User:Party Escort Bot = Beans/Mini-Wiki 1/Timeline: Difference between revisions

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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Timeline of the Party Escort Beans universe}}
{{DISPLAYTITLE:Timeline of the Party Escort Beans universe}}
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* The Party Escort Beans Enrichment Center is built.
* The Party Escort Beans Enrichment Center is built.
* The 3rd World War starts, because of [[User:Party Escort Bot = Beans/Mini-Wiki 1/Party Escort Bot = Beans/CharacterInfo|Party Escort Bot = Beans]] saying a stupid joke on mic, which got taken seriously.
* The 3rd World War starts, because of [[User:Party Escort Bot = Beans/Mini-Wiki 1/Party Escort Bot = Beans/CharacterInfo|Party Escort Bot = Beans]] saying a stupid joke on mic, which got taken seriously.
* The Party Escort Beans Enrichment Center is making a plan to inverse the effect of the Suppression Field, and succeeds.
==== May 22 ====
The person who always forgets his name starts working at a currently unfinished kid-friendly restaurant with animatronics. The building is however claimed to be haunted by ''Five Nights at Freddy's'' players.
==== May 26 ====
===== 08:32 =====
The French army launches a missile on the currently under construction restaurant. This causes many employees and the day shift guard to die in the explosion.


Latest revision as of 14:45, 25 May 2015



Cave Johnson receives the Shower Curtain Salesman award within Aperture Fixtures.



Cave Johnson appears in the UP Pioneer Press headlines for buying a salt mine in Upper Michigan,[1] which is later reconstructed as the Aperture Science Innovators facility.

Between 1945 and 1954

Richard Keller is born. According to the Half-Life PlayStation 2 manual, he is said to be 55 in Decay, set in 200-.


Aperture Science receives the award for Best New Science Company from the Science and Business Institute of America.


Aperture Science is rated #2 among the Top 100 Applied Science Companies by the Mechanical Engineering World Journal.


It is during this decade that the Black Mesa facilities are built[2], before being purchased and refurbished later by Black Mesa.


Aperture Science is the Runner Up for the US Department of Defense's Contractor of the Year award. By now, Aperture Science has begun testing Repulsion Gel. Test Shaft 09's Entrance Way, Lobby and Testing Lounge are built.


Aperture Science constructs Pump Station Alpha and at least Test Shaft 09 Chambers 01 and 02.

Aperture goes public this year.[3]


Aperture Science is the Runner Up for the US Department of Defense's Contractor of the Year award again, likely losing to Black Mesa.


Aperture Science receives the Spirit of Idaho National Potato Board award for the promotion of Potato Science.


The Eisenhower administration signs a contract with Aperture Science to manufacture shower curtains to all branches of the US Military, except the Navy.[3]

Pump Station Alpha (which pumps Repulsion Gel) is in active use by now.


Aperture Science constructs at least Test Shaft 09 Chamber 26.

From 1957 to 1973

Aperture Science produces mostly shower curtains,[4][5] eventually making Cave Johnson a billionaire.


Aperture Science constructs Test Shaft 09 Chambers 27 and 28, and begins forming control groups for experimentation with cranial microchip implantation.[3]



June 15

Aperture Science's Test Shaft 09 "Zulu Bunsen" is condemned and sealed off.

Between 1963 and 1972

Colette Green is born. She is said to be 37 in Decay, set in 200-.


Aperture Science is involved in US Senate hearings regarding "missing astronauts". By now, Aperture Science has gone bankrupt.

Between 1969 and 1978

Gina Cross is born. She is said to be 31 in Decay, set in 200-.



Aperture Science re-opens Test Shaft 09 for testing. The lower sections appear to remain unused.

Aperture constructs Pump Station Beta and begins Propulsion Gel testing.


Aperture Science constructs at least Chambers 01 and 02 of the Propulsion Gel Testing Facility.

Between 1973 and 1982

Gordon Freeman is born. He is said to be 27 in Half-Life, set in 200-.


The earliest known use of a bulletin board system by Aperture Science.[6]


Aperture Science constructs at least Chamber 05 of the Propulsion Gel Testing Facility.


  • Aperture Science constructs the elevator out of the Propulsion Gel Testing Facility.
  • Due to financial difficulties and possible legal problems arising from testing prominent citizens, Aperture Science begins using homeless people as Test Subjects.
  • The object of testing and experimentation at this time is Propulsion Gel.
  • Complementing the Propulsion Gel testing, Aperture Science also begins experimenting with human deconstruction, enhancement, and reconstruction procedures.

Between 1978 and 1987

Adrian Shephard is born. He is said to be 22 in Opposing Force, set in 200-.

October 17

Cave Johnson receives the answer to a confidential letter titled "Human Enrichment & Testing Initiative, Resource Acquisitions", describing the four types of Test Subjects and their behavior.[6]



  • Aperture Science now performs tests on its own employees. By now, Cave Johnson has spent $70 million on moon rocks to grind up and turn into Conversion Gel, and as a result of exposure has himself become gravely ill and addicted to pain medication.
  • Aperture engineers complete the Heimlich Counter-Maneuver and Take-A-Wish Foundation initiatives. The company announces products related to the research in a televised ceremony. These products become immediately wildly unpopular. After a string of very public choking and despondent sick child disasters, senior company officials are summoned before a Senate investigative committee. During these proceedings, an engineer mentions that some progress has been made on Tier 3, the "man-sized ad hoc quantum tunnel through physical space with possible applications as a shower curtain." The committee is quickly permanently recessed, and Aperture is granted an open-ended contract to secretly continue research on the 'Portal' and Heimlich Counter-Maneuver projects.[4]


  • Aperture Science constructs Pump Station Gamma and the Conversion Gel Testing Facility.
  • Cave Johnson names Caroline as his successor. When testing is complete, her intelligence is to be stored in his computer (likely running on GLaDOS).
  • This is the oldest known date of the Enrichment Center Test Subject Application Process being applied to Aperture Science's Test Subjects. It is operated by version 1.07 of GLaDOS, later "1.07a" and "1.09".


For this year, a calendar named "The girls of Aperture Science" is issued by Aperture Science. It is unknown if it was issued each year.[7]

From 1983 to 1985

Work progresses on the "Portal" project. Several high ranking Fatah personell choke to death on lamb chunks despite the intervention of their bodyguards.


The Aperture Image Format is created. [6]


  • The Conversion Gel Testing Facility is updated with an additional wall.
  • Word reaches Aperture Science management that Black Mesa is working on a similar portal technology. In response to this news, Aperture Science begins developing GLaDOS, although the name was already in use in 1982.[4]


This is the most recent date for the Aperture Image Format. At that time, it is maintained by Doug Rattmann.[6]


Late 90s

While visiting the University of Innsbruck, Gordon Freeman observes a series of seminal teleportation experiments conducted by the Institute for Experimental Physics. Practical applications for teleportation become his obsession.[8]


After a decade spent bringing the Disk Operating System parts of GLaDOS to a state of more or less basic functionality, work begins on the Genetic Lifeform component. During that time, the Aperture Science Red Phone plan is implemented in case GLaDOS appears to become sentient and godlike, requiring an employee to sit by a red phone on a desk in GLaDOS chamber's entrance hall.[9]


At that time, GLaDOS's version is 3.11. This is also the latest known date of Aperture Science using a bulletin board system.[6]


Aperture Science releases several testing elements, such as the Excursion Funnel, a tractor beam-like funnel made of liquid asbestos; the Thermal Discouragement Beam, a laser to be used with a Discouragement Redirection Cube to destroy Sentry Turrets and activate some buttons; the Aerial Faith Plate, a catapult plate flinging into the air Test Subjects or any other object upon contact; and the Pneumatic Diversity Vent, a variant of the Vital Apparatus Vent used for distributing objects to Test Chambers.[10][11][12]


Gordon Freeman graduates from MIT with a Ph.D. in theoretical physics.[13][8] Soon after, he starts working at Black Mesa.

Soon after Gordon Freeman's employment, he is instructed by Gina Cross' hologram counterpart for an HEV Suit Training Exercise in Sector A's Training Facility. This is Half-Life's Hazard Course.[14]



This is the "year" during which the Black Mesa Incident occurs. Deliberately kept vague by the Half-Life team,[15] it could be any date from 2000 to 2009.

Deduction points at "May 16, 200-" for the precise date of the incident.

March 3

From Shephard's diary entries: "Another typically hellish day at base camp... I'll be glad when this is over and I can get assigned a mission. There has been this really weird civie spotted at the base. Rumor is he's from some government branch looking to recruit; others say he's with some secret research group. I would jump at the chance to join. It would be cool just for the change and the adventure."[16]

March 7

From Shephard's diary entries: "I finally saw the government guy today. I am not sure he is a g-man, but he was wearing a really uptight suit and carrying a briefcase. He looked more like a lawyer or insurance agent to me. I did notice him checking me out. Several times throughout the day I spotted him just watching me during training. I wonder what he's up to..."[16]

March 9

From Shephard's diary entries: "For weeks our drills have been the same crap day after day. Today we assemble for the morning run and our drill instructor tells us we have one week to become experts at indoor strategic combat. We will be spending every day this week at the combat simulation facility. As far as I know this a specialized training not taught in boot camp. What I want to know is if this is to test our ability to adapt or if we are being readied for a specific mission? Time will tell..."[16]

March 12

From Shephard's diary entries: "The rumors have been flying since our indoor combat training began. Most of my peers are convinced that we are being primed for a mission. No one can agree on what the mission is. I have heard the name Black Mesa Facility thrown around a lot, but I have no information about the place. The rumors are that some top-secret research is going on there. Doesn't sound too exciting to me..."[16]

March 15

From Shephard's diary entries: "The rumor has been confirmed. We are being trained for a mission at the Black Mesa Facility. All I know is that the place is being used by scientists who are doing some kind of new research. I can't imagine what we would be needed for. We were told today to be ready in case it happens tomorrow. I don't know what "it" is, but the whole thing is a little strange. I kind of hope it doesn't happen; the mission doesn't seem to have much excitement potential. I'd rather hold out for something with more likelihood of combat."[16]

Several days before May 16

The untested AI of GLaDOS is activated for the first time as one of the planned activities on Aperture's first annual bring-your-daughter-to-work day. Upon being activated, she almost instantly becomes self-aware, takes control of the Enrichment Center, locks everyone inside, and floods the Enrichment Center with a deadly neurotoxin, but is halted when she is quickly fitted with a Morality Core. She then begins a permanent cycle of testing, aimed at beating Black Mesa in the race to develop functioning portal technology.[5]

May 5

While concluding his work at the University of Innsbruck, Gordon Freeman receives a letter from the Black Mesa Office of the Administrator's L.M. confirming he is hired, commencing his position immediately but no later than May 15.[17]

May 9

Barney Calhoun receives a letter from L.M. about his May 15 reassignment to Blue Shift.[18]

May 11

Colette Green receives a letter from the Black Mesa Office of the Administrator's LM saying that sample GG-3883 will replace sample EP-0021.[19]

Before May 12

Barney Calhoun is performing a retinal scan and has his salary increased. His two-day Security Guard Training is scheduled.[18]


First day of Barney Calhoun's Security Guard Training under Miller's Holographic Instructor counterpart, in Sector A Training Facility. This is the Blue Shift Hazard Course.[19][20]

May 13

Second day of Barney Calhoun's Security Guard Training.[20]


Walter Bennet is being instructed by Gina Cross for an Anti-Mass Spectrometer Overload Simulation.[19]

May 14


Colette Green was to be instructed by Isaac Kleiner for an Anomalous Materials Handling, but it was postponed to June.[19]

May 15

  • Barney Calhoun is assigned to a 09:00 - 22:00 Blue Shift assignment until August 15 and reports at Area 3 Medium Security Facilities at 09:00. Other unknown security guards are assigned to Red, Orange, Yellow, Green and Indigo Shifts in specific areas of Sector A, B, and C. For that timespan, the Violet Shift is on standby.[18]
  • The latest date as to when Gordon would begin his employment at Black Mesa.[19] Half-Life 2 and its episodes implied that Gordon was already working for a time at Black Mesa before the incident: Barney tells Gordon he owes him a beer and reminds him who he is when first meeting in the City 17 Trainstation, and Alyx tells in the City 17 Underground that Gordon and Barney would compete in the air ducts to get into Kleiner's office whenever he got himself locked out. Dr. Breen describes Gordon's time at Black Mesa as being a "brief tenure."

Gina Cross is being instructed by Richard Keller for a Mark V HEV Suit Prototype Testing.[19]

May 16


Gordon Freeman is being instructed by Gina Cross' hologram counterpart for an HEV Suit Training in Sector A's Training Facility. Prior to beginning the training, the scientists monitoring Gordon mention that the sensors in their equipment are not working.[19][21]


More system crashes occur throughout Black Mesa (the security guard in the Sector C lobby states he has had a system crash "about 20 minutes ago").[21]


Barney Calhoun starts his tram ride from the Area 8 Topside Dormitories at Black Mesa,[20] to start his second Blue Shift day at Area 3 Medium Security Facilities in Sector C.[18] He arrives there some time before 9:00.


After his HEV Suit Training, Gordon Freeman starts his tram ride from Level 3 Dormitories at Black Mesa. He is 30 minutes late.[21]

Remainder of the day
  • The Black Mesa Incident. Around 9:00, Freeman conducts an experiment on sample GG-3883 in Sector C's Anti-Mass Spectrometer. The experiment goes wrong and triggers a Resonance Cascade, teleporting Xen creatures to Earth.[21]
  • Freeman, Calhoun, Green and Cross fight their way through the facility.
  • Overnight, Freeman successfully launches the rocket.

As heard during the tram ride at the start of Half-Life, the Black Mesa Hazard Course Decathlon was to start in the Level 3 facility.[21] This never happened due to the incident.

May 17

Otis Laurey was to be instructed by the Miller's holographic instructor counterpart for a Security Guard Training at 16:30, but he was apparently unable to attend and Cross suggests to Green to ask Barney to replace him.[19] This never happened due to the incident.

  • Early in the morning, Gina Cross and Colette Green are able to perform a resonance reversal. Their fate, along with Keller's, are unknown.[22]
  • Barney Calhoun successfully escapes Black Mesa with Rosenberg, Simmons and Walter Bennet.
  • Adrian Shephard and his squad are attacked by Alien Crafts and their Osprey crashes. As Gordon Freeman fights his way across the surface towards the Lambda Complex, Shephard is left behind (this matches the message addressed to Cooper). Race X creatures appear sometime later.
  • Freeman defeats the Nihilanth and frees the Vortigaunts. He is then placed in stasis by the G-Man.
  • Black Mesa is destroyed by an Mark IV Thermonuclear Device. Shephard is also placed in stasis by the G-Man.
  • As the Black Mesa facility is destroyed, GLaDOS's race against Black Mesa is stopped.[5]

May 18


Colette Green was to conduct a Public Relations Tour.[19] This never happened due to the incident.


Colette Green was to be instructed by Isaac Kleiner for an Anomalous Materials Handling on May 14, which was postponed to June.[19] It never happened due to the incident.

August 15

Barney Calhoun's Blue Shift was to end on that day.[18] It ended earlier due to the incident.

After May 200-

During this period of around 20 years Gordon Freeman is in stasis.[23] It starts at the aftermath of the Black Mesa Incident in May 200- and ends at Gordon's arrival in City 17 in 202-.

  • Portal Storms rage on Earth while Xen creatures continue to be teleported. The governments and United Nations provide the protection centers located in major cities worldwide.
  • The Aperture Science Enrichment Center remains in lockdown, with employees still trapped inside. The number of Aperture Science employees also likely diminishes, until there are only a few of them left.
  • The Combine launches an assault on Earth. Earth governments and the United Nations enter into war against them. The Seven Hour War occurs. Earth surrenders to the Combine after seven hours, and Wallace Breen, former Black Mesa Administrator, is appointed Earth Administrator.
  • This is the period during which Portal is set. It occurs a short amount of time after the Combine invasion of Earth,[24][25] somewhere around the year 2010.[26]
  • In the Aperture Science computer-aided Enrichment Center, Chell is awoken by GLaDOS who makes her perform seemingly routine tests. However Chell soon learns that the Aperture employees are long dead or escaped, and that GLaDOS is seemingly the only being left in the decaying facility. After much promise of cake at the test's conclusion, Chell is met with an incinerator, which she narrowly escapes, and works her way through the maintenance areas, despite GLaDOS's protests. Eventually, Chell finds GLaDOS's control room, and manages to escape death by neurotoxin by detaching GLaDOS's Personality Cores, and partially destroying her as a result. Chell is forced to the surface by GLaDOS's explosion, only to be dragged away from freedom and back into the facility by the Party Escort Bot. Unknown to Chell however, GLaDOS is still alive.
  • At an unknown time before Gordon Freeman's awakening, Isaac Kleiner and Eli Vance each build a teleporter in their respective labs a not needing a Xen relay with the aid of Alyx Vance and Judith Mossman, among others. The teleporter was tested on a cat, whose fate was never revealed. They then continue working on it until Freeman's arrival.


  • The Party Escort Beans Enrichment Center is built.
  • The 3rd World War starts, because of Party Escort Bot = Beans saying a stupid joke on mic, which got taken seriously.
  • The Party Escort Beans Enrichment Center is making a plan to inverse the effect of the Suppression Field, and succeeds.

May 22

The person who always forgets his name starts working at a currently unfinished kid-friendly restaurant with animatronics. The building is however claimed to be haunted by Five Nights at Freddy's players.

May 26


The French army launches a missile on the currently under construction restaurant. This causes many employees and the day shift guard to die in the explosion.


One year before 202-

This is the last time Alyx Vance drives Highway 17, as said by her in the radio transmission at Shorepoint Base.


  • Around 20 years after the Black Mesa Incident,[23] Gordon Freeman is awakened by the G-Man after a long period of stasis. He explores City 17, encounters the Resistance and some of his former Black Mesa colleagues. Soon after he joins their cause in the war against the Combine and triggers the uprising of City 17 and his surroundings, becoming the primary target to the Combine. After destroying the Citadel's dark fusion reactor and defeating Breen, Gordon is called into stasis by the G-Man a second time.
  • Soon after he is freed from stasis by a group of Vortigaunts. Gordon and Alyx flee City 17 and proceed to the Resistance base White Forest, located in the Outlands.
  • The Resistance reverses the Combine Superportal, inflicting a consequent blow to the Combine plans, but unfortunately Resistance leader Eli Vance is killed by an Advisor at White Forest.

Pre-Portal 2

GLaDOS' partial destruction is followed by a period of inactivity within the Enrichment Center, during which time maintenance systems and Personality Cores maintain its functions. The facility remains in disarray, having become overgrown and dilapidated. [10] Pre-recorded 'Emergency Test Protocols' can oversee test chambers in times of cataclysmic system failure, "remain[ing] functional in apocalyptic, low power environments of as few as 1.1 volts". Chell spends this time in stasis until the events of Portal 2. At the beginning of her stasis, Chell is under supervision by a remaining Aperture employee, Doug Rattmann.

The span of time between Portal and Portal 2 is not entirely clear. During Portal 2's opening sequence, an automated 'Courtesy Call' implies that Test Subjects in stasis are revived every 50 days. However, when the player is next woken, an autonomous P.A. system reports that the time elapsed is "99999...99...". It is unknown what unit of time it refers to. Of course, it may be that the system has completely broken down and is no longer capable of accurately tracking time.

Portal 2

After an unknown, but abnormally long, period in stasis, Chell is awoken by Wheatley, a personality core. Wheatley insists he can secure an escape route out of the Aperture Laboratories, which instead results in the inadvertent reactivation of GLaDOS.[10] As the story progresses, Chell finds herself traversing old condemned Enrichment Spheres originating from earlier than June 15, 1961, at which time Aperture Laboratories was under the direction of Cave Johnson.


  1. The Up Pioneer Press cover
  2. Portal 2 Collector's Edition Guide
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Portal 2: The Official Guide
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Aperture Science: A History on Game Informer
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Portal ARG
  7. Portal
  8. 8.0 8.1 Half-Life 2 Prima Guide
  9. Portal commentary
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Game Informer, April 2010 issue Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "GI" defined multiple times with different content Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "GI" defined multiple times with different content
  11. Portal 2 Demo (Part 2) - E3 2010 on IGN's YouTube channel
  12. Portal 2 Demo (Part 3) - E3 2010 on IGN's YouTube channel
  13. Half-Life, PlayStation 2 version
  14. Thread on the ModDB forums
  15. Facts about the date issue on the Marc Laidlaw Vault on the Forums
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 Half-Life: Opposing Force instruction manual
  17. Half-Life instruction manual
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 Half-Life: Blue Shift instruction manual
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 19.6 19.7 19.8 19.9 Half-Life PlayStation 2 instruction manual
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 Half-Life: Blue Shift Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "HLBS" defined multiple times with different content
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 Half-Life
  22. Stephen Bahl as quoted on Marc Laidlaw Vault on the Forums
  23. 23.0 23.1 Template:IA
  24. "Valve Plans To Bridge Portal And Portal 2 With A Surprise, Keep Gordon Freeman Out Of It" on
  25. "How Valve Opened Up Portal 2 on
  26. The Final Hours of Portal 2