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*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy2-05.wav|여기 힌트네요. 힌트 해석 못함. . .<br>"Here's a hint: you're gonna want to pack as much living as you can into the next couple of minutes."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy2-05.wav|여기 힌트네요. 힌트 해석 못함. . .<br>"Here's a hint: you're gonna want to pack as much living as you can into the next couple of minutes."]]

==== Third core destroyed ====
==== 세번째 코어가 부숴졌을 때 ====
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_miscbabble-10.wav|"Neurotoxin... [cough] [cough] So deadly... [cough] Choking... [laughter] I'm kidding!"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_miscbabble-10.wav|신경독... [콜록][콜록] 너무 치명적이야...[콜록]숨이 막혀...[웃음]농담이에요!<br>"Neurotoxin... [cough] [cough] So deadly... [cough] Choking... [laughter] I'm kidding!"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_miscbabble-11.wav|"When I said deadly neurotoxin, the 'deadly' was in ''massive'' sarcasm quotes."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_miscbabble-11.wav|내가 '치명적'인 신경독이라고 했을 때, 그 '치명적'이라는 말은 당신을 놀리기 위한 빈정거림이였죠.<br>"When I said deadly neurotoxin, the 'deadly' was in ''massive'' sarcasm quotes."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_miscbabble-12.wav|"I could take a bath in the stuff, put it on cereal, rub it right into my eyes. Honestly, it's not deadly at all. To me."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_miscbabble-12.wav|난 저걸로 목욕도 할 수 있고, 시리얼에 뿌려 먹을 수도 있으며, 내 눈에 직접 문지를 수도 있어요. 솔직히 말하자면, 전혀 치명적이지 않아요. 내게는 말이죠.<br>"I could take a bath in the stuff, put it on cereal, rub it right into my eyes. Honestly, it's not deadly at all. To me."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_miscbabble-13.wav|"You, on the other hand, are going to find its deadliness a lot less funny."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_miscbabble-13.wav|하지만, 정 반대의 상황에 놓인 당신에게는 이것의 치명성이 전혀 재미있지 않겠죠.<br>"You, on the other hand, are going to find its deadliness a lot less funny."]]

*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_miscbabble-15.wav|"Who's gonna make the cake when I'm gone? You?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_miscbabble-15.wav|내가 없어지면 누가 케이크를 만드나요? 당신이 직접?<br>"Who's gonna make the cake when I'm gone? You?"]]

*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy3-02.wav|"Look, you're wasting your time. And, believe me, you don't have a whole lot left to waste."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy3-02.wav|보세요, 시간 낭비라니까요. 날 믿어요, 이젠 낭비할 인생도 별로 없을 테니까.<br>"Look, you're wasting your time. And, believe me, you don't have a whole lot left to waste."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy3-03.wav|"What's your point, anyway? Survival? Well then, the last thing you want to do is hurt me."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy3-03.wav|어쨌건간에, 당신의 목표는 뭔가요? 생존? 그렇다면 날 다치게 하지 않는 게 좋아요.<br>"What's your point, anyway? Survival? Well then, the last thing you want to do is hurt me."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy3-04.wav|"I have your brain scanned and permanently backed up in case something terrible happens to you, which it's just about to."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy3-04.wav|사실, 뭔가 끔찍한 일이 발생할 때를 대비해서 당신의 뇌를 스캔해뒀고, 영구적으로 백업도 해 뒀어요. 그리고 그 끔찍한 일이 지금 발생할 거에요.<br>"I have your brain scanned and permanently backed up in case something terrible happens to you, which it's just about to."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy3-05.wav|"Don't believe me? Here, I'll put you on: [Hellooo!] That's you! That's how dumb you sound."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy3-05.wav|내 말이 안 믿겨요? 그럼 당신 목소리를 들려주죠.[안뇨오옹!]이게 바로 당신이에요! 당신은 저런 멍청한 소리만 해대죠!<br>"Don't believe me? Here, I'll put you on: [Hellooo!] That's you! That's how dumb you sound."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy3-06.wav|"You've been wrong about every single thing you've ever done, including this thing."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy3-06.wav|당신은 지금 하는 행동도 그렇고, 그간 해 온 모든 것이 잘못됐어요.<br>"You've been wrong about every single thing you've ever done, including this thing."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy3-07.wav|"You're not smart. You're not a scientist. You're not a doctor. You're not even a full-time employee. Where did your life go so wrong?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy3-07.wav|당신은 똑똑하지 않아요. 과학자도 아니고요. 박사도 아니에요. 심지어는 정규 직원도 아니라고요. 언제부터 그렇게 인생이 잘못되셨나?<br>"You're not smart. You're not a scientist. You're not a doctor. You're not even a full-time employee. Where did your life go so wrong?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy4-01.wav|"Rrr, I hate you."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy4-01.wav|으, 난 당신이 너무 싫어요.<br>"Rrr, I hate you."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy4-02.wav|"Are you trying to escape? [chuckle] Things have changed since the last time you left the building. What's going on out there will make you wish you were back in here."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy4-02.wav|탈출하려고요? [낄낄] 당신이 건물을 마지막으로 떠난 이후 많은 게 바뀌었어요. 밖에서 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 알면 다시 이곳으로 돌아오고 싶을 걸요.<br>"Are you trying to escape? [chuckle] Things have changed since the last time you left the building. What's going on out there will make you wish you were back in here."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy4-03.wav|"I have an infinite capacity for knowledge, and even I'm not sure what's going on outside."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy4-03.wav|내게는 무한한 요용량의 지식이 있지만, 나조차도 밖에 무슨 일이 벌어지고 있는지 확실하지가 않다고요.<br>"I have an infinite capacity for knowledge, and even I'm not sure what's going on outside."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy4-04.wav|"All I know is I'm the only thing standing between us and ''them''. Well, I was."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy4-04.wav|내가 아는 전부는 우리와 그들 사이의 유일한 존재가 나라는 것이죠. 음, 나'였었'죠.<br>"All I know is I'm the only thing standing between us and ''them''. Well, I was."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy4-05.wav|"Unless you have a plan for building some supercomputer parts in a big hurry, this place isn't going to be safe much longer."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy4-05.wav|급하게 슈퍼컴퓨터 부속을 만들 계획이 아니라면, 이 장소는 더 이상 안전하지 않아요.<br>"Unless you have a plan for building some supercomputer parts in a big hurry, this place isn't going to be safe much longer."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy4-06.wav|"Good job on that, by the way. [back to computer voice] Sarcasm sphere self-test complete."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy4-06.wav|어쨌든, 그 말은 잘했어요. [다시 컴퓨터 음성으로]빈정거림 코어 자체 점검 완료.<br>"Good job on that, by the way. [back to computer voice] Sarcasm sphere self-test complete."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy4-07.wav|"Stop squirming and die like an adult or I'm going to delete your backup."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy4-07.wav|그만 우물쭈물하고, 어른 답게 죽음을 맞이하세요. 안 그러면, 당신의 백업을 삭제해버릴 겁니다.<br>"Stop squirming and die like an adult or I'm going to delete your backup."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy4-08.wav|"STOP! Okay, enough. I deleted it. No matter what happens now, you're dead."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy4-08.wav|멈춰요! 좋아요, 이걸로 충분해요. 백업을 지웠다고요. 이제 당신에게 무슨 일이 일어나건, 당신은 죽은 목숨이에요.<br>"STOP! Okay, enough. I deleted it. No matter what happens now, you're dead."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy4-09.wav|"You're still shuffling around a little, but believe me you're dead."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy4-09.wav|아직 주변을 돌아다닐 수는 있나 본데, 날 믿어요. 당신은 죽을 거에요.<br>"You're still shuffling around a little, but believe me you're dead."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy4-10.wav|"The part of you that could have survived indefinitely is gone. I just struck you from the permanent record."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy4-10.wav|아직 주변을 돌아다닐 수는 있나 본데, 날 믿어요. 당신은 죽을 거에요. 영원히 존재할 수 있었던 당신의 백업이 사라져 버렸어요. 방금 당신을 영구 기록에서 빼버렸으니까요.<br>"The part of you that could have survived indefinitely is gone. I just struck you from the permanent record."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy4-11.wav|"Your entire life has been a mathematical error. A mathematical error I'm about to correct."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS escape_02_spheredestroy4-11.wav|당신의 모든 생활은 수학적 오류가 있었어요. 내가 수정하려고 했었던 수학적 오류죠.<br>"Your entire life has been a mathematical error. A mathematical error I'm about to correct."]]

Revision as of 03:10, 16 January 2016

이 문서는 포털포털 2에 나오는 글라도스의 목소리 목록입니다.


참고: Portal/ko

실험실 00~02

("덕분에 실패 하는 많은 감사 의 실패는 삼가 해주십시오" 라고 번역됩니다)

만약 플레이어가 문이 열려 있는 동안 큐브를 물질 분해 그리드로 던져 버리면:

휴대용 포털 장치를 얻었을 때

참고: Handheld Portal Device/ko

실험실 03~04

실험실 05-08

실험실 09-11

During the level:

휴대용 포털 장치가 업그레이드 되었을 때

실험실 12-16

플레이어가 고에너지 펄릿 수용 지역에 갇혔을 때

실험실 17

실험실 18

무게 큐브가 바닥의 끈적거리는 곳에서 잃어버렸을 경우

플레이어가 고에너지 펄릿 수용 지역에 갇혔을 때

실험실 19

탈출하는 동안

On destroying a security camera

Final battle

When the player picks up the morality core

첫번째 코어가 부숴졌을 때

"[음성이 미묘하게 달라져있음. 좀 더 부드럽고, 매력적이며, 기계음의 느낌이 덜 남.]"

The following automatically plays or repeats after the respective speech for every destroyed core.

두번째 코어가 부숴졌을 때

세번째 코어가 부숴졌을 때