GLaDOS voice lines/zh-hant: Difference between revisions

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==== 第3章 - 重出江湖 ====
==== 第3章 - 重出江湖 ====
===== 測驗室 09 =====
==== 第4章 - 驚喜 ====
==== 第5章 - 逃脫 ====
==== 第6章 - 墜落 ====
==== 第7章 -重逢 ====
==== 第8章 - 坐立難安 ====
==== 第9章 - 這裡就是... ====
=== Chapter 3: The Return===
==== GLaDOS Test Chamber 9 ====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_catapult_fling_sphere_peek_failureone01.wav|"Well, I'm back. The Aerial Faith Plate in here is sending a distress signal."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_catapult_fling_sphere_peek_failureone01.wav|"Well, I'm back. The Aerial Faith Plate in here is sending a distress signal."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_catapult_fling_sphere_peek_failureone02.wav|"You broke it, didn't you."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_catapult_fling_sphere_peek_failureone02.wav|"You broke it, didn't you."]]
Line 594: Line 577:
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_catapult_fling_sphere_peek_completion01.wav|"Look at you. Sailing through the air majestically. Like an eagle. Piloting a blimp."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_catapult_fling_sphere_peek_completion01.wav|"Look at you. Sailing through the air majestically. Like an eagle. Piloting a blimp."]]

==== GLaDOS Test Chamber 10 ====
===== 測驗室 10 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_ricochet01.wav|"Enjoy this next test. I'm going to go to the surface. It's a beautiful day out. Yesterday I saw a deer. If you solve this next test, maybe I'll let you ride an elevator all the way up to the break room, and I'll tell you about the time I saw a deer again."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_ricochet01.wav|"Enjoy this next test. I'm going to go to the surface. It's a beautiful day out. Yesterday I saw a deer. If you solve this next test, maybe I'll let you ride an elevator all the way up to the break room, and I'll tell you about the time I saw a deer again."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc27.wav|"Well, you passed the test. I didn't see the deer today. I did see some humans. But with you here I've got more test subjects than I'll ever need."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc27.wav|"Well, you passed the test. I didn't see the deer today. I did see some humans. But with you here I've got more test subjects than I'll ever need."]]

==== GLaDOS Test Chamber 11 ====
===== 測驗室 11 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_bridge_intro01.wav|"These bridges are made from natural light that I pump in from the surface. If you rubbed your cheek on one, it would be like standing outside with the sun shining on your face. It would also set your hair on fire, so don't actually do it."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_bridge_intro01.wav|"These bridges are made from natural light that I pump in from the surface. If you rubbed your cheek on one, it would be like standing outside with the sun shining on your face. It would also set your hair on fire, so don't actually do it."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_bridge_intro03.wav|"Excellent! You're a predator and these tests are your prey. Speaking of which, I was researching sharks for an upcoming test. Do you know who else murders people who are only trying to help them?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_bridge_intro03.wav|"Excellent! You're a predator and these tests are your prey. Speaking of which, I was researching sharks for an upcoming test. Do you know who else murders people who are only trying to help them?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_bridge_intro04.wav|"Did you guess 'sharks'? Because that's wrong. The correct answer is 'nobody.' Nobody but you is that pointlessly cruel."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_bridge_intro04.wav|"Did you guess 'sharks'? Because that's wrong. The correct answer is 'nobody.' Nobody but you is that pointlessly cruel."]]

==== GLaDOS Test Chamber 12 ====
===== 測驗室 12 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_bridge_the_gap01.wav|"Good news. I figured out what to do with all the money I save recycling your one roomful of air. When you die, I'm going to laminate your skeleton and pose you in the lobby. That way future generations can learn from you how not to have your unfortunate bone structure."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_bridge_the_gap01.wav|"Good news. I figured out what to do with all the money I save recycling your one roomful of air. When you die, I'm going to laminate your skeleton and pose you in the lobby. That way future generations can learn from you how not to have your unfortunate bone structure."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_trust_fling_sphereinterrupt01.wav|"Perfect, the door's malfunctioning. I guess somebody's going to have to repair that too. No, don't get up. I'll be right back. Don't touch anything."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_trust_fling_sphereinterrupt01.wav|"Perfect, the door's malfunctioning. I guess somebody's going to have to repair that too. No, don't get up. I'll be right back. Don't touch anything."]]
Line 609: Line 592:
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc19.wav|"Well done. In fact, you did so well, I'm going to note this on your file, in the commendations section. Oh, there's lots of room here. 'Did.... well.  ...  Enough.'"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc19.wav|"Well done. In fact, you did so well, I'm going to note this on your file, in the commendations section. Oh, there's lots of room here. 'Did.... well.  ...  Enough.'"]]

==== GLaDOS Test Chamber 13 ====
===== 測驗室 13 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS turret_intro01.wav|"This next test involves turrets. You remember them, right? They're the pale spherical things that are full of bullets. Oh wait. That's you in five seconds. Good luck."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS turret_intro01.wav|"This next test involves turrets. You remember them, right? They're the pale spherical things that are full of bullets. Oh wait. That's you in five seconds. Good luck."]]

==== GLaDOS Test Chamber 14 ====
===== 測驗室 14 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc21.wav|"To maintain a constant testing cycle, I simulate daylight at all hours and add adrenal vapor to your oxygen supply. So you may be confused about the passage of time. The point is, yesterday was your birthday. I thought you'd want to know."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc21.wav|"To maintain a constant testing cycle, I simulate daylight at all hours and add adrenal vapor to your oxygen supply. So you may be confused about the passage of time. The point is, yesterday was your birthday. I thought you'd want to know."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc23.wav|"You know how I'm going to live forever, but you're going to be dead in sixty years?  Well, I've been working on a belated birthday present for you. Well... more of a belated birthday medical procedure. Well. Technically, it's a medical EXPERIMENT. What's important is, it's a present."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc23.wav|"You know how I'm going to live forever, but you're going to be dead in sixty years?  Well, I've been working on a belated birthday present for you. Well... more of a belated birthday medical procedure. Well. Technically, it's a medical EXPERIMENT. What's important is, it's a present."]]

==== GLaDOS Test Chamber 15 ====
===== 測驗室 15 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_turret_intro01.wav|"That jumpsuit you're wearing looks stupid.  That's not me talking, it's right here in your file. On other people it looks fine, but right here a scientist has noted that on you it looks 'stupid.'"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_turret_intro01.wav|"That jumpsuit you're wearing looks stupid.  That's not me talking, it's right here in your file. On other people it looks fine, but right here a scientist has noted that on you it looks 'stupid.'"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_turret_intro03.wav|"Well, what does a neck-bearded old engineer know about fashion? He probably - Oh, wait. It's a she. Still, what does she know?  Oh wait, it says she has a medical degree. In fashion! From France!"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_turret_intro03.wav|"Well, what does a neck-bearded old engineer know about fashion? He probably - Oh, wait. It's a she. Still, what does she know?  Oh wait, it says she has a medical degree. In fashion! From France!"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc30.wav|"I'm going through the list of test subjects in cryogenic storage. I managed to find two with your last name. A man and a woman. So that's interesting. It's a small world."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc30.wav|"I'm going through the list of test subjects in cryogenic storage. I managed to find two with your last name. A man and a woman. So that's interesting. It's a small world."]]

==== GLaDOS Test Chamber 16 ====
===== 測驗室 16 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc31.wav|"I have a surprise waiting for you after this next test. Telling you would spoil the surprise, so I'll just give you a hint: It involves meeting two people you haven't seen in a long time."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc31.wav|"I have a surprise waiting for you after this next test. Telling you would spoil the surprise, so I'll just give you a hint: It involves meeting two people you haven't seen in a long time."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc24.wav|"[hums 'For He's A Jolly Good Fellow']"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc24.wav|"[hums 'For He's A Jolly Good Fellow']"]]

==== GLaDOS Test Chamber 17 ====
===== 測驗室 17 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc39.wav|"It says this next test was designed by one of Aperture's Nobel prize winners. It doesn't say what the prize was for. Well, I know it wasn't for Being Immune To Neurotoxin."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc39.wav|"It says this next test was designed by one of Aperture's Nobel prize winners. It doesn't say what the prize was for. Well, I know it wasn't for Being Immune To Neurotoxin."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc33.wav|"I'll bet you think I forgot about your surprise. I didn't. In fact, we're headed to your surprise right now. After all these years. I'm getting choked up just thinking about it."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc33.wav|"I'll bet you think I forgot about your surprise. I didn't. In fact, we're headed to your surprise right now. After all these years. I'm getting choked up just thinking about it."]]

=== Chapter 4: The Surprise ===
==== 第4章 - 驚喜 ====
==== GLaDOS Test Chamber 18 ====
===== 測驗室 18 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc34.wav|"Initiating surprise in three... two... one."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc34.wav|"Initiating surprise in three... two... one."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc35.wav|"I made it all up."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc35.wav|"I made it all up."]]
Line 638: Line 621:
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_column_blocker04.wav|"Oh, that's sad. But impressive. Maybe they worked at the phone company."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_column_blocker04.wav|"Oh, that's sad. But impressive. Maybe they worked at the phone company."]]

==== GLaDOS Test Chamber 19 ====
===== 測驗室 19 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_column_blocker05.wav|"Well, you know the old formula: Comedy equals tragedy plus time. And you have been asleep for a while. So I guess it's actually pretty funny when you do the math."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_column_blocker05.wav|"Well, you know the old formula: Comedy equals tragedy plus time. And you have been asleep for a while. So I guess it's actually pretty funny when you do the math."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_dilemma01.wav|"I thought about our dilemma, and I came up with a solution that I honestly think works out best for one of both of us."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_dilemma01.wav|"I thought about our dilemma, and I came up with a solution that I honestly think works out best for one of both of us."]]

==== GLaDOS Test Chamber 20 ====
===== 測驗室 20 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS a2_triple_laser01.wav|"Federal regulations require me to warn you that this next test chamber... is looking pretty good."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS a2_triple_laser01.wav|"Federal regulations require me to warn you that this next test chamber... is looking pretty good."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS a2_triple_laser02.wav|"That's right. The facility is completely operational again."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS a2_triple_laser02.wav|"That's right. The facility is completely operational again."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS a2_triple_laser03.wav|"I think these test chambers look even better than they did before. It was easy, really. You just have to look at things objectively, see what you don't need anymore, and trim out the fat."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS a2_triple_laser03.wav|"I think these test chambers look even better than they did before. It was easy, really. You just have to look at things objectively, see what you don't need anymore, and trim out the fat."]]

==== GLaDOS Test Chamber 21/Escape from GLaDOS ====
===== 測驗室 21 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_bts1_intro01.wav|"I've got a surprise for you after this next test. Not a fake, tragic surprise like last time. A real surprise, with tragic consequences. And real confetti this time. The good stuff. Our last bag. Part of me's going to miss it, but at the end of the day it was just taking up space."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_bts1_intro01.wav|"I've got a surprise for you after this next test. Not a fake, tragic surprise like last time. A real surprise, with tragic consequences. And real confetti this time. The good stuff. Our last bag. Part of me's going to miss it, but at the end of the day it was just taking up space."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS jailbreak10.wav|"What's going on? Who turned off the lights?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS jailbreak10.wav|"What's going on? Who turned off the lights?"]]
Line 655: Line 638:
**[[Media:GLaDOS jailbreakfaketest05.wav|"Oh, look. There's a deer! You probably can't see it. Get closer."]]
**[[Media:GLaDOS jailbreakfaketest05.wav|"Oh, look. There's a deer! You probably can't see it. Get closer."]]

=== Chapter 5: The Escape ===
==== 第5章 - 逃脫 ====
==== GLaDOS' Chamber ====
===== GLaDOS' Chamber =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS fgbrvtrap02.wav|"I honestly, TRULY didn't think you'd fall for that."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS fgbrvtrap02.wav|"I honestly, TRULY didn't think you'd fall for that."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS fgbrvtrap03.wav|"In fact, I devised a much more elaborate trap further ahead, for when you got through this easy one."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS fgbrvtrap03.wav|"In fact, I devised a much more elaborate trap further ahead, for when you got through this easy one."]]
Line 709: Line 692:
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_fgb_confrontation19.wav|"YES YOU ARE! YOU'RE THE MORON THEY BUILT TO MAKE ME AN IDIOT!"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_fgb_confrontation19.wav|"YES YOU ARE! YOU'RE THE MORON THEY BUILT TO MAKE ME AN IDIOT!"]]

=== Chapter 6: The Fall ===
==== 第6章 - 墜落 ====
==== The Fall ====
===== The Fall =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a3_00_fall05.wav|"Oh. Hi."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a3_00_fall05.wav|"Oh. Hi."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a3_00_fall03.wav|"So. How are you holding up?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a3_00_fall03.wav|"So. How are you holding up?"]]
Line 723: Line 706:
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a3_00_fall15.wav|"Just remember to land on one foot..."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a3_00_fall15.wav|"Just remember to land on one foot..."]]

==== Old Aperture Office bird nest ====
===== Old Aperture Office bird nest =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a3_00_fall05.wav|"Oh. Hi."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a3_00_fall05.wav|"Oh. Hi."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a3_reunion_intro04.wav|"Say, you're good at murder. Could you - ow - murder this bird for me?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a3_reunion_intro04.wav|"Say, you're good at murder. Could you - ow - murder this bird for me?"]]
Line 747: Line 730:
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_a3_prometheus_intro01.wav|"That extra half volt helps but it isn't going to power miracles. If I think too hard, I'm going to fry this potato before we get a chance to burn up in the atomic fireball that little idiot is going- [bzzpt]"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_a3_prometheus_intro01.wav|"That extra half volt helps but it isn't going to power miracles. If I think too hard, I'm going to fry this potato before we get a chance to burn up in the atomic fireball that little idiot is going- [bzzpt]"]]

=== Chapter 7: The Reunion ===
==== First Propulsion Gel Test Chamber  ====
==== 第7章 -重逢 ====
===== First Propulsion Gel Test Chamber  =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_a3_wakeupb03.wav|"Did anything happen while I was out?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_a3_wakeupb03.wav|"Did anything happen while I was out?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a3_speed_ramp_hearcave02.wav|"Hold on, who-?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a3_speed_ramp_hearcave02.wav|"Hold on, who-?"]]
Line 758: Line 742:
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_portrait01.wav|"Those people, in the portrait. They look so familiar..."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_portrait01.wav|"Those people, in the portrait. They look so familiar..."]]

==== Second Propulsion Gel Test Chamber ====
===== Second Propulsion Gel Test Chamber =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_hearcave_b01.wav|"I swear I know him..."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_hearcave_b01.wav|"I swear I know him..."]]

==== End of Propulsion Gel testing ====
===== End of Propulsion Gel testing =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_caroline_ohmygod02.wav|"Caroline, Caroline, Caroline... why do I know this woman? Did I kill her? Or-"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_caroline_ohmygod02.wav|"Caroline, Caroline, Caroline... why do I know this woman? Did I kill her? Or-"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_caroline_ohmygod04.wav|"Oh my god."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_caroline_ohmygod04.wav|"Oh my god."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_caroline_ohmygod08.wav|"Look, you're... doing a great job. Can you handle things for yourself for a while? I need to think."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_caroline_ohmygod08.wav|"Look, you're... doing a great job. Can you handle things for yourself for a while? I need to think."]]

==== After first Conversion Gel encounter ====
===== After first Conversion Gel encounter =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_see_bird01.wav|"Agh! Bird! Bird! Kill it! It's evil!"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_see_bird01.wav|"Agh! Bird! Bird! Kill it! It's evil!"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_see_bird02.wav|"It flew off."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_see_bird02.wav|"It flew off."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_see_bird03.wav|"Good. For him. Alright, back to thinking."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_see_bird03.wav|"Good. For him. Alright, back to thinking."]]

==== Cave Johnson Lemon Speech ====
===== Cave Johnson Lemon Speech =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_cave_deathspeech_reactions08.wav|"Yeah."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_cave_deathspeech_reactions08.wav|"Yeah."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_cave_deathspeech_reactions05.wav|"Yeah!"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_cave_deathspeech_reactions05.wav|"Yeah!"]]
Line 782: Line 766:
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_cavejohnsonmeeting12.wav|"Goodbye, sir."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_cavejohnsonmeeting12.wav|"Goodbye, sir."]]

==== Test after Lemon Speech ====
===== Test after Lemon Speech =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a3_end_peptalk01.wav|"I know things look bleak, but that crazy man down there was right. Let's not take these lemons! We are going to march right back upstairs and MAKE him put me back in my body!"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a3_end_peptalk01.wav|"I know things look bleak, but that crazy man down there was right. Let's not take these lemons! We are going to march right back upstairs and MAKE him put me back in my body!"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a3_end_peptalk03.wav|"And he'll probably kill us, because he's incredibly powerful and I have no plan."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a3_end_peptalk03.wav|"And he'll probably kill us, because he's incredibly powerful and I have no plan."]]
Line 789: Line 773:
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a3_end_peptalk07.wav|"Still, though, let's get mad! If we're going to explode, let's at least explode with some dignity."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a3_end_peptalk07.wav|"Still, though, let's get mad! If we're going to explode, let's at least explode with some dignity."]]

==== Gel connection area ====
===== Gel connection area =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a3_end_see_paradox_poster01.wav|"Wait! I've got an idea!"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a3_end_see_paradox_poster01.wav|"Wait! I've got an idea!"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a3_end_see_paradox_poster06.wav|"That poster! Go look at it for a second, would you?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a3_end_see_paradox_poster06.wav|"That poster! Go look at it for a second, would you?"]]
Line 804: Line 788:
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a3_end_paradox_explanation10.wav|"Still. It's a better plan than exploding. Marginally."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a3_end_paradox_explanation10.wav|"Still. It's a better plan than exploding. Marginally."]]

=== Chapter 8: The Itch ===
==== [[Portal 2 Chapter 8 Frankenturrets|Frankenturrets]] ====
==== 第8章 - 坐立難安 ====
===== [[Portal 2 Chapter 8 Frankenturrets|Frankenturrets]] =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_recaptureleadin02.wav|"Try to get us down there. I'll hit him with a paradox."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_recaptureleadin02.wav|"Try to get us down there. I'll hit him with a paradox."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_intro_start03.wav|"Solve his puzzle for him. When he comes back, I'll hit him with a paradox."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_intro_start03.wav|"Solve his puzzle for him. When he comes back, I'll hit him with a paradox."]]
Line 823: Line 808:
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_tb_intro_start01.wav|"Luckily, by the looks of things he knows as much about test building as he does about logical contradictions."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_tb_intro_start01.wav|"Luckily, by the looks of things he knows as much about test building as he does about logical contradictions."]]

==== [[Portal 2 Chapter 8 Test Chamber 1|Wheatley Test Chamber 1]] ====
===== [[Portal 2 Chapter 8 Test Chamber 1|Wheatley Test Chamber 1]] =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_tb_intro_start02.wav|"It shouldn't be hard to stay alive long enough to find him."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_tb_intro_start02.wav|"It shouldn't be hard to stay alive long enough to find him."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_newtests05.wav|"This is one of MY tests!"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_newtests05.wav|"This is one of MY tests!"]]
Line 829: Line 814:
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_tb_intro_outro04.wav|"The good news is... well, none so far, to be honest. I'll get back to you on that."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_tb_intro_outro04.wav|"The good news is... well, none so far, to be honest. I'll get back to you on that."]]

==== [[Portal 2 Chapter 8 Test Chamber 2|Wheatley Test Chamber 2]] ====
===== [[Portal 2 Chapter 8 Test Chamber 2|Wheatley Test Chamber 2]] =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_pickups08.wav|"I'd love to help you solve the tests. But I can't."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_pickups08.wav|"I'd love to help you solve the tests. But I can't."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_tb_trust_drop_start09.wav|"Sorry."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_tb_trust_drop_start09.wav|"Sorry."]]
Line 842: Line 827:
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_tb_trust_drop_thanks07.wav|"But that was worth it."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_tb_trust_drop_thanks07.wav|"But that was worth it."]]

==== [[Portal 2 Chapter 8 Test Chamber 3|Wheatley Test Chamber 3]] ====
===== [[Portal 2 Chapter 8 Test Chamber 3|Wheatley Test Chamber 3]] =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_tb_wall_button_start02.wav|"I thought of some good news. He's going to run out of test chambers eventually. I never stockpiled them."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_tb_wall_button_start02.wav|"I thought of some good news. He's going to run out of test chambers eventually. I never stockpiled them."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_tb_wall_button_did_stockpile01.wav|"'Skeletons.' Right, I guess I DID stockpile some tests."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_tb_wall_button_did_stockpile01.wav|"'Skeletons.' Right, I guess I DID stockpile some tests."]]
Line 851: Line 836:
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_arttherapysupertests09.wav|"I'm sure we'll be fine."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_arttherapysupertests09.wav|"I'm sure we'll be fine."]]

==== [[Portal 2 Chapter 8 Test Chamber 4|Wheatley Test Chamber 4]] ====
===== [[Portal 2 Chapter 8 Test Chamber 4|Wheatley Test Chamber 4]] =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_a4_nothing01.wav|"It's probably nothing. Keep testing while I look for a way out."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_a4_nothing01.wav|"It's probably nothing. Keep testing while I look for a way out."]]

Line 862: Line 847:
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_tb_polarity_moron_push02.wav|"I might have pushed that moron thing a little too far this time."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_tb_polarity_moron_push02.wav|"I might have pushed that moron thing a little too far this time."]]

==== [[Portal 2 Chapter 8 Test Chamber 5|Wheatley Test Chamber 5]] ====
===== [[Portal 2 Chapter 8 Test Chamber 5|Wheatley Test Chamber 5]] =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_speed_tb_catch_trouble03.wav|"Ohhhh, now he's playing classical music."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_speed_tb_catch_trouble03.wav|"Ohhhh, now he's playing classical music."]]

Line 870: Line 855:
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_tb_polarity_resistance04.wav|"It didn't matter to me - I was in it for the science. Him, though..."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_tb_polarity_resistance04.wav|"It didn't matter to me - I was in it for the science. Him, though..."]]

==== [[Portal 2 Chapter 8 Test Chamber 6|Wheatley Test Chamber 6]] ====
===== [[Portal 2 Chapter 8 Test Chamber 6|Wheatley Test Chamber 6]] =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_speed_tb_catch_trouble01.wav|"If he's not getting his solution euphoria, we could be in a lot of trouble."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_speed_tb_catch_trouble01.wav|"If he's not getting his solution euphoria, we could be in a lot of trouble."]]

Line 877: Line 862:
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_stop_the_box_whisper05.wav|"He's taking us right TO him! This is PERFECT."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_stop_the_box_whisper05.wav|"He's taking us right TO him! This is PERFECT."]]

==== [[Portal 2 Chapter 8 Test Chamber 11|Wheatley Test Chamber 11]] ====
===== [[Portal 2 Chapter 8 Test Chamber 11|Wheatley Test Chamber 11]] =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_laser_catapult_start01.wav|"I think he's getting desperate."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_laser_catapult_start01.wav|"I think he's getting desperate."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_tb_wall_button_did_stockpile02.wav|"This is not good."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_tb_wall_button_did_stockpile02.wav|"This is not good."]]
Line 883: Line 868:
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_a4_misc_resistance02.wav|"Remember when I told you that he was specifically designed to make bad decisions? Because I think he's decided not to maintain any of the crucial functions required to keep this facility from exploding."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_a4_misc_resistance02.wav|"Remember when I told you that he was specifically designed to make bad decisions? Because I think he's decided not to maintain any of the crucial functions required to keep this facility from exploding."]]

==== [[Portal 2 Chapter 8 Test Chamber 12|Wheatley Test Chamber 12]] ====
===== [[Portal 2 Chapter 8 Test Chamber 12|Wheatley Test Chamber 12]] =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_misc_lift01.wav|"Oh, my facility."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_misc_lift01.wav|"Oh, my facility."]]

Line 890: Line 875:
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_misc_lift02.wav|"After seeing what he's done to my facility -- after we take over again -- is it alright if I kill him?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_misc_lift02.wav|"After seeing what he's done to my facility -- after we take over again -- is it alright if I kill him?"]]

==== [[Portal 2 Chapter 8 Test Chamber 15|Wheatley Test Chamber 15]] ====
===== [[Portal 2 Chapter 8 Test Chamber 15|Wheatley Test Chamber 15]] =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_a4_wegetit01.wav|"Yes, thanks. We get it."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_a4_wegetit01.wav|"Yes, thanks. We get it."]]

==== [[Portal 2 Chapter 8 Test Chamber 16|Wheatley Test Chamber 16]] ====
===== [[Portal 2 Chapter 8 Test Chamber 16|Wheatley Test Chamber 16]] =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_newtests07.wav|"Alright. He's not even trying to be subtle anymore."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_newtests07.wav|"Alright. He's not even trying to be subtle anymore."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_newtests08.wav|"Or maybe he still is, in which case, wow, that's kind of sad."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_newtests08.wav|"Or maybe he still is, in which case, wow, that's kind of sad."]]
Line 900: Line 885:
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_a4_happy01.wav|"So he's inexplicably happy all of a sudden, even though he should be going out of his mind with test withdrawal. AND he's got a surprise for us. What did he FIND back there?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_a4_happy01.wav|"So he's inexplicably happy all of a sudden, even though he should be going out of his mind with test withdrawal. AND he's got a surprise for us. What did he FIND back there?"]]

=== Chapter 9: The Part Where He Kills You ===
==== Wheatley Test Chamber 12/The trap ====
==== 第9章 - 這裡就是... ====
===== Wheatley Test Chamber 12/The trap =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_laser_platform_start01.wav|"We're running out of time..."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_laser_platform_start01.wav|"We're running out of time..."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_laser_finale01.wav|"I think I can break us out of here in the next chamber. Just play along."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_laser_finale01.wav|"I think I can break us out of here in the next chamber. Just play along."]]
Line 911: Line 897:
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale01_kills_us02.wav|"Well. This is the part where he kills us."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale01_kills_us02.wav|"Well. This is the part where he kills us."]]

==== That Part ====
===== That Part =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale01_deathtrap01.wav|"Hold on. Couldn't we just use that conversion gel?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale01_deathtrap01.wav|"Hold on. Couldn't we just use that conversion gel?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale01_deathtrap02.wav|"Conversion gel. It's dripping out of that pipe there."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale01_deathtrap02.wav|"Conversion gel. It's dripping out of that pipe there."]]
Line 919: Line 905:
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale01_cameback01.wav|"I can't believe you came back."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale01_cameback01.wav|"I can't believe you came back."]]

==== Turret Trap ====
===== Turret Trap =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale2_itsatrap01.wav|"Okay, yes, it's a trap. But it's the only way through. Let's just do it."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale2_itsatrap01.wav|"Okay, yes, it's a trap. But it's the only way through. Let's just do it."]]

==== Bombs intro ====
===== Bombs intro =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_misc_lift04.wav|"Crushing's too good for him. First he'll spend a year in the incinerator. Year two: Cryogenic refrigeration wing. Then TEN years in the chamber I built where all the robots scream at you. THEN I'll kill him."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_misc_lift04.wav|"Crushing's too good for him. First he'll spend a year in the incinerator. Year two: Cryogenic refrigeration wing. Then TEN years in the chamber I built where all the robots scream at you. THEN I'll kill him."]]

==== Pre-lair ====
===== Pre-lair =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale3_speech01.wav|"Oh my god. What has he done to this place?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale3_speech01.wav|"Oh my god. What has he done to this place?"]]

Line 933: Line 919:
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale3_tbeam09.wav|"I'm being serious, I think there's something really wrong with me."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale3_tbeam09.wav|"I'm being serious, I think there's something really wrong with me."]]

==== Corrupted Cores ====
===== Corrupted Cores =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale4_intro02.wav|"Corrupted cores! We're in luck."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale4_intro02.wav|"Corrupted cores! We're in luck."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale4_intro05.wav|"You find a way to stun him, I'll send you a core, and then you attach it to him. If we do it a few times, he might become corrupt enough for another core transfer."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale4_intro05.wav|"You find a way to stun him, I'll send you a core, and then you attach it to him. If we do it a few times, he might become corrupt enough for another core transfer."]]

==== Pre-final battle ====
===== Pre-final battle =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale4_plugmein01.wav|"Plug me in, and I'll take you up."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale4_plugmein01.wav|"Plug me in, and I'll take you up."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale4_plugmein05.wav|"Plug me in, we're running out of time."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale4_plugmein05.wav|"Plug me in, we're running out of time."]]
Line 944: Line 930:
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale3_tbeam11.wav|"You like revenge, right? Everybody likes revenge. Well, let's go get some."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale3_tbeam11.wav|"You like revenge, right? Everybody likes revenge. Well, let's go get some."]]

==== Final Battle ====
===== Final Battle =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale4_corenags03.wav|"Good work! I'm delivering the first core up near the catwalk!"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale4_corenags03.wav|"Good work! I'm delivering the first core up near the catwalk!"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale4_corenags05.wav|"Grab it and attach it to him!"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale4_corenags05.wav|"Grab it and attach it to him!"]]
Line 950: Line 936:
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale4_corenags15.wav|"Here's another core! This one should do it!"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale4_corenags15.wav|"Here's another core! This one should do it!"]]

==== Stalemate Button ====
===== Stalemate Button =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale4_stalemate05.wav|"Yes! Come on!"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale4_stalemate05.wav|"Yes! Come on!"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale4_buttonnags01.wav|"Go press the button! Go press it!"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale4_buttonnags01.wav|"Go press the button! Go press it!"]]
Line 959: Line 945:
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale4_buttonnags07.wav|"DO press it."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS potatos_sp_a4_finale4_buttonnags07.wav|"DO press it."]]

==== Space ====
===== Space =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS moonportalpush02.wav|"I already fixed it."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS moonportalpush02.wav|"I already fixed it."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS moonportalpush04.wav|"And you are NOT coming back."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS moonportalpush04.wav|"And you are NOT coming back."]]

==== Ending lines ====
===== Ending lines =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS epilogue03.wav|"Oh thank god, you're alright."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS epilogue03.wav|"Oh thank god, you're alright."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS epilogue04.wav|"You know, being Caroline taught me a valuable lesson. I thought you were my greatest enemy. When all along you were my best friend."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS epilogue04.wav|"You know, being Caroline taught me a valuable lesson. I thought you were my greatest enemy. When all along you were my best friend."]]