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智能阻尼核心,通常被称为 Wheatley,是一个具有男性化的程序和英国西部乡村口音的人格核心,出场于 传送门 2 的单人模式中。

他在游戏中扮演着主要配角的角色,引导 Chell 逃离光圈科技丰富学习中心。 然而,在游戏的中途,他和 GLaDOS 交换了角色,GLaDOS 成为了 Chell 的主要配角,而 Wheatley 则成为了游戏的主要反派。

Wheatley 由英国演员和喜剧家 Stephen Merchant 配音。


Wheatley 被设计成一个智能阻尼核心,是附着在 GLaDOS 身上的核心之一,以便“产生无穷无尽的糟糕想法”并抑制她的心智能力。尽管从未解释过,但Wheatley 被从 GLaDOS 身上断开,并被赋予其他工作(他可能被道德核心所取代)。在 GLaDOS传送门 2:实验室的老鼠 漫画中使用神经毒素杀死所有员工之前的某个时候,Wheatley 曾与员工一起工作,然后他与其他核心一起,如 传送门 结局所示,被入库储存。几年后,虽然情况不明,他还是和其他许多人格核心一起被停用,并被保管在仓库储存。

由于 Chell传送门 结局时摧毁 GLaDOS,对丰富学习中心造成了破坏,Wheatley 和其他核心被重新激活,以维护设施。具有讽刺意味的是,这适得其反,因为许多核心似乎已经被杀死,或是变得疯狂(比如太空核心),或者电力不足。

传送门 2 的故事发生之前,Wheatley 被任命为扩展休闲中心的负责人——这个中心在测试课程前后将测试对象长期冷冻保存。然而,并没有提及他实际上是如何管理整个翼楼的。直到不知过了多久,Wheatley 决定逃离这个设施。为了实现这一目标,他试图从任何留在这里的测试对象那里寻求帮助,这些测试对象在冷冻供应用尽后还能存活很长时间。对 Wheatley 来说幸运的是,Chell 是其中之一,如果她不是唯一一个存活下来的。


传送门 2

参见: Portal 2
Wheatley's first appearance.

Wheatley is first seen during the very beginning of the game during the chapter The Courtesy Call, wherein he removes Chell from her Relaxation Vault and puts her into one of the old testing tracks, so she can find a Handheld Portal Device/zh-hans and help him escape. After she acquires the device, he meets up with her and detaches himself from his management rail to accompany her to the now-ruined Central AI Chamber/zh-hans, so they can access an escape pod to the surface. He uses his compatibility with the Enrichment Center's systems to allow passage through a testing chamber's backstage. When they reach the ruined Central AI Chamber and he tries to activate the lights, he accidentally reactivates GLaDOS/zh-hans instead. Wheatley is crushed by GLaDOS' pincers and tossed to the side and Chell is placed back in GLaDOS' testing tracks. However, he somehow survives and is placed back on his management rail, due to an incident involving a bird (Wheatley attempts to explain the events of this incident to Chell, but it is not heard in full).

Throughout Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 5, Wheatley observes Chell from behind the scenes of the test chambers, trying to figure out a way to break her out. Finally, at the end of Chapter 4, he is successful and they both escape into the manufacturing section of Aperture, just before GLaDOS is about to kill Chell. He hatches a plan to sabotage GLaDOS' turrets and neurotoxin, then confront her, defeat her, and escape. They succeed in sabotaging GLaDOS' turret/zh-hans production line and neurotoxin/zh-hans generator.

Wheatley and his panels.
Wheatley having extracted GLaDOS into a potato battery.

Once this is done, Chell and Wheatley return to the Central AI Chamber through the Tubes/zh-hans to confront GLaDOS. The Announcer/zh-hans detects GLaDOS as a corrupted central core and offers a core transfer. A stalemate is reached between Wheatley and GLaDOS, and Chell has to push the Stalemate Resolution Button. Once Chell does this, the core transfer commences. GLaDOS' head is removed from her body and Wheatley is put in its place, putting him in control of the facility. He summons an elevator for Chell to escape to the surface, but just as the elevator is starting to rise, Wheatley grows corrupted with power and lowers it back down. He says spitefully that all Chell does is boss him around (Ironically, Chell never says a word in either game), but now he is the boss and she is at his mercy. Wheatley transfers GLaDOS' core programming to a small computer chip powered by a potato battery as an attempt to humiliate her. In her potato form, GLaDOS suddenly recognizes Wheatley's voice. She tells him that he is an Intelligence Dampening Sphere, "producing an endless stream of terrible ideas", essentially "designed to be a moron". In a fit of rage, he accidentally knocks both her and Chell into the bottom of the elevator shaft leading to the depths of the Enrichment Center, Old Aperture

The Enrichment Center during Wheatley's control.

After returning from Old Aperture, Chell and potato-GLaDOS learn that Wheatley's moronic actions are causing the facility's reactor to approach a nuclear meltdown because he consistently neglects the urgent warnings from the Announcer/zh-hans, instead preferring to think of ways to satisfy the testing addiction he gets from inhabiting GLaDOS' body, which he calls "the itch". One such (unsuccessful) endeavor is the creation of Cube/Turret/zh-hans hybrids, or "Frankenturrets" designed to autonomously walk onto buttons. When Wheatley discovers Chell and GLaDOS, GLaDOS attempts to overclock Wheatley's processors by forcing him to interpret a paradox, but the attempt fails as he isn't smart enough to even understand that it is a paradox at all, even his Frankenturrets understand this paradox, as they are seen twitching and sparking after the paradox is mentioned. When this attempt fails, Wheatley puts Chell and GLaDOS into his own testing tracks (most of them stolen from GLaDOS, and usually mashed together with other stolen tracks in a semi-failed attempt to make new chambers.) As they go through the testing tracks, he examines the rest of the Enrichment Center and discovers Atlas/zh-hans and P-body/zh-hans. Realizing he no longer needs Chell to continue testing, he sets a trap, with which he can crush her to death. However, Chell evades his trap, escapes the testing area, and prepares for the final confrontation with him.

When Chell arrives in Wheatley's chamber, Wheatley employs a four-part plan to destroy her: no portal surfaces, start the neurotoxin/zh-hans immediately, bomb-proof shields, and bomb/zh-hans launchers. This backfires, however, when Chell uses a bomb to shatter a pipe of Conversion Gel/zh-hans, then uses this gel to redirect bombs at Wheatley. Each bomb stuns Wheatley for long enough to attach a corrupted core onto him. Once this is done three times, Wheatley is corrupt enough for the announcer to initiate a core transfer. A stalemate occurs once more between Wheatley and GLaDOS, and Chell must press the stalemate resolution button to finalize the transfer. However, Wheatley had booby trapped it with explosives before the fight, as the fifth part of his plan, and Chell is flung from the button. The explosion dislodges part of the ceiling, exposing the night sky and the Moon. Chell shoots a portal onto the Moon, causing both her and Wheatley to be sucked into space, both of them holding onto the central core body in order to stay anchored on Earth. While they are suspended here, the core transfer is completed. GLaDOS returns to her original place as Central Core, knocks Wheatley off her body, and rescues Chell. Wheatley flies off into space, accompanied by the Space Sphere/zh-hans.

Wheatley is last seen in the epilogue after the end credits, with the Space Core orbiting him, where he wishes he could say he was sorry for all he did to Chell.



  • Appearance-wise, Wheatley appears to be a variant of GLaDOS' Intelligence Core (the one telling the cake recipe), with a blue "eye" and three dots, though Wheatley has dots only on his right side and possesses a white light as his iris instead.
  • Wheatley's Cockney accent heard in the Meet Wheatley video shown at E3 2010 uses a placeholder voice provided by Valve/zh-hans animator Richard Lord.[1] Due to very positive feedback, Valve considered at some point making the voice official.[2] Later Lord himself emphasized that his voice was temporary, saying that "theres no way you will be dissapointed with the final voice - i'm over the moon with who it might be." [sic],[3] until it was announced that Stephen Merchant would provide the final voice.[4]
  • During the 2011 Video Game Awards, Wheatley was nominated for "Character of the Year". He then made an appearance on the event which depicted him in space as he states that he would be even more honored for a space shuttle rescue.[5] Portal 2 then won the award for "Best Performance by a Human Male" with Stephen Merchant's portrayal of Wheatley.[6]
  • Wheatley makes a cameo appearance in an official plugin (Warning! May contain NSFW content), created by Bethesda and Valve, for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, entitled Fall of the Space Core, Vol. 1. In it, he can be seen floating around the Skills menu.
  • In the developer commentary of Portal 2, it is revealed that he was originally intended to have tried escaping with other subjects prior to waking Chell up. This still remains in the game, as during the final boss battle, he says that he tried escaping with 6 people prior. However, due to his nature and the heat of the battle, it is unknown if he was lying or not.
  • When Wheatley speaks Spanish it translates to "You are using this translation software incorrectly. Please consult the manual."
  • Wheatley , alongside GLaDOS and Chell, appears in LEGO Dimensions/zh-hans; in the main story of the game, Wheatley attempts to aid the main characters Gandalf, Batman, and Wyldstyle obtain cake and later escape from a room-sized incinerator. Later, he reappears with the power of teleportation and again helps Chell overthrow GLaDOS by putting the Space Sphere in charge of the facility.
    • While non-canon to the Portal series, in his first LEGO appearance, Wheatley is still bound to railing (as he was in the early parts of Portal 2), whereas later he is free-floating; both he and GLaDOS reference the events of Portal 2's ending. This may imply that the two appearances are intended to take place at different points in time with regard to the Portal timeline.
  • When Wheatley is transferred into GLaDOS' body, his handles are removed. Oddly, when Wheatley is being sucked into space, the handles suddenly reappear despite still being connected to the main frame. This maybe an unintended story fault that the developers doesn't notice while developing the game


  1. Portal 2 Gains a Talkative Companion on Wired.com
  2. Portal 2 E3 gameplay video (single post) on the NeoGAF forums
  3. "Temp voice!" on Last Outpost of Sanity, Richard Lord's official blog
  4. Gamescom: Portal 2 gets Stephen Merchant on ComputerAndVideoGames.com
  5. Wheatley footage at VGA 2011 on GameTrailers
  6. Best Performance by a Human Male on Spike
