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=== Test Chamber 19 ===
=== Test Chamber 19 ===
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_entry-1.wav|"Welcome to the final test!"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_entry-1.wav|마지막 실험실에 오신 것을 환영합니다!<br>"Welcome to the final test!"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_entry-2.wav|"When you are done, you will drop the Device in the equipment recovery annex."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_entry-2.wav|실험을 마치면 장치를 장비 복구실에 놓으십시오.<br>"When you are done, you will drop the Device in the equipment recovery annex."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_entry-3.wav|"Enrichment Center regulations require both hands to be empty before any cake-- [garbled]"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_entry-3.wav|강화 센터 규정에 따라, 케이크를 받으려면 먼저 두 손이 비어있어야 합니다./노이즈/<br>"Enrichment Center regulations require both hands to be empty before any cake-- [garbled]"]]

*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_into_the_fire-1.wav|"Congratulations! The test is now over."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_into_the_fire-1.wav|축하합니다! 이제 실험이 끝났습니다.<br>"Congratulations! The test is now over."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_into_the_fire-2.wav|"All Aperture technologies remain safely operational up to 4000 degrees Kelvin."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_into_the_fire-2.wav|에퍼쳐 사이언스의 모든 기술은 절대 온도 4000 켈빈까지의 환경에서도 정상적으로 작동합니다."All Aperture technologies remain safely operational up to 4000 degrees Kelvin."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_into_the_fire-3.wav|"Rest assured that there is absolutely no chance of a dangerous equipment malfunction prior to your victory candescence."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_into_the_fire-3.wav|귀하의 승리를 축하하는 성화가 켜지기 전에는 위험한 장비의 오작동이 발생할 가능성이 전혀 없으니 안심하십시오.<br>"Rest assured that there is absolutely no chance of a dangerous equipment malfunction prior to your victory candescence."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_into_the_fire-4.wav|"Thank you for participating in this Aperture Science computer-aided enrichment activity."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_into_the_fire-4.wav|에퍼쳐 사이언스 컴퓨터 보조 강화 활동에 참여해주셔서 감사합니다.<br>"Thank you for participating in this Aperture Science computer-aided enrichment activity."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_into_the_fire-5.wav|"Goodbye."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_into_the_fire-5.wav|안녕히가십시오.<br>"Goodbye."]]

*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_Partyspeech-1.wav|"What are you doing? Stop it! I... I... We are pleased that you made it through the final challenge where we pretended we were going to murder you."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_Partyspeech-1.wav|뭐하는 거에요? 당장 멈춰요! 나... 난... 우리가 귀하를 살해하는 척 했던 마지막 도전을 당신이 통과해서 우린 정말 기뻐요.<br>"What are you doing? Stop it! I... I... We are pleased that you made it through the final challenge where we pretended we were going to murder you."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_Partyspeech-2.wav|"We are very, very happy for your success."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_Partyspeech-2.wav|당신이 성공해서 우리는 매우, 매우 기쁩니다.<br>"We are very, very happy for your success."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_Partyspeech-3.wav|"We are throwing a party in honor of your tremendous success."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_Partyspeech-3.wav|당신의 훌륭한 성공을 축하하기 위해 파티를 열었습니다.<br>"We are throwing a party in honor of your tremendous success."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_Partyspeech-4.wav|"Place the device on the ground, then lie on your stomach with your arms at your sides."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_Partyspeech-4.wav|장치를 바닥에 놓고 양 팔을 돔 옆에 붙인 채로 엎드리십시오.<br>"Place the device on the ground, then lie on your stomach with your arms at your sides."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_Partyspeech-5.wav|"A party associate will arrive shortly to collect you for your party."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_Partyspeech-5.wav|귀하를 파티장으로 수거해 갈 파티 관계자가 곧 도착할 겁니다.<br>"A party associate will arrive shortly to collect you for your party."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_Partyspeech-6.wav|"Make no further attempt to leave the testing area."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_Partyspeech-6.wav|실험실을 벗어나려는 시도를 멈추십시오.<br>"Make no further attempt to leave the testing area."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_Partyspeech-7.wav|"Assume the party escort submission position or you will miss the party."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS 15_part1_Partyspeech-7.wav|파티 에스코트 지시를 취하지 않으면 파티를 놓치게 됩니다.<br>"Assume the party escort submission position or you will miss the party."]]

=== During escape ===
=== During escape ===

Revision as of 05:53, 14 January 2016

이 문서는 포털포털 2에 나오는 글라도스의 목소리 목록입니다.


참고: Portal/ko

실험실 00~02

("덕분에 실패 하는 많은 감사 의 실패는 삼가 해주십시오" 라고 번역됩니다)

만약 플레이어가 문이 열려 있는 동안 큐브를 물질 분해 그리드로 던져 버리면:

휴대용 포털 장치를 얻었을 때

참고: Handheld Portal Device/ko

실험실 03~04

실험실 05-08

실험실 09-11

During the level:

휴대용 포털 장치가 업그레이드 되었을 때

실험실 12-16

플레이어가 고에너지 펄릿 수용 지역에 갇혔을 때

실험실 17

실험실 18

무게 큐브가 바닥의 끈적거리는 곳에서 잃어버렸을 경우

플레이어가 고에너지 펄릿 수용 지역에 갇혔을 때

Test Chamber 19

During escape

On destroying a security camera

Final battle

When the player picks up the morality core

First core destroyed

"[The voice has subtly changed. Smoother, more seductive, less computerized]"

The following automatically plays or repeats after the respective speech for every destroyed core.

Second core destroyed