

  • Allez à l'emplacement lumineux dans la pièce sombre, où GLaDOS vous donne la surprise. Ensuite, allez juste tout droit.
  • Drop down to the test chamber and stay behind the Pont de lumière tangible. Place a portal on the wall on the opposite side and another one below you.
  • Once you've entered the portal place a portal at the ceiling where the Bridge ends.
  • Place the other portal in the floor on the left, so the Bridge prevents the two Cubes Anti-Découragement from colliding in the air.
  • Press the button and make sure that the two cubes do not get destroyed in the goo.
  • Place a portal on the wall behind the glass wall and the other one on the wall behind you and enter the portal.
  • Place the portal under one of the cubes, so that the cube enters the portal and fall near you. Then repeat.
  • Turn to face the Thermal Discouragement Beam and place a portal on a wall near the Beam, so that you can take the two cubes safely near the beam.
  • When you have the cubes near the beam, place one of them so the beam goes through two of the receptors.
  • Take the other cube and use the beam coming from the first cube to destroy the turret on the other side of the room.
  • Place the cube behind second receptor and aim it through the third one and the receptor in the wall to open the door.
  • Place a portal in the ceiling in front of the Bridge and go stand near the exit.
  • Place the other portal on the wall on the left side and use the bridge to get to the Sas.

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