Chapter 9 - Finale

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Chapter 9 - Finale
sp_a4_finale4.bsp Finale 4

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Test Chamber Infobox Portal Guy.png
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Chapter 9 Boss.jpg

This is the sixtieth and final level of the game. The level takes place within the maintenance areas of the Aperture Science facility, as well as Wheatley's Lair, and features Conversion Gel, Repulsion Gel and Propulsion Gel. Bombs and Neurotoxin are present as the primary hazards.

The credits scene and the scene with Wheatley and the Space Sphere are actually part of what's known as Chapter 10: The Credits, even though there's no title to that chapter in the game apart from on the main menu.



  • Shoot a portal on the ceiling above the ledge and the other below yourself.
  • Go through the portal and continue to observe the Corrupted Cores.
  • Head for the door and go along the catwalk.
  • Go up the stairs and then go to the left. Plug GLaDOS in the receptacle and wait to get to the top.
  • Hide behind the Conversion Gel pipe and wait for Wheatley to start throwing bombs.
  • Shoot a portal on the floor near yourself and the other one on one of the panels hanging from the ceiling.
  • Go stand behind the portal on the floor, so the bomb goes in the portal and hits Wheatley.
  • Fire the portal from the panel to the panel hanging above the catwalk and go through the portal.
  • Grab the first corrupted core, Space Core, and look for a blinking red light in Wheatley's body.
  • Use the Repulsion Gel to get near the light and point the core at it. The core attaches itself to the body.
  • Place a portal under Wheatley and the other on the floor. Get one of the bombs to go through the portal.
  • Shoot the portal from under Wheatley to the panel hanging above the catwalk.
  • Wait for the second corrupted core, Adventure Core, to be in the right position and then jump on the Repulsion Gel to grab it.
  • Look for another blinking red light and attach the core there by jumping from the Repulsion Gel to it.
  • Fire a portal on the panel higher above the countdown monitor. Then go stand to the other side of the area, to get Wheatley to turn his back on it.
  • Wait for the bombs to start dropping and put the other portal as soon as you can on the landing area.
  • Wait until a Propulsion Gel pipe bursts and fire a portal at the end of the runway.
  • Place the other portal on the floor right next to the end of the runway.
  • Go to the start of the catwalk and run through the portal and get the third corrupted core, Fact Core.
  • Look for the final blinking light and use the Repulsion Gel to attach the core.
  • Wait for the Stalemate Resolution Annex to open and place a portal on the ceiling of the Annex.
  • Shoot the other portal on the Conversion Gel below Wheatley and go through.
  • Fire the portal on surface of the Moon.
  • Enjoy the cutscene and rest of the Finale.

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Main article: Portal 2 soundtrack

Bombs for Throwing at You by Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory [5:48] |   Download |   Play
Your Precious Moon by Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory [1:55] |   Download |   Play
Caroline Deleted by Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory [1:50] |   Download |   Play
Cara Mia Addio! by Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory [2:33] |   Download |   Play (the Turret Opera)
Want You Gone by Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory [2:21] |   Download |   Play
Spaaaaace by Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory [0:45] |   Download |   Play


  • When shooting an portal to surface of the Moon, the portal under Wheatley will always be orange.



Chapter 9 - Turret Opera
sp_a5_credits.bsp Credits



Perché non passi lontana? Sì, lontana da Scienza!
Prima Donna Turret

The Turret Opera is an event in the single-player campaign of Portal 2 in which a group of Sentry Turrets form a unique melody via the movement sounds of their weaponry casings.

The opera is introduced as an easter egg in Test Chamber 16 of GLaDOS' testing tracks in Chapter 3: The Return, hidden beside a wall with a gap near the start of the chamber, where a Turret can be seen inside it. Upon entering, Chell would be able to witness various Turrets beneath the room as they serenade to the Prima Donna Turret.

The Turret Opera is seen again for the last time, as a closure to the game's single-player campaign, based on the popular opera phrase "it's not over until the fat lady sings" - in which the Prima Donna Turret finally sings in the game along with the other Turrets.

The opera sequence begins after GLaDOS sends Chell on a lift towards the surface. The lift stops in front of some Turrets aimed at Chell, making it seem like GLaDOS's promise of freedom was a lie. Instead, the Turrets begin serenading her. As the lift ascends even further, Chell witnesses an even larger group of Turrets awaiting her arrival as the Prima Donna Turret sings the lead vocals and the Animal King Turret provides the bass notes. The opera is still audible as the lift arrives at the top, lingering until the moment Chell finally steps outside.

Cara Mia Addio! by Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory [2:33] |   Download |   Play

Finale Opera Lyrics

[Verse 1]
Cara bella, cara mia bella!
Mia bambina, oh ciel!
Che la stima! Che la stima!
Oh cara mia, addio!

[Verse 2]
La mia bambina cara,
Perché non passi lontana?
Sì, lontana da Scienza!
Cara, cara mia bambina,
Ah, mia bella!

[Verse 3]
Ah, mia cara! Ah, mia cara!
Ah, mia bambina!
Oh cara, cara mia!

[Instrumental Break]

[Repeat Verse 3]
Mia cara! Ah, mia cara!
Ah, mia bambina!
Oh cara, cara mia!

Translated (English):
[Verse 1]
Beautiful dear, my darling beauty!
My little girl, oh heaven!
How I adore you! How I adore you!
Oh my dear, farewell!

[Verse 2]
My dear little girl,
Why not go a long way away?
Yes, far from Science!
Dear, my beloved little girl,
Ah, my beautiful one!

[Verse 3]
Ah, my dear! Ah, my dear!
Ah, my little girl!
Oh dear, my dear!

[Instrumental Break]

[Repeat Verse 3]
My dear! Ah, my dear!
Ah, my little girl!
Oh dear, my dear!