Portal Teaser Trailer (video)/pl
“Estás usando este software de traducción de forma incorrecta. Por favor, consulta el manual. - Wheatley” Ta strona jest w trakcie tłumaczenia na język polski. Jeśli mówisz po polsku, napisz na stronie dyskusji albo porozmawiaj z ludźmi, którzy wnieśli wkład do strony (poprzez zobaczenie historii strony). |
Zwiastun pokazowy gry Portal nazwany także Wideo Orientacyjne Nr. 1 to materiał filmowy wydany przez Valve w 2006 r. w celu wypromowania gry Portal oraz The Orange Box. Te wideo ma formę materiału informacyjnego Aperture Laboratories który wprowadza mechaniki gry i pokazuje wczesny pre-renderowany materiał filmowy.
Transkrypt zwiastunu pokazowego
Transkrypt |
[Wyświetla się logo Portal z nazwą "Orientation Video No. 1: A Safe and Healthy Work Environment" (pol. "Wideo Orientacyjne Nr. 1: Bezpieczne i Zdrowe Środowisko") pod nim i logo Aperture w lewym górnym rogu.]
GLaDOS: Witamy w Centrum Wspomagania Aperture Science. Spójrzmy na wyzwania, którym stawisz czoła jako członek testu. [An animation of a test chamber with a shallow gap in the middle, extending from one wall to the other, and an exit is shown. A stick figure test subject moves to the gap.] GLaDOS: You may be required to perform simple tasks, such as locating an exit. [A dotted line appears from the test subject to the exit, which is now marked with "(1) Locate Exit".] GLaDOS: These simple tests may be supplemented with insurmountable obstacles. [The dotted line moves to the gap, which is marked with "(2) Identify Obstacle". The gap lengthens past the bottom of the screen. A white exclamation mark briefly appears above the test subject.] GLaDOS: Thanks to the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device, the impossible, is easy. [A lightbulb briefly appears above the subject. The subject then equips the Portal device, marked with "(3) Equip Portal Device", and shoots a red portal on a nearby wall and a blue portal on the wall near the opposite platform. The portals are marked "(4) Place Entry Portal" and "(5) Place Exit Portal". After a white arrow appears across the portals, the subject walks through the portals and arrives on the other platform and cheerfully puts its arms up.] GLaDOS: Let's look at a real-world example. [The test chamber is shown in a first-person view. A fire pit is in the middle of the chamber, and a ceiling with spikes begins to descend on the player. The player shoots an orange portal onto the opposite wall, and a blue portal on a nearby wall. The player heads through the portals and proceeds to the exit.] [An animation of another test chamber is shown. The stick-figure test chamber is on one platform, and a green box is on the opposite platform, across the gap. A dotted line appears from the subject to the box, and a pink heart appears above the subject.] GLaDOS: Certain objects may be vital to your success. If at first you don't succeed, you fail, and the test will be terminated. [The dotted line moves to the gap. The heart turns black, breaks in half, and falls to the ground.] GLaDOS: When stuck, remember our motto: "There's a hole in the sky through which things can fly." [The lightbulb appears again. The subject equips the Portal Device, shoots a red portal at a nearby wall, and a blue portal underneath the box. The box then falls through the portals, and the subject cheerfully puts its arms up.] [Another test chamber is presented in a first-person view. A Weighted Storage Cube and a turret are in the chamber to the left. The player tries to head for the exit, and the turret shoots the player. The player moves back, shoots an orange portal on a wall just above the turret, and a blue portal underneath the Storage Cube. The Storage Cube falls through the portals and knocks the turret over, allowing the player to head for the exit.] [Many animations and slides of test chambers, portal mechanics, warnings, and mechanics such as the Unstationary Scaffold, turrets, and infinite fall are shown.] GLaDOS: At the Enrichment Center, we believe that a highly motivated test subject can carry out rather complex tasks, while enduring the most intense pain, so in case you don't make it through the testing, goodbye. ["4000 Degrees Kelvin" plays as a sequence of pre-rendered footage is shown from early versions of Test Chambers 09, 13, 16, and 18.] GLaDOS: This next test is impossible. [Pre-rendered footage continues, featuring a turret falling back and forth between two floor portals, and early versions of the behind-the-scenes areas and the fire pit. A trick fling is demonstrated in Test Chamber 14. The footage ends with an infinite fall through the blue portal.] [The Portal logo appears: A white portal outline flashes briefly before the blue "portal" and text fade in.] GLaDOS: Now you're thinking with portals. |
- "Laboratories" in the Aperture Laboratories logo is misspelled.
- The turrets have different sounds compared to the final game
- The crusher can be seen in 0:30, which is removed from the final game
- "Vortal Combat" from the Half-Life 2: Episode Two soundtrack plays during the first pre-rendered gameplay segment.
- Beta versions of the portals and the Material Emancipation Grill are shown.
- The various animations in the middle of the teaser trailer have descriptions. The first two appear twice in two flinging demonstration slides.
- (1) Utilize gravitational physics to build vertical momentum prior to entering portal.
- (2) Momentum is maintained upon exiting portal until gravitational forces equalizes inertial movement.
- (!) Jumping from high ledges without anticipation of fatal impact is commonly known to be an unwise activity and is not recommended by the legal team of Aperture, Inc.