Note: please do not create or edit dictionary subpages (e.g. Template:Dictionary/items/bionic beanie. Make changes to the main dictionary pages linked above instead.
"00 part1 entry-1" to "01 part2 success-1"
"02 part1 entry-1" to "06 part1 success 2-1"
"07 part1 entry-1" to "10 part1 success-1"
"11 part1 entry-1" to "14 part1 entry-2"
"15 part1 entry-1" to "escape 00 part2 nag03-1"
"escape 01 death nag01-1" to "escape 02 miscbabble-27"
"escape 02 spheredestory1-01" to "escape 02 spheredestory3-07"