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GLaDOS in Portal 2

GLaDOS (Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System)(基因生命体与磁盘操作系统) 是被设计用来控制、指导和监督“光圈科技计算机辅助丰富学习中心”的中央核心。GLaDOS 能够在位于中央AI实验室的同时,转移和挪动设施与各种实验室,实现无缝和几乎无限的测试设计。

GLaDOS 拥有一个女性化的程序, 她是 传送门 传送门 2 单人模式前半部分的反派。 在后半部分, 她变成了游戏的重要配角在游戏的合作模式中,GLaDOS 是 AtlasP-body 的测试主管。


GLaDOS 是光圈科技的产物, 一个被设计成适合作为中央计算机主机的人格核心。这个项目是在 Cave Johnson 的监督下开始的,目的是创造一个功能齐全的、先进的人工智能,这个人工智能最初是被 Johnson 用来逃避死亡的。而在 Johnson 明显可能会在 GLaDOS 的开发完成之前就死于月球岩石中毒的情况下,Johnson 提议让科学家们用 Caroline 作为替代品,代替他被放入人工智能中。

经过十年的努力工作,GLaDOS 正式启动,成为公司“带女儿上班日”的众多活动之一。由于 GLaDOS 能够控制该设施的一半功能,她开始释放神经毒素到丰富学习中心,杀死了设施中绝大多数的人。 然而,有仅仅几位(如果不仅只有 Doug Rattmann 一个存活者)工作人员和系列的主角,Chell 存活下来。伴随着光圈公司的毁灭,两天后,在黑山(光圈的竞争对手)公司发生了一场外星人对地球的入侵。这最终导致外部世界忽视了光圈的命运,因为所有的注意力已经转移到黑山公司和上述入侵当中。

袭击发生后,GLaDOS 把公司管理到了极限。她的第一个实验对象,也就是这个系列的主角,Chell,在 Rattmann 的帮助下,得到了关于 GLaDOS 本性的警告。在 传送门 的结局中, Chell 在中央AI实验室中与 GLaDOS 对峙。这导致 GLaDOS 在 传送门 2 开场被唤醒后,对 Chell 产生了更深的仇恨。



参见: Portal/zh-hans
传送门 中的 GLaDOS,附着着人格核心

传送门 的故事开始之前,光圈的其中一位技术人员,Doug Rattmann,成功地躲过了 GLaDOS 向丰富学习中心注入神经毒素的杀人企图。然后他在整个设施的数个部门避难,开始篡改最初的实验对象名单,将 Chell 重新安排到名单的首位,成为实验对象#1。自从 GLaDOS 启动了封锁,Rattmann 被迫一辈子躲在丰富学习中心实验室的后台。然后,他通过涂鸦留下了各种关于 GLaDOS 的警告,这些涂鸦只能在实验室中几块损坏的墙板后面找到,他希望 Chell 以后能偶然发现它们。尽管缺乏对设施的全面控制,GLaDOS 能够在在位于她的中央AI实验室的同时,全程控制整座公司。

She then awakens Chell for her mandatory testing of the Handheld Portal Device/zh-hans, which began the events of Portal. During these periods, she constantly intimidated Chell during her performances and gave bitter yet innocent sarcastic notions by simply acting out like conveniently placed pre-recorded messages. Several tests later, Chell would later discover the various graffiti left behind by Rattmann and immediately became aware that this was not the case, but was forced to play along with GLaDOS' plans.

After Chell completed the final test chamber, GLaDOS immediately revealed her true colors as she attempts to lower her into a pit of fire. Chell was able to escape her attempt to incinerate her and from there, Chell makes her way throughout the facility in an attempt to escape, to GLaDOS' horror. As she traverses the facility, she realizes the only way to escape from it is to confront GLaDOS in her chamber/zh-hans, a conflict which Chell won by incinerating all of her personality cores. After the conflict, GLaDOS was heavily damaged and thrown into the parking lot, where she remained dormant for an unspecified amount of time as the facility degraded over the years.

传送门 2

参见: Portal 2/zh-hans, 传送门 2


The remains of GLaDOS' backup body after her conflict in Portal.

Beginning the major events of Portal 2, GLaDOS is reactivated in her backup body through the accidental efforts of both Wheatley/zh-hans and Chell/zh-hans having tried to access an escape lift to the surface in the Central AI Chamber/zh-hans, as both of them were previously trapped in the building following GLaDOS' destruction. She immediately realizes the presence of Chell and Wheatley standing before her upon awakening. Despite her newly profound hatred for Chell having destroyed her, she uses Wheatley as an object for relieving her anger by crushing him.

GLaDOS then decides to return Chell to the facility's science experiments to further her cause of science, but now have a lot of resentment against Chell for her previous destruction (she claims at one point that she had to relive the last moments of her fight with Chell over and over which, if true, would be a long time indeed), she constantly makes various taunts and snarky remarks at Chell while testing her, and plans to try to kill her again.

GLaDOS lowering a neurotoxin tube, with Wheatley rolling inside.

However, Wheatley/zh-hans later resurfaces and was still alive despite the critical damage inflicted onto him by GLaDOS. With his help, Chell was able to escape from GLaDOS' testing tracks/zh-hans and went through the facility to sabotage her vital strategy components, such as the production of neurotoxin/zh-hans. Finally reaching her newly redesigned chamber, they were then able to defeat GLaDOS together, replacing her with Wheatley as the facility's overseer. Wheatley, intimidated by GLaDOS' response to how useless he is, traps GLaDOS in a potato battery and throws her into the depths of the Enrichment Center alongside Chell.

After Wheatley became corrupted by his new position and power, GLaDOS and Chell worked together, initially as unwilling partners, to restore control over the facility (which further degraded and corrupted under the influence of Wheatley, to the point where the facility's reactor core will undergo a meltdown). During this time, the duo try to find their way out of the depths of the Enrichment Center where they approach several vintage Test Chambers/zh-hans previously managed by Aperture CEO, Cave Johnson/zh-hans and his secretary Caroline/zh-hans.

As Chell and GLaDOS continue to journey through the pasts of Aperture Science located in the salt mine deep beneath the Enrichment Center, GLaDOS slowly becomes familiar to Johnson and Caroline. As they are finally ready to leave the salt mine, GLaDOS spots a poster on the wall, showing what to do in the case of a rogue AI, a paradox. GLaDOS also has an epiphany on who Caroline is but remains silent on the matter.


The duo then have made their way back to the modern Enrichment Center, where Chell and GLaDOS use the paradox on Wheatley, but ultimately fail because Wheatley is too unintelligent to understand it. They are put through Wheatley/zh-hans's testing tracks/zh-hans. When Wheatley later realizes that GLaDOS had built two robot test subjects prior to Chell and Wheatley's sabotage over the facility early on in the game, he finally attempts to dispose both GLaDOS and Chell. When the duo manages to escape from his grasp, they head to the Central AI Chamber to confront him. GLaDOS proposes that Chell is to attach her back into her body to resume her control over the facility. The conflict was then resolved by their conjoint efforts, resulting in the exile of Wheatley to outer space and reconciliation between each other.

GLaDOS during the single-player ending monologue.

After repairing the entire facility to its state before Wheatley's control, GLaDOS begins to become even more affected by her recently acquired morality, emotions and gained her consciousness after discovering who Caroline/zh-hans was. She realizes that Chell was not an enemy, but could be considered a close friend. Part of her "rogue AI" nature disagreed with this change of heart. GLaDOS was then able to trace Caroline's consciousness in her system, moments before the Announcer/zh-hans reveals that GLaDOS has deleted Caroline from her system. She then expels Chell from the facility to avoid further trouble beyond her control. However, Chell is then comforted through her elevated ride to the surface by a Turret Opera/zh-hans which remains unknown as to why the event occurred.

Before Chell/zh-hans could leave the Enrichment Center for good, GLaDOS decides to return Chell's Companion Cube/zh-hans from her tests in Portal/zh-hans by ejecting it from the lift.

From then on, she conducts tests on the two robot test subjects; Atlas/zh-hans and P-body/zh-hans.


Sometime after Chell is freed from the Enrichment Center, GLaDOS has been primarily focusing on her two new android test subjects Atlas/zh-hans and P-body/zh-hans, as part of the Cooperative Testing Initiative/zh-hans. Typical of her nature, she would constantly find a way to crush their spirits via sarcasm and expressing herself to be having little hope for them.

At the end of the first testing course, Team Building/zh-hans, she deploys the bots outside the official testing track, announcing that "this next test is so outside the box that I can't- I mean WON'T even tell you what you're looking for". She leaves the bots to use common sense to figure out what they should be looking for by themselves, as they find a large disc and bring it into a projector room. Despite the clear warning "DO NOT TRUST HER" written on a whiteboard in the room, the bots place the disc into the projector - in which she begins scanning for files and documents she refuses to disclose. After she was done, she initiated a self-destruct on the bots and reassembled them back at the Hub.

This topic remains untouched through the entirety of their second testing track, Mass and Velocity/zh-hans. However, at the end of this course, it became clear that she would continually send them outside the testing tracks again to handle her secret full takeover on the facility. As Atlas and P-body work together to get each other past the air circulation maintenance section, they find another disc and install it into the projector. GLaDOS again scans through and proceeds to tell them that she did not need them to do this, and pretends their mission did not matter after self-destructing them again.

When the bots reach the third course, Hard-Light Surfaces/zh-hans, GLaDOS' utter disappointment in the duo becomes more clear. Their "deaths" never bring the satisfaction she had with the death of humans, as the bots can just easily be rebuilt again each time they are destroyed. Meanwhile, she is secretly working on an attempt to replace Atlas and P-body. At the end of this course, the bots install a disc that contains the Enrichment Center's current overall security code, which she tries to block out from their range of hearing by uttering "blah blah blah" repeatedly as the Announcer/zh-hans relays the codes.

In the fourth course, Excursion Funnels/zh-hans, GLaDOS builds slight hope in keeping Atlas and P-body still as predicted by her sudden change of mood from the previous course. She now wants the bots to feel conflicted against each other - hoping to enhance a more "competitive" and bitter testing run, simply by manipulating them into thinking that one of them has been "reporting" to her behind the others' back, or how P-body is "not [Atlas'] first cooperative testing partner". The bots still carry on regardless, where GLaDOS' disappointment in the two reprises in her tone of voice. On the last test, she gets them to install the final disc to her full control over the facility - assuring them it was a clerical error by humans on how it was not done any earlier before they died. As the bots install it, overview maps of every section of the facility begin projecting onto the screen, followed by her mischievous yet anticipated tone of voice when revealing that "[she] can see everything now".

Atlas and P-body upon reaching the Human Vault.

Reassembled back at the hub, GLaDOS tells the bots that they have just one more testing course to complete - Mobility Gels/zh-hans. She deploys the entrance to this course into the hub and sends them deep beneath the Enrichment Center to the Aperture Science Innovators era, a bottom section of the salt mine. GLaDOS convinces them to rescue the "dying, trapped, crying" live human test subjects preserved in a cryogenic vault that were preserved since the 20th century. Once they finally reach this vault at the end of the course, GLaDOS reveals a great deal of anticipation and obsession over "rescuing" them. In an attempt to unlock the vault, the bots had to perform gestures like any human would - as the vault was an anti-robot section. Despite how sinister she sounded after the bots observed the hundreds of humans in cryogenic stasis, they disregarded it and began dancing in triumph. Now extracting all of the human test subjects, she begins processing their files - which apparently turned out to be only one person's file.

As she no longer needs Atlas and P-body as her test subjects, she began testing the humans in an attempt to develop them into her cold minions. Her plan fails as the humans are unable to withstand her extreme testing courses and all of the hundreds of test subjects that were found began dying within just a week of testing. It became apparent that she needed Atlas and P-body back as her facility began to malfunction all of a sudden, in addition to her lack of test subjects.

GLaDOS prototype seen at the end of Art Therapy.

When the bots are rebuilt again, she deploys the additional testing course; Art Therapy. As the bots begin testing, she treats the course as if it were an art museum despite the obvious malfunctioning environment such as her lack of control in putting the test chambers together properly, and a flood arising around a section of the facility during testing. Eventually, the reassembly machines have begin malfunctioning - causing her to wait three days before the robots could be reassembled to deliver the duo to their next test chamber. GLaDOS then gives in and confesses that she is in need of their help and that someone has been tampering with the facility via control of an old prototype chassis of the central core/zh-hans. To resolve this, she trains the bots into becoming her "killing machines" by deploying them into more challenging tests during their course. GLaDOS then sends them closer to the chamber housing the chassis, and later jokingly calls them as her "Special Team Falling Into Acid Force". When the bots reach the chamber, they discover it was never a person, but even worse - a bird nesting above the keyboard on the machine. GLaDOS, thanks to her ornitophobia back when she was a potato, panics and instructs them abort the mission, before P-body closes a hatch that the bird flew out from. As the bots stare at the chassis, GLaDOS panics that the bird had been "gestating clones" on the keyboard and forces them to destroy the eggs. With the bots hesitant, she conjures a better idea and houses the birds in the Central AI Chamber/zh-hans, where she could nurture them directly.

GLaDOS and the birds.

GLaDOS begins to show compassion toward the birds as she realizes their ability to use their beaks and considers them as test subjects, also revealing a more motherly bonding with the birds than she ever did with the "mushroom" bots. The fate of these birds remain unknown.


As the Perpetual Testing Initiative offers a wide range of alternate universes for the player that is going through community test chambers - dubbed the "multiverse", Aperture CEO Cave Johnson/zh-hans still lives and is as healthy as he was before being struck by exposure to moon rock poisoning in the main reality. However, all of the universes which form multiverse have the same outcome in which all development on GLaDOS has been abolished after her first activation when she went rogue.

In addition to her being abolished, Cave's loyal assistant Caroline/zh-hans has been replaced with Greg/zh-hans. It is unexplained on exactly what did happen to Caroline, although serving as a hint that she may have merged with GLaDOS, thus explaining her absence from this era. In this same universe after she was abolished, Cave also tries pushing the scientists into making a Cave-Bot instead. In one universe Cave successfully becomes an AI (known as "CaveDOS") and it's unknown what happened to Caroline.


As the overseer and operator of the facility, GLaDOS is seemingly omnipotent, able to reconfigure rooms and carry out actions at her will. She monitors the facility and its test chambers through cameras mounted on walls. She also mentions that she cannot resist thinking of paradoxes if one would happen to be brought up. GLaDOS had displayed little to no emotion within her voice tone in the first half of Portal, due to being bound by the consciousness of other personality cores/zh-hans attached to her for the sole purpose of restricting her true thoughts. She then becomes increasingly more agitated and is portrayed as a narcissist during Chell's escape attempts. In Portal 2, she grows bitter after the events of Portal, and is no longer bound by the restraints of her cores. She frequently insults Chell until the very end - until she briefly realizes that Chell was "all along [her] best friend".

GLaDOS' consciousness had been controlled by personality cores/zh-hans throughout the events of Portal. If the cores are removed, the traits and morals which the cores contain would be permanently detached from GLaDOS as well, causing her to fall back to her more human and intimidating voice tone, resembling that of her Genetic Lifeform component Caroline.

GLaDOS' status as the central core allows her to have various controls over the Enrichment Center. Apart from being able to build, reconstruct or deface test chambers, GLaDOS can provide the pneumatic pressures serving as the vacuum inside the tube networks/zh-hans across the facility - a power which the Announcer could only handle the elevator tube shafts in the chamberlock/zh-hanss. In Portal, GLaDOS was able to steer away the vacuum directions inside the tubes and managed to pull Chell back into Test Chamber 09/zh-hans after the latter attempted to travel inside a burst tube.

It was eventually revealed in Portal 2 that GLaDOS was also able to reconstruct the components on her own body as well, now without the cores restricting her thoughts. She had replaced most of the broken and or missing components on her body since her reawakening in the chapter, The Courtesy Call/zh-hans. Her newer components spotted on her body since the chapter The Escape/zh-hans is sleek and black, and is of little resemblance to the original ones from her body during the reawakening and Portal.


Earliest known concept art of GLaDOS.

During Anime Midwest 2011, voice actress Ellen McLain revealed that the premise of GLaDOS had always been a robotic voice that would guide the protagonist and often intimidates them. Early on development, Valve/zh-hans had used copyrighted voice samples as a placeholder for GLaDOS. As Ellen McLain previously voiced the radio communications dispatcher of the Combine Overwatch/zh-hans throughout the Half-Life 2/zh-hans saga, the developers had chosen her for the role of GLaDOS. During this time, developers had kept the development quiet, leaving Ellen unaware of what game it is that she is doing voice work for. Ellen was later made aware of her work and success when Portal/zh-hans was finally released.

In Portal 2, GLaDOS' dialogue shortly after her awakening was originally much more insulting. As playtesters grew uncomfortable with her insults, it was then decided that GLaDOS continues her passive-aggressive behavior which she began from the Portal credits song, Still Alive/zh-hans. When it was decided that GLaDOS and Chell needed to work together to face Wheatley/zh-hans, Valve opts for GLaDOS to be uploaded into a potato battery. Writer Jay Pinkerton describes the transformation as "a very stark difference between this imperious, all-powerful GLaDOS talking to you, and this powerless GLaDOS talking to you on your gun", and that potato GLaDOS was initially needling towards playtesters. To counteract this, she was made into a more sidekick type of character.[1]

Appearance-wise in Portal, GLaDOS' initial designs before the game's release varied greatly. The earliest known design of GLaDOS was a large disc with a red eyeball in the center, with the disc surrounding it and welded onto the eyeball. This concept of GLaDOS appears to be the most favorable version towards several community members and was then recreated for use on a character entirely for the community-made machinima series, The Underground. Later on in development, the design of the large eyeball was then scrapped into a robotic body hanging upsidedown from the ceiling, with four discs surrounding above it this time. This concept has since been kept for the release of Portal, with minor adjustments such as the addition of personality cores/zh-hans.

In the game's commentary mode, Jeremy Bennett (art director) describes GLaDOS's design: "[...] we settled on a huge mechanical device with a delicate robotic figure dangling out of it, which successfully conveys both [her] raw power and her femininity." Originally, according to Bennett, she resembled an upside-down version of Botticelli's "Rise of Venus"/zh-hans.

The earliest known concept art of GLaDOS' design for Portal 2/zh-hans was through one of the many concept box arts; demonstrating that her body's plating was completely torn and scrapped, leaving only her head the most intact - nearing the design of her spherical-cylinder shaped head in the game's release. She had also been given a red-eye color in this concept rather than the trademark yellow that was given to her in Portal. Not much else is known of her design changes during the sequel, except that the developers established that the current design of GLaDOS in Portal 2 was to signify a more antagonistic appearance and shape.

In addition, an unused reskin of GLaDOS' design from Portal can be found in the game files of Portal 2, presenting rust stains and scratches possibly to be used for her components scattered around in her chamber.



传送门 2



  • GLaDOS 由歌剧歌手兼配音演员 Ellen McLain 配音。
  • “GLaDOS”的首字母缩写是名字“Gladdys”和术语 DOS (光盘操作系统)的双关。
  • 在所有由 Ellen McLain 配音的角色中,最受欢迎的不是别人,正是 GLaDOS。她透露,尽管努力演绎了 军团要塞 2Administrator 的声音和她独特的发号施令的方式,但 GLaDOS 通过她受欢迎的被动攻击行为和微妙的侮辱台词,成为了具有更大的影响力的角色。
  • 传送门 2 的开发过程中,游戏测试人员对 GLaDOS 感到不舒服,因为 GLaDOS 在单人游戏中的报复性太强,开发人员认为她的一些对话过于极端。因此,她对话中的一些要素被重新修改,最终为 GLaDOS 创造了一个更加友善的,被动攻击的人格。
  • 传送门 2 的单人流程中,Wheatley 只用“她”("her" or "she")来代称 GLaDOS。
  • 处于土豆电池形态时,她通常被玩家社区称为“PotatOS”,这个昵称取自单词“土豆”和她的名字,GLaDOS。Valve 喜欢这个昵称,并把它作为她土豆电池形态的正式名称,正如《传送门 2 原声带》中“PotatOS Lament”这首歌的名字所示。
  • 在2011年的VGA(Video Game Awards)中, 传送门 2 因 Ellen McLain 所扮演的 GLaDOS 获得了“Best Performance by a Human Female”奖项。[2]
  • 2015年4月8日,John Patrick Lowrie 和 Ellen 发布了一首名为 GLaDOS' Song的非官方歌曲,这首歌原本打算在开发中的 传送门 2的某个地方作为彩蛋播放,但是由于不符合 GLaDOS 的黑暗音调而被砍掉了。


