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A Crusher in Portal 2.

크레셔포탈 2에서 소개된 에퍼쳐 사이언스패널 기술 입니다. Crushers are an environmental hazard present in several test environments. If a test subject makes contact with a Crusher, they will be forced into the nearest hard surface and killed instantly. Crushers appear as large grey panels with a number of steel spikes firmly attached to them.

Crushers become more frequent during the final parts of the game (particularly in the chapter The Part Where He Kills You), and also appear frequently in Cooperative Testing Initiative.


Any object, including the player, will be perforated instantly upon contact with a Crusher. When active, a loud crunching noise is emitted in order to warn the player that they are approaching a Crusher, thereby allowing the player to avoid them.

In Co-op mode, if the player comes in contact with a Crusher while floating in an Excursion Funnel, the damage caused will be periodic until the player moves away or dies.


  • Crushers were originally intended to appear in Portal, but were removed in the early stages of game development due to the additional complexity they added to test chambers.[citation needed]

See also