
Help page

Adding images to the Portal Wiki is a great way to enhance the content of an article. Here are some basics on how to use and format images. Image use is regulated by our Image use policy.

Uploading images

  1. Prepare the file for upload. Make sure the image is cropped to eliminate unecessary space and focused on the image subject.
  2. In the sidebar, under “tools”, click “upload file”.
  3. Click “Browse” next to the “Source filename:” to locate the file on your computer (the name of the “browse” button depends on your web browser).
  4. Change the “Destination filename:” to something descriptive, if necessary.
  5. Fill in the “Summary,” if necessary.
  6. Select the appropriate license of the file.
  7. Click the “Upload file” button.

If it is a large file, you may have to wait several seconds for the upload to complete.

  • Important: after uploading, you may not see the new version immediately. Try clearing your page cache (CTRL+F5 on most browsers, see here). Don't revert to an older version or attempt to upload again.

Using Images and File Description Pages

After you've uploaded a file, you can use it in an article, with some special wiki syntax to create the link (see below).

Your file gets its very own “File Description Page” within the File namespace of the wiki. You should edit this page to provide more information about the file. You should use the description page to explain where you got the file from, and what its copyright status is. Any other useful descriptive notes could also be added there.

Licensing and copyrights

  • Tag all images with the applicable license template.
  • Images that violate the terms of use of this website or infringe copyright will be subject to deletion.


The full syntax for displaying an image is:


Where options can be zero or more of the following, separated by pipes:

  • border, frame, thumb, or frameless: Controls how the image is formatted
  • left, right, center, none: Controls the alignment of the image within a text
  • baseline, sub, super, top, text-top, middle, bottom, text-bottom: Controls the vertical alignment of the image within a text
  • {width}px: Resizes the image to the given width in pixels
  • {width}x{height}px: Resizes the image to fit within the given width and height in pixels; it is possible to specify only the height by writing x{height}px
    • Note that the image will always retain its aspect ratio.
  • link={destination}: Allows to link to an article or URL; e.g. [[Image:Name.jpg|20px|link=Help:Images]]  .
    • link=: Will display an image without link.
    • Note that link cannot be used in conjunction with thumb as thumb is always meant to link to the larger version of the image. In addition, link cannot be used with frame.
  • alt={alternative text}: For changing the alternative text (alt="") of an image.

The options can be given in any order. If the given options conflict each other, the latter is applied, except for the format options, where the options take the priority in the order of frame, thumb, and frameless and/or border. If a given option does not match any of the other possibilities, it is assumed to be the caption text. Caption text can contain wiki links or other formatting.


The following table shows the effect of all available formats.

When the height of an image in thumbnail is bigger than its width and you find it too outstanding, you may try the option upright, which will try to adjust its size to more desirable size.

Note that by writing thumb={filename}, you can use a different image for the thumbnail.


Note that when using frame or thumb, the default alignment will be right.

Description You type You get
no alignment specified, or default alignment
... text text text
text text text ...

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text   text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

specify alignment as none
... text text text
text text text ...

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

... text text text
text text text ...

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

... text text text
text text text ...

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

... text text text
text text text ...

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

Vertical alignment

text text [[Image:Wiki-logo.png|20px]]
text text [[Image:Wiki-logo.png|20px|baseline]]
text text [[Image:Wiki-logo.png|20px|sub]]
text text [[Image:Wiki-logo.png|20px|super]]
text text [[Image:Wiki-logo.png|20px|text-top]]
text text [[Image:Wiki-logo.png|20px|middle]]
text text [[Image:Wiki-logo.png|20px|bottom]]
text text [[Image:Wiki-logo.png|20px|text-bottom]]

results in (the text is underlined to show the result more clearly)

text text  

text text  

text text  

text text  

text text  

text text  

text text  

text text  

Size and Frame

Among different formats, the effect of the size parameter may be different, as shown below.

  • When the format is not specified, or only bordered, the size can be both reduced and enlarged.
  • An image with frame always ignores the size specification.
  • The size of an image with thumb and frameless can be reduced, but can not be enlarged beyond the original size of the image.

For how it appears when its size is not specified, see Format section above.

Format Reduced Enlarged
(not specified)
[[Image:Wiki logo.png|50px]]


[[Image:Wiki logo.png|300px]]


[[Image:Wiki logo.png|border|50px]]


[[Image:Wiki logo.png|border|300px]]


[[Image:Wiki logo.png|frame|50px]]
[[Image:Wiki logo.png|frame|300px]]
[[Image:Wiki logo.png|thumb|50px]]
[[Image:Wiki logo.png|thumb|300px]]
[[Image:Wiki logo.png|frameless|50px]]


[[Image:Wiki logo.png|frameless|300px]]


Stopping text flow

On occasion it is desirable to stop text from flowing around an image. Depending on the web browser's screen resolution and such, text flow on the right side of an image may cause a section header (for instance, == My Header ==) to appear to the right of the image, instead of below it, as a user may expect. The text flow can be stopped by placing
before the text that should start after the image.


Link to description page

If you put a colon (:) before Image:, the image will not be embedded and the link will lead to the description page of the file.

[[:Image:Wiki-logo.png|Wiki Logo]]

results in

Image:Wiki-logo.png Wiki Logo

Link directly to file

You can use the pseudo-namespace “Media” to link directly to a file, bypassing the description page.

[[Media:Wiki-logo.png|Wiki Logo]]

results in

Media:Wiki-logo.png Wiki Logo

List of Files in The Portal Wiki

There are a number of special pages to help you view and manage files which have been uploaded. Go to “Special pages” (in the tools on the left) and then see...

See also