Doug Rattmann/cs

From the Portal Wiki

Doug Rattmann, obvykle přezdívaný jako Rat Man (krysí muž), byl vědec obohacovacího centra společnosti Aperture Science. Ještě před událostmi prvního dílu Portálu, když GLaDOS začala plnit celý komplex neurotoxinem, byl Rattmann pravděpodobně jediný, kdo přežil. Byl to paranoidní schizofrenik. Aby zůstal při smyslech, musel pravidelně užívat antipsychotické léky.

Doug Rattmann po událostech Portálu, k vidění v komiksu Lab Rat
Realita je příběh, který vypráví mysl sama sobě. Umělá struktura vyvolaná výměnou iontů vápníkou mezi milióny synaptických zakončení. Pravda tak zvláštní, že může být nalhána jen živé bytosti. A naše mysl může lhát. O tom nikdy nepochybujte...
Doug Rattmann

I když ve hře se sám Rattmann nikdy neobjevil, v Portálu a v single-playeru Portálu 2 lze vidět mnoho jeho nástěnných maleb a obrazů.


Portal 2: Lab Rat (komiks)

Zhlédněte také: Portal 2: Lab Rat
Rattmann vyobrazený v komiksu Lab Rat ještě před událostmi Portálu.

V komiksu Portal 2: Lab Rat Rattmann pravděpodobně vyvíjí Portálovou Zbraň.[1] He expresses doubts about GLaDOS and the effectiveness of a morality core, remarking "You can always ignore your conscience".[2] His fears turn out to be justified when she poisons all the staff in the Enrichment Center with neurotoxin upon activation during the company's Bring-Your-Daughter-To-Work Day.

Prepared for the outcome, he survives the initial attempts to kill him and proceeds to sneak through parts of the facility, avoiding GLaDOS who is actively hunting him. Acting on a 'hunch', he breaks into the test subjects' filing room and arranges Chell's name to the top of the test subject roster,[3] leading to the events in Portal.


Zhlédněte také: Portal
Crude bed that can be found in most of Rattmann's dens.

Delusional, running low on medication and traveling with what he sees to be a talking Weighted Companion Cube, he watches from the shadows as Chell is put through GLaDOS' testing course. Although he is never spotted in-game in any of the playable Portal series, his refuge areas (referred to as dens) can be found by Chell, containing crude bedding, empty cans of beans and scribblings and dioramas on the walls. It is in one of these dens that the warning phrase "The cake is a lie" can be found scribbled on a wall; as GLaDOS continually promises that there would be cake at the end of testing.

Following Chell's conflict with GLaDOS after her escape from the testing tracks, the Lab Rat comic details Rattmann's point of view after the events of Portal in which he follows the sound of the explosion and finds a route to the outside world after the destruction of GLaDOS. His joy is short lived as he witnesses an unconscious Chell being dragged back into the facility by the Party Escort Bot. Feeling guilt, as it was his actions that resulted in her being the first test subject, he once again enters the facility and finds Chell has been put in long-term cryogenic relaxation.[4] Finding out that Chell's Relaxation Chambers is offline due to the downfall of GLaDOS, the overall facility operator, he proceeds to save Chell's life by unplugging all other available chambers from their cryogenic supply and into hers. He is injured in the process when he is shot by Turrets that are still left in nearby test chambers.[5] He then submits himself into Chell's cryogenic stasis bed found in the Relaxation Vault previously used in the events of Portal, and falls asleep in it.

His fate is left unknown as the entire bed with him is nowhere to be found when Chell later revisits this Relaxation Vault at the beginning of the single-player campaign in Portal 2.

Portal 2

Zhlédněte také: Portal 2

During the events of the single-player campaign of Portal 2, Rattmann's fate is left unknown. Whether or not he is dead is left up to debate, as Chell's cryogenic stasis bed that she used before the events of Portal he took refuge in, had disappeared entirely.

A Rattmann den during Portal 2's single-player.

All that is left of him in Portal 2, like in the first game, are wall scribblings and various dioramas depicting either what he witnessed or simply what he feels like expressing.

Rattmann's graffiti work makes no appearances whatsoever during the course of the game's Cooperative Testing Initiative. However, a Weighted Companion Cube can be spotted by Atlas and P-body in the last test of Course Four: Excursion Funnels. The cube is apparently attached to a Core Receptacle, indicating that it may in fact be as sentient as any other Cores in the series.

At some point in the events of the Perpetual Testing Initiative, in which the player takes role of stick figure Bendy - is shifted into a variety of alternate universes at the Enrichment Center as a means of still having Cave Johnson as ongoing CEO. There is a universe in which Cave and Rattmann were born with switched bodies. In this universe, Cave (in Doug's voice and body) hijacks the intercoms to yell out and warn everyone that Rattmann (presumably in Cave's body and handling the company typically as the real Cave would) is embezzling from the staffs' paychecks.

Known dens

Aside from leaving paintings, murals and messages behind, Doug Rattman also discovered a number hidden rooms in Aperture Science. He adorned these rooms with messages and artwork, and primarily used them as refuges in order to escape GLaDOS' scrutiny. The hidden rooms are present in both Portal and Portal 2, and are known as the Ratman's Dens. A total of 12 have been discovered, 5 in Portal and 7 in Portal 2.

Den locations in Portal:

Den locations in Portal 2:



  • Doug Rattmann was behind the Aperture Image Format, used in the Portal ARG.
  • He can be heard rambling in certain locations of his dens in Portal 2.
  • His voice also can be heard in Portal 2 OST during track "Ghost of Rattman"


  1. Portal 2: Lab Rat comic, page 13
  2. Portal 2: Lab Rat comic, page 14
  3. Portal 2: Lab Rat comic, page 21
  4. Portal 2: Lab Rat comic, page 15
  5. Portal 2: Lab Rat comic, page 17

See also