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『Portal』シリーズでは、Aperture Science に囚われた若い女性Chell(チェル)を操作することになります。チェルはGLaDOS(グラドス)の設計したチェンバーの中で強制的に様々な難易度のテストを解かされます。Aperture Science が開発した機器の一部で、チェルが通るのに十分な大きさのポータルを生成することが出来る携帯ポータル装置(一般にポータルガンと呼ばれる)をゲーム序盤で彼女は使用することが出来るようになります。ポータルは相互間のゲートとして作用し、これによって素早く長距離を移動したり通常では到達できない場所に行けるようになります。
Act 1: The Test Chambers(パズルパート)
Act 2: The Escape(脱出パート)
チェルが施設の中を逃げ回っている間、GLaDOSは "ケーキやパーティーの約束がある"、"殺人未遂だなんて誤解" などと誘惑、主張してチェルを再度捕えようとします。その試みが無駄だと理解すると、チェルがGLaDOSを破壊しようとしている間、GLaDOSはチェルをなじる方向に切り替えます。やがてGLaDOSの部屋に辿り着いたチェルは、邪悪なAIの真の姿を目の当たりにし、GLaDOSが施設内の人間を全員「神経毒」で殺していたことを知ります。GLaDOSはチェルを彼らと同じ方法で殺そうとしてきます。ポータルガンを使い、GLaDOSの 人格コアを緊急知能焼却炉に入れて処分することでチェルはGLaDOSを倒しますが、施設の大爆発で空いた天井の穴によってGLaDOSと一緒に地上へ飛び出してしまいます。チェルが目覚めるとそこは施設の駐車場で、周囲にGLaDOSの残骸が転がっている光景を目にします。 2010年3月3日のパッチによって、パーティーエスコートロボによってチェルが施設に引き戻されるという、公式コミック『Portal 2: Lab Rat』に関連したエンディングへと変更されました。
Portal: Still Alive
『Portal: Still Alive』 は 『Portal』 の 『XBOX Live Arcade』版であり、『Portal: The Flash Version』に触発されて生まれたより難易度の高い新しいチェンバーが追加されています。ストーリーの追加はありません。このゲームは匿名のValve開発者によって確認されているため非公式のものとなります。
Portal 2: Lab Rat
公式コミック『Lab Rat』は 『Portal』と 『Portal 2』 の間の空白を埋めるストーリーです。このコミックによって Aperture Science 社の Doug Rattmann(ダグ・ラットマン)という研究員の存在が明らかになります。この研究員はGLaDOSの初めての稼働日「娘を職場に連れてくる日」にて、GLaDOSによる神経毒の攻撃を生き延びました。GLaDOSは自我を持ち始め施設のロックダウンを開始して、神経毒でほとんどの科学者を殺してしまいました。
パート1では Enrichment Center にてダグ・ラットマンがチェルを追跡している様子が描かれています。ダグ・ラットマンは現実や感情についての独り言が多い人物で、精神病を患っています。また彼は統合失調症の為ジプラシドン薬(英語)を手放せません。物語を通して彼は常にコンパニオンキューブを背負って運んでおり、コンパニオンキューブからの呼びかけやアドバイスが彼には聞こえるようです。メインストーリーはGLaDOSがまだ開発段階にある時期のフラッシュバックも交えて描かれており、ダグ・ラットマンがプロジェクトに関わっていたことが読み取れます。
チェルを発見して間もなく薬をしばらく服用していなかったことに彼は気づき、コンパニオンキューブの助言に従わず最後の2錠を服用してしまいます。その際に最初のフラッシュバックが思い出されます。それは若いころのラットマンが同僚2人の「身元不明の人間に怪しまれることの無いようカメラ内にカメラを仕掛けた」という会話 を小耳に挟んだ時のものです。彼が施設内を駆け回って新たな壁画を描いている間にチェルはテストチェンバー19まで到達し、GLaDOSの部屋に辿り着き彼女を破壊しました。
そして次はGLaDOSの部屋でのフラッシュバックが思い出されます。それはラットマンと彼の同僚ヘンリーが仕事をしている光景でした。ヘンリーはGLaDOSの破壊方法をアインシュタインによる相対性理論の発見、またNASAによる月面着陸になぞらえて話をしています。ですがラットマンはGLaDOSの信頼性について疑問を述べました。なぜなら GLaDOSは電源を入れた途端に研究員を皆殺しにしようとするからです。
パート2は施設の中を横切るラットマンの描写から始まります。コンパニオンキューブが「(パート1で服用した)薬が効いてきた」と彼に伝え、キューブの声はだんだん遠のいて行きます。 そしてラットマンはリラクゼーションセンター内のコールドスリープ室に居るチェルを発見します。どうやらパーティーエスコートロボが彼女をここに連れてきたようです。彼はコールドスリーブ制御装置を動かしてチェルを助からせようと考えましたが、制御装置までの道をタレットが塞いでいました。壁に設置されているパネルを見つけましたが、GLaDOSを破壊したことによる爆風で主電力グリッドが吹き飛ばされてしまい、チェルの寝ている部屋を含む全てのコールドスリープ室がオフラインになっていました。ラットマンは意を決してタレット達の前を走り抜けようとしますが脚を撃たれてしまいます。
ここで再び入るフラッシュバックはGLaDOSが Enrichment Center内を神経毒で充満させた時のものです。唯一の生存者となってしまったラットマンがメインのテスト施設からの脱出を図る際、GLaDOSが彼の持つ統合失調症について愚弄してきます。GLaDOSがラットマンをなじり続け巧みに操ろうとしている最中、彼はなんとかしてファイル保管室に辿り着きチェルのファイルを見つけます。そして彼女こそが "The one"(最後の砦)だと見なし、彼女を被験者リストの1番上に移動しました。
疲れ果てたラットマンはリラックスルーム内のベッドに潜り込み、おそらく眠ってしまったと思われます。のちに Valve社は『Portal2』のストーリーが始まるだいぶ前にラットマンはとっくに死亡していたという事を明らかにしました(要出典)。床の上にはチェルのデータが散乱しており「頑固さが異常であり、決して諦めることがない。絶対に。」という異常値の特性と、それゆえに「テスト不要」であるという内容が書いてあるのでした。
Portal 2
Portal 2は『Portal 2: Lab Rat』に続く物語です。50日後にチェルが『身体的、精神的健康維持のためのエクササイズ』のアナウンスに起こされると、そこはまるでホテルの一室のような内装のリラックスルームでした。軽い『エクササイズ』を行った彼女はまた睡眠に戻ります。そこから機械ですら数えきれない程の長い長い年数が経った後(「あなたがコールドスリーブ状態となっていた状態は999...99..です。」というアナウンスが流れる)、緊急避難を促すアナウンスにて彼女は再び目を覚まします。そして荒れ果てた部屋のドアの向こうから聞きなれない声が彼女を呼び始めます。ドアを開けるとそこに居たのは現代的なデザインの人格コアでした。のちに名前が判明しますが、彼は1万人もの被験者を管理しているWheatley(ウィートリー)という陽気なAIでした。脳に損傷を受けている可能性があるとチェルに警告した後、ウィートリーは被験者の管理について不満を喚き散らしながらリラックスルームを格納施設に移動させますが、部屋はほとんど崩壊してしまいます。部屋をメインのテスト施設へと移動し終わると、ウィートリーはチェルに「穴を開ける銃」を見つけるように指示し、施設からの脱出にそれが必要だと説明します。無事に「穴を開ける銃」を見つけられた2人は、地上への脱出ポッドがあるというGLaDOSのチェンバーへと足を運びます。チェンバーは一部が崩壊し、野生植物があちこちに生い茂り、そして中央には破壊されたGLaDOSの残骸が横たわっているのでした。地下にある主電源室に辿り着くとウィートリーは脱出用ポッドのスイッチを探し始めますが、誤ってGLaDOSを再起動させてしまったのです。かつて死の苦痛を味わったGLaDOSはウィートリーを握りつぶして投げ捨て、チェルを緊急知能焼却炉の中に落とすのでした。彼女はデュアルポータル装置を探すようチェルに指示した後、テストチェンバー19内を逆方向に誘導してテスト施設へと戻らせます。GLaDOSが崩壊した施設を直す間、過去のテストを解いているチェル。あの日の事を未だ根に持っているGLaDOSは彼女にブラックボックスの事、そしてそれによって苦痛の瞬間を何度も何度も永遠に味わう羽目になった事を聞かせるのでした。
どのようなマップかを実際にゲーム内で確認することを推奨します。 以下にシングルプレイヤーモードでのマップをアルファベット順に並べています。
- sp_a1_intro1.bsp
- sp_a1_intro2.bsp
- sp_a1_intro3.bsp
- sp_a1_intro4.bsp
- sp_a1_intro5.bsp
- sp_a1_intro6.bsp
- sp_a1_intro7.bsp
- sp_a1_wakeup.bsp
- sp_a2_catapult_intro.bsp
- sp_a2_dual_lasers.bsp
- sp_a2_fizzler_intro.bsp
- sp_a2_intro.bsp
- sp_a2_laser_intro.bsp
- sp_a2_laser_over_goo.bsp
- sp_a2_laser_stairs.bsp
- sp_a2_pit_flings.bsp
- sp_a2_trust_fling.bsp
- sp_a2_bridge_intro.bsp
- sp_a2_bridge_the_gap.bsp
- sp_a2_laser_vs_turret.bsp
- sp_a2_laser_relays.bsp
- sp_a2_pull_the_rug.bsp
- sp_a2_richocet.bsp
- sp_a2_sphere_peek.bsp
- sp_a2_turret_blocker.bsp
- sp_a2_turret_intro.bsp
- sp_a2_bts1.bsp
- sp_a2_bts2.bsp
- sp_a2_column_blocker.bsp
- sp_a2_laser_chaining.bsp
- sp_a2_triple_laser.bsp
Along the way, they pass a 'potato power' exhibition, held on the ill-fated 'Bring Your Daughter to Work Day. While making their way through the Turret production facility, Wheatley reveals he plans to sabotage the Turrets and neurotoxin supply so that when they face GLaDOS she will be unarmed. They successfully carry out their plan by replacing the master Turret template with a Defective Turret and using portals to redirect a Thermal Discouragement Beam to cut off the neurotoxin supply lines. Hopeful, they make their way to GLaDOS' chamber once again for a showdown. GLaDOS, once again, attempts to kill Chell but is unsuccessful due to Wheatley's and Chell's sabotage. It is at this point that the Announcer informs them that the central core, GLaDOS, is 80% corrupt and because Wheatley is present, a core transfer is initialized. This requires both cores' approval, and when GLaDOS objects, a stalemate is reached. The Announcer informs them that a stalemate associate is required to press a stalemate resolution button for the core transfer to occur. GLaDOS desperately attempts to block Chell from doing so but is unsuccessful, and the core transfer occurs. Wheatley is transferred into GLaDOS' body and she is removed from power. In a jubilant mood, Wheatley sends Chell on her way to the surface. He begins laughing, but it becomes unusually powerful for Wheatley. He lowers Chell back down, going on about how he did it. GLaDOS taunts him, telling him that Chell did all the work, and in a fit of rage, he takes her core apart and places her in a potato battery. He tells Chell that he is the boss now and that she can no longer order him around. PotatOS is then shown off; Wheatley's attempt is to humiliate her. It is at this point GLaDOS reveals that Wheatley was designed to be a moron, in order to dampen GLaDOS' brainpower so that she wouldn't attempt to murder everyone in the facility. Angered by this revelation, Wheatley throws her in the lift with Chell and in a fit of rage smashes the lift downwards, where the lift floor collapses, and they fall into the depths of the facility.
Map Names
The Escape
- sp_a2_bts3.bsp
- sp_a2_bts4.bsp
- sp_a2_bts5.bsp
- sp_a2_bts6.bsp
- sp_a2_core.bsp
Chapter 6: The Fall (Act 3) \ Chapter 7: The Reunion
Falling several miles down, Chell awakens to find herself in the very bowels of Aperture and the ruins of the old facility. She witnesses the potato GLaDOS being abducted by a bird before making her way through the ruins and entering through a closed-off area to find the old Aperture Science facility. A voice recording plays, welcoming the visitor to Aperture. The speaker introduces himself as Cave Johnson, founder and CEO of Aperture, and introduces his secretary, Caroline. As Chell makes her way through the old facility via enrichment spheres, Cave Johnson guides the player through the tests while gradually revealing the history behind Aperture. It is discovered that Cave Johnson founded the company in the 1950s as a curtain manufacturer, becoming a self-made billionaire, before expanding into a science research company. He built the facility in large salt mines beneath Michigan with the intention of competing with Black Mesa. In between lawsuits against his company for various mishaps and his personal rivalry with Black Mesa, who he claims stole much of his company's research, He built the facility in large salt mines beneath Michigan with the intention of competing with Black Mesa, Cave slowly runs the company into the ground.
It is revealed that in a misguided move in the 1980s, Cave bought $70 million worth of moon rocks to grind up. The resulting gel was toxic, and Cave Johnson falls gravely ill. Chell is reunited with the potato GLaDOS, found in a bird's nest, and GLaDOS insists they need to stop the corrupted Wheatley before his actions cause the destruction of the facility. While traveling with Chell, GLaDOS comes across a portrait of Cave Johnson and Caroline, whom she finds vaguely familiar. She then finds herself unwittingly parroting a conversation between Caroline and Cave Johnson. Highly stressed, she manages to overload her battery and shuts it off temporarily. Cave Johnson's voice on the recordings now sounds frail and it is clear his health is quickly deteriorating. In a last-ditch attempt to survive, he instructs his engineers to start research into artificial intelligence, so that his mind can be transferred into a computer. Angry at the state of affairs, he instructs his employees that if he dies before the AI is complete, Caroline is to take charge of the facility, against her wishes. He also informs them that she can take his place in the AI. No more recordings are made, but it becomes clear that Caroline's mind was inserted into the AI, and is now a part of GLaDOS. Learning this, GLaDOS' attitude slowly changes. She begins praising Chell's progress and claims to have turned a new leaf. While making their way back up to the facility, GLaDOS observes a poster about robot paradoxes and comes up with a plan to stop Wheatley when they face him.
Map Names
The Fall
- sp_a3_00
- sp_a3_01
- sp_a3_03
- sp_a3_bomb_flings.bsp
- sp_a3_crazy_box.bsp
- sp_a3_jump_intro.bsp
- sp_a3_transition01.bsp
The Reunion
- sp_a3_end.bsp
- sp_a3_portal_intro.bsp
- sp_a3_speed_flings.bsp
- sp_a3_speed_ramp.bsp
Chapter 8: The Itch \ Chapter 9: The Part Where He Kills You (Act 4) \ Chapter 10: The Credits
Chell, and GLaDOS return to find the facility in chaos. Several core meltdowns are in progress while Wheatley has been busy modifying the test chambers to his liking, including constructing Frankenturrets - crudely made walking Turret/Weighted Storage Cube hybrids. They confront Wheatley and GLaDOS attempts to shut him down by presenting him with a logical paradox. It fails as he nonchalantly provides a false answer, apparently too stupid to understand it. The Frankenturrets, however, short-circuit, humorously indicating that they are smarter than Wheatley. Having Chell and GLaDOS back in his clutches, Wheatley forces them to carry out his tests, revealing the need to test is an 'itch' hardwired into the AI system. Initially, Wheatley is satisfied with the testing but soon the euphoria of watching Chell and GLaDOS being tested wears off, as he builds up a resistance to the euphoric response. Growing frustrated with them, Wheatley hints he has found other test subjects (Atlas and P-body) and that he has a 'surprise to die for' coming soon. He unleashes his surprise early when Chell steps on a booby-trapped Aerial Faith Plate, which transports Chell and GLaDOS to a platform surrounded by spiked crushing plates.
Escaping the trap, Chell and GLaDOS make their escape through the inner facility, avoiding Wheatley's attempts to kill them. They come across a room containing rejected corrupted cores and GLaDOS formulates a plan. She stays behind to carry it out while Chell makes her way to Wheatley's lair for the final confrontation, where he reveals the facility will self-destruct in six minutes. They do battle and during its course, Chell manages to attach 3 corrupted cores onto Wheatley. This results in a core corruption of 100% and the Announcer intervenes to initiate a core transfer. GLaDOS inserts herself as the substitute core and hurries Chell to press the stalemate resolution button. Wheatley, anticipating this outcome, has booby-trapped the button and it explodes as Chell attempts to press it. She survives the explosion, to the disdain of Wheatley. With the last of her strength, she grabs the Handheld Portal Device and shoots a portal at the Moon's surface. The resulting portals cause everything in the room to be sucked into the vacuum of space, including Chell, but she manages to hang on by grabbing hold of the panicking Wheatley. GLaDOS uses a mechanical arm to detach Wheatley from his body, who is then sucked into space and pulls Chell back through before closing the portal. Chell wakes up later to find a worried Atlas and P-body watching over her and GLaDOS back in her body and back in charge of the facility. She thanks Chell for helping her find the Caroline inside her, before promptly deleting all traces of her. She reveals she has become weary of trying to kill Chell, and that the best course of the solution is to give Chell what she wants: her freedom. She sends Chell on her way to the surface, where along the way she is serenaded by a Turret Opera. Reaching the top, a door opens, and Chell steps out into a picturesque sunny cornfield where the door promptly shuts behind her. Taking in her freedom, GLaDOS surprises Chell by throwing out the Weighted Companion Cube she incinerated in Portal and the door down to the facility is closed shut.
The game ends with a wistful Wheatley floating aimlessly in space, admitting if he was able to go back, he would say he was sorry.
Map Names
The Itch
- sp_a4_intro.bsp
- sp_a4_jump_polarity.bsp
- sp_a4_laser_catapult.bsp
- sp_a4_laser_platform.bsp
- sp_a4_stop_the_box.bsp
- sp_a4_speed_tb_catch.bsp
- sp_a4_tb_intro.bsp
- sp_a4_tb_trust_drop.bsp
- sp_a4_tb_wall_button.bsp
- sp_a4_tb_polarity.bsp
- sp_a4_tb_catch.bsp
The Part Where He Kills You
- sp_a4_finale1.bsp
- sp_a4_finale2.bsp
- sp_a4_finale3.bsp
- sp_a4_finale4.bsp
The Credits
- sp_a5_credits.bsp
The co-op campaign is set after the events of Portal 2's single-player campaign. In it, the two testing androids Atlas and P-Body of the Cooperative Testing Initiative carry out a series of tests in six different courses, each consisting of about eight or nine chambers. At the end of each course, GLaDOS sends the androids outside of the testing chambers and into the facility itself, claiming their help is needed to retrieve several Compact Discs "innocently" left lying around by the humans. In reality, she appears to be using the androids to help her gain control of the facility and gain information on "Area 219.32". After each out-of-chamber task, both androids are self-destructed and then reassembled in the Hub.
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Calibration Chamber
The initial cooperative course whose main purpose is to 'calibrate' Atlas and P-body for each other, as well as their own controls. During this course, GLaDOS implies the idea that most of this course is a competition of who is faster, as well as initiating her general attitude of creating friction between the two.
Course 1: Team Building
Course 2: Mass and Velocity
Course 3: Hard-Light Surfaces
Course 4: Excursion Funnels
Course 5: Mobility Gels
With the previous courses finished, GLaDOS can now access a vault in the lower levels which contains hundreds of human test subjects. She has determined that, given their inability to die, Atlas and P-body just aren't the same as human test subjects. They are sent to open the vault. These final chambers take elements from all the previous test courses while adding the Aperture Science Mobility Gels as an additional element. In particular, the creative use of Hard Light Bridges and Excursion Funnels in conjunction with the gels is a necessary aspect of completing the test. Upon reaching the vault, ATLAS and P-body open it by making similar gestures to the camera installed on the lock. GLaDOS claims to have more work for them as she destroys them. As the credits roll, GLaDOS scans the identities of the test subjects and makes remarks about them, both positive and negative, though in the end the comments are apparently all directed at one subject.
Course 6: Art Therapy
GLaDOS rebuilds Atlas and P-Body, claiming that 100,000 years have passed since the conclusion of the 'Mobility Gels' course. She also claims (unconvincingly) that all of the humans are still alive. She guides the two of them through a new set of courses (which are supposedly designed to be art exhibitions), though a number of mechanical failures occur, which GLaDOS attempts to cover up.
At the end of Chamber 4, the disassembly machinery fails, forcing ATLAS and P-body to make a detour through an incomplete test track. GLaDOS admits that she has been lying and reverses her original claim of the humans being fine, revealing that she has already killed them all during testing. She also comes clean that it has only been a week since the humans were "rescued," not 100,000 years.
GLaDOS believes that Chell has returned and has gained control of an old mainframe chassis, posing a threat to the facility. ATLAS and P-body spend the remaining chambers being "trained" as killing machines, though this merely involves solving further tests and being plied with generic insults. In the final chamber, GLaDOS informs the two that the reassembly machines have broken down and that if she doesn't regain control, their next deaths will be permanent.
The robots reach the chassis, but find that it is being controlled mindlessly by a crow nesting. Despite GLaDOS' calls for a retreat (due to her phobia of birds following her experiences as a potato), ATLAS gets the bird from the control panel and P-body manages to lock it out of the facility. GLaDOS then notices that the crow had been harboring three eggs, which she hatches in an "oviparous warming vault," planning to breed the chicks as "little killing machines". This reinforces speculation of using birds as test subjects as seen in Portal.
- In order to flesh out the story in Portal 2, Valve originally intended to include an exhibition within the Aperture Science facility, one composed of different dioramas showcasing various aspects of the company and its philosophy. The dioramas were ultimately cut before the final release due to pacing issues and the Cave Johnson voice lines have replaced that level so the player can solve Test Chambers while also getting to know more about the old Aperture Science chambers and trivia.