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“這只是一個思考實驗,看看你會浪費多少時間去想這些無用的文件。正確說來,時間是零秒。” 這個地方可能會導致嚴重劇透。 您可以按下頁面上方的防止劇透(Spoilers)按鈕來擋住劇透內容。不過,被黑線擋住的內容仍舊可以透過反白文字來觀看。 |
起床號 順利從土法穿牆倖存 難度: 劇情相關 如何取得: 進入第一章測驗室00 即會自動獲得 |
你這個怪物 和 GLaDOS 重逢 難度: 劇情相關 如何取得: 於第一章喚回GLaDOS 後即會自動獲得 |
擊掌慶賀 慶祝合作校準成功 難度: 非常容易 如何取得: 完成合作模式中[校準過程]關卡後獲得 |
姿勢無用 趁你的合作夥伴忙著擺姿勢時,移走對方腳下的橋,害他掉入黏液中 難度: 容易 如何取得: Self-explanatory. Do this in a level with Hard Light Bridges. Usage of the timer is recommended. |
Narbacular Drop 趁你的搭檔合作夥伴擺姿勢的時候,在他腳下放一個傳送門 難度: 容易 如何取得: 不言自明 |
毫不氣餒 通過第一項「高溫鎮暴雷射」測試 難度: 劇情相關 如何取得: 完成第二章測驗室 01 即會自動獲得 |
丟箱子 把方塊放到一個按鈕上,但沒碰到方塊 難度: Easy/劇情相關 如何取得:
質量不滅定律 打破測試室 07 的規則 難度: 容易 如何取得: To obtain this achievement you will need to bring the Companion Cube with you through Test Chamber 7's exit door. To do this you must solve the chamber as you normally would, but as you reach the exit you will need to place a portal on the other side of the door and place another Portal on any other accessible ground. Pick up your cube from the Super Button and use your accessible Portal to reach the other side of the door. This will grant you the achievement. |
惡水上的大橋 通過第一項「硬光橋」測試 難度: 劇情相關 如何取得: 完成第三章測驗室 11 即會自動獲得 |
八仙過海 在合作模式中自主做完全部 8 個特殊姿勢 難度: 容易 如何取得: Once you get all the gestures, simply perform them. |
飛天機槍塔 使用對空跳板將一座機槍塔彈飛出去 難度: 容易 如何取得: 在第三章測驗室 15放置一個炮塔在彈跳板上.也可以在第二章測驗室 06炮塔被作爲垃圾發射出去的地方完成. |
破壞王 衝出重圍 難度: 劇情相關 如何取得: Wheatley 會打斷第四章測驗室 21, 當你跟Wheatley 離開測驗室時即會自動獲得 |
言聽計從 聽從 GLaDOS 的逃命建議 難度: 容易 如何取得: As you escape, GLaDOS invites you to enter the final test chamber. She's even solved it for you. Do it. |
以德報怨 拯救一座機槍塔免遭贖回 難度: 容易 如何取得: During your escape, walk along two Turret Redemption Lines. On the second one is a mostly-intact turret, signposted by its laser. Pick it up. |
獨自掃瞄 站在瑕疵機槍塔偵測器中 難度: 容易 如何取得: In Chapter 5, remove the master turret from the template scanner in the turret factory control room, and then step into the scanner. |
僵局同仁 按下按鈕! 難度: 劇情相關 如何取得: Upon facing GLaDOS for the second time, you will be asked to place Wheatley in an Aperture Science Core Transfer Receptacle. After a disagreement between Wheatley and GLaDOS on whether the process should go ahead, you will be asked as a Stalemate Associate to press the Stalemate Associate Button. Doing so will reward you the achievement. |
馬鈴薯丸 推動科學日新月異 難度: 劇情相關 如何取得: Near the end of Chapter 6 you will reunite with GLaDOS in her potato form. Simply pick her up to receive the achievement. |
身高不是問題 成為斥力凝膠高手 難度: 劇情相關 如何取得: This achievement will be awarded after a series of Repulsion Gel based tests during Chapter 6. |
船隻落水 找出遺漏的實驗 難度: 容易 如何取得: At the start of 1970s Aperture, go to the top catwalk. Follow it to the room, and jump on the furniture in the corner to get to the doors. Step outside to receive the achievement. |
仕女圖 找到隱藏的畫像 難度: 容易 如何取得: Immediately after Enrichment Sphere 4 in Chapter 7 is a closed gate, a portalable panel, and an Emancipation Grill that leads directly into Enrichment Sphere 5. Portal over to a second portalable panel beyond the gate, and enter the office to find the portrait. |
阻力不是問題 成為推力凝膠高手 難度: 劇情相關 如何取得: Identical to how Vertically Unchallenged worked, you will need to complete a series of Propulsion Gel based tests during Chapter 7. |
立可白 通過第一項「轉換凝膠」測試 難度: 劇情相關 如何取得: Complete the first Conversion Gel test. |
你救了科學 通過雙人合作所有關卡中的所有測試室 難度: 容易 如何取得: Complete the Co-op campaign. |
耍性子 拒絕解開第 8 章的第一道測試 難度: 容易 如何取得: Enter Wheatley's very first test chamber (with the "moat area"), but don't press the switch and don't step on the button. |
雙重實驗 進行同一項測試兩次 難度: 劇情相關 如何取得: Complete Wheatley's very first test chamber twice. |
這裡就是葬身之處 顧名思義 難度: 劇情相關 如何取得: Given at the start of Chapter 9. |
魔洞王 別被那個洞嚇到了,讓它瞧瞧誰厲害! 難度: 容易 如何取得: At the start of Chapter 9, when Wheatley asks you to come back, go back. Then do as he says. |
漩渦隧道 成為傳送漩渦高手 難度: 劇情相關 如何取得: Complete Chapter 8 Test Chamber 15. |
精神錯亂 剛剛發生了 難度: 劇情相關 如何取得: Complete the Single-player campaign. |
猜拳王 在合作模式遊戲中連贏 3 次剪刀石頭布 難度: 容易 如何取得: After unlocking the Rock Paper Scissors Gesture, just keep on using the gesture with your partner over and over again until you get the achievement. |
高空秀 在合作模式中,於落地前做出 2 個高空特殊姿勢 難度: 容易 如何取得: During a long jump, gesture twice before you hit the ground. Alternatively, create an infinite fall by placing a portal on the ceiling and one on the ground beneath it or do the gestures in an Excursion Funnel. |
自找麻煩 在五個合作模式關卡的每個關卡中,都在攝影機前嘲笑 GLaDOS 難度: 容易 如何取得: In each of the co-op courses, find a room with a camera and perform a gesture toward it. This does not need to be completed in one session. |
團隊合作 通過「團隊合作」合作模式關卡中的所有測試室 難度: 容易 如何取得: Finish all 6 stages in course 1 of co-op mode. |
建立信心 通過「質量與速度」合作模式關卡中的所有測試室 難度: 容易 如何取得: Finish all 8 stages in course 2 of co-op mode. |
造橋 通過「硬光地表」合作模式關卡中的所有測試室 難度: 容易 如何取得: Finish all 8 stages in course 3 of co-op mode. |
堆障礙 通過「傳送漩渦」合作模式關卡中的所有測試室 難度: 容易 如何取得: Finish all 9 stages in course 4 of co-op mode. |
你傷不了我! 於合作模式中,在被硬光橋擋住的機槍塔前面跳舞 難度: 容易 如何取得: Course 3, floor 6 of co-op is one place to get this achievement. Use the dance gesture while being protected from turrets by a hard light bridge. |
四海遊龍 在合作模式中,進入 4 個不同的傳送門,過程中不著地 難度: 容易 如何取得: Course 1, your friend needs to place portals next to eachother on the floor, which is under a ceiling where you can place your portal. Shoot a portal next to your friends portals and the other one on the ceiling facing one of your friends portals. Fall through your portal and when you go through one of your friends portals, you'll be facing the ceiling again. Then you must shoot the portal on the ceiling to the place where you are about to go. Then wait for a while as you are falling through the portals and the achievement will appear. |
溫馨的好友名單 進行合作模式遊戲時,擁抱好友名單中 3 位不同的人 難度: 容易 如何取得: Self-explanatory. |
無三不成禮 在合作模式測試室中,找出隱藏的同伴方塊 難度: 容易 如何取得: In the final area of the excursion funnel section of co-op mode, you will be outside the official testing track. In one of the many times you and your partner are floating through a funnel, if you look straight to your left, (on the same wall where your partner shoots Hard Light Bridges) you will see a portal conductive surface that you would not normally pay attention to. Shoot a portal there so that the funnel is coming out of it and you float through the funnel. If you look to your left you will see a companion cube behind doors that will open. You will then hit a spike wall and die, so don't try this while attempting Still Alive. |
才藝表演 在合作模式機動凝膠區的第6測驗室時沒有失去任何方塊 難度: 一般 如何取得: Self-explanatory, but make sure you and your partner know what you're doing. |
三冠王 在「質量與速度」關卡中,解開任 3 個合作模式測試室且各不超過 60 秒 難度: 一般 如何取得: For this achievement you need to complete 3 of the 8 stages of the Course 2 in under 60 seconds. You do not need to do them in a row or in any specific order. Stages 1, 2 and 4 are very easy to complete within that time. Make a plan with your partner on who does what on the stages and practice the stages you and your partner find easy. Then make your attempt on the achievement. |
一扇門也不放過 檢查所有玻璃化的測試室門 難度: 一般 如何取得: There are three sets of three vitrified doors in Chapter 6. The first set is on the upper catwalk in the lake area, immediately after the hatch. The second set is on a catwalk opposite the entrance to Pump Station Alpha; exit the lift and turn to the seven-o'-clock position. The third set is in the room above the control room where you find potato GLaDOS. Walk into the room from the top catwalk. Jump on the furniture in the back-left corner and go through the doors. |
最終傳遞 找到鼠男巢穴中隱藏的暗號 難度: 一般 如何取得: When at the switch near the exit of Test Chamber 6, hit the switch and wait for all the trash to fall. Retrieve the radio from wherever it landed and go back to the switch. On the left wall at the opposite end of the chamber, there will be a portal-able surface; remember where this is. Portal back to the start of the chamber with the radio. Place a portal on the portalable-surface mentioned earlier and the other portal on the portalable surface the Aerial Faith Plates will throw you into, jump on the Aerial Faith Plates, and you will fly into one of Rattman's Dens—taking the radio in here will get you this achievement. |
解題高手 70 秒內通過測試室 10 難度: 一般 如何取得: Self-explanatory. |
鐵腕作風 通過「質量與速度」合作模式關卡的測試室 6,卻未漏失任一個方塊 難度: 一般 如何取得: In the area within this test that gives this achievement its difficulty, timing is everything. Make sure you and your partner know what you're doing before attempting this. If you lose one box, go back to the hub and try again. |
砸爛電視 打破 11 台測試室的螢幕 難度: 困難 如何取得: In these test chambers, Wheatley's TV monitors are able to be smashed in the following ways: (this must be done in one run.)
傳送門教授 通過所有合作模式關卡後,前往校準關卡到線上和一個從沒玩過的好友一起闖關 難度: 困難 如何取得: Find random partners online, and immediately leave the game if you do not see the opening film. when you find a beginner, exit the game, friend them, and invite them. This will take a long time depending on how lucky you are. Alternatively, this achievement can be very easy if you already have friends on Steam who have Portal 2, but haven't done co-op mode yet. |
黃金捕手 接住藍色盒子不落地 難度: 一般 如何取得: On Chapter 6, Enrichment Sphere 3 save the game before dropping Repulsion Gel on the cube. Release the gel and try and catch the cube; if it hits the ground, load the earlier save. An alternate method of obtaining this achievement is to drop a little bit of Repulsion Gel on the cube, and then before it breaks out of the glass, drop water on it to stop the bouncing. Simply walk up to the cube and pick it up without touching the ground to get the achievement. |
傳送門保育協會 通過「硬光地表」合作模式關卡中的測試室 3,但是總共只放 5 個傳送門 難度: 困難 如何取得: This achievement is possible to obtain with only one set of portals.這個成就可用一組傳送門達成。 Place one portal at the receiving end of the Hard Light Bridge, then place the other portal on a nearby wall.在硬光橋末端放一個傳送門,在它附近的牆放另一個。 Enter the portal on the wall and walk over to the bridge emitter.進門然後走到光橋發射器上。 Move on the emitter so that you can see the white surface of the overhead panels, then fire a portal so that the Hard Light Bridge runs under the Vital Apparatus Vent.走到光橋發射器上,你就能看見頭上的白色面板,打出一個傳送門讓硬光橋從滴管下方傳出。 Press the button in the center of the wall by the Light Bridge and have your partner catch the ball that drops out of the vent.去按中間的按鈕,讓你的夥伴去接滴管釋出的圓球。 Place the ball on the receptacle and proceed into the next part of the chamber.把球放在接受器上進到實驗室的下個階段。 Fire a portal at the receiving end of the Hard Light Bridge, then line up the second portal on the ceiling so that using the Aerial Faith Plate bounces you off the vertical light bridge and into the exit area.打一個傳送門在硬光橋的末端,第二個傳送門放在天花板上,這樣就可以用跳板把自己彈到被垂直光橋擋下然後上出口平台。 |
依然安在 在合作模式中,和你的夥伴一起活著通過第 4 關 難度: 非常困難 如何取得: Get through the excursion funnels course in one run... with no deaths. Watch out for test chambers:
Practice on all of these stages! That cannot be stressed enough! |