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P-body testing the Handheld Portal Device
Momentum, a function of mass and velocity, is conserved between portals. In layman's terms: Speedy-thing goes in, speedy-thing comes out.

傳送門 是一個在遊戲中的裝置,由手持傳送門發射器發射。在單人劇情模式中,玩家可以發射出藍色和橘色的傳送門,但是在合作模式裡,兩位機器人各自有代表自己顏色的傳送門,Atlas/zh-hant是紫色與青色﹔P-body/zh-hant則是紅色與黃色。傳送門的形狀為橢圓平面,兩個傳送門相通時,可傳承物體經過的重力以及場景的光線,也可以讓Excursion Funnel/zh-hant以及Light Bridges通過。


  • 傳送門推進: A player is able to boost their momentum when travelling through two portals placed on the floor by using their primary or secondary fire key as they exit the primary or secondary portal, respectively. This is caused by the Portal mechanic pushing the player away from a portal if the portal is re-placed somewhere else (or in this case, in the same place.)
