Material Emancipation Grill/cs: Difference between revisions

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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Materiální osvobozovací rošt}}
Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.
[[File:Emancipation Grid.jpg|right|300px|thumb|Materiální osvobozovací rošt v ''Portal 2''.]]

{{Quotation|'''GLaDOS'''|Tento Aperture Science Materiální osvobozovací rošt vypaří jakékoliv neautorizované zařízení, které jím projde - například Aperture Science Zváženou Skladnou Kostku.|sound=GLaDOS_00_part1_success-3.wav}}
'''[[Aperture Science/cs|Aperture Science]] Materiální Osvobozovací Rošt''' (také znám jako '''Osvobozovací rošt''' nebo '''vypařovač''') jsou mihotající částečně průhledné pole částic objevující se v testovacích místnostech Aperture Science. Osvobozovací rošty rozloží jakýkoli objekt nebo věc, která jím projde, zatímco hráče a [[Handheld Portal Device/cs|příruční portálové zařízení]] nechá projít bez úrazu.
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Enpedia: 1
Fandom - Minecraft Wiki: 1
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Fanlore: 1
French Wikipedia: 1
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GameSpot: 1
Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange: 1
German Wikipedia: 1
German Wikivoyage: 1
Giant Bomb: 1
Home Improvement Stack Exchange: 1
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Japanese Wikiquote: 1
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WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1

== Funkce ==
Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.

Hlavní funkcí Osvobozovacích roštů je rozložit jakýkoli objekt nebo věc která jím projde, zatímco hráče a [[Handheld Portal Device/cs|příruční portálové zařízení]] nechat projít bez úrazu. Když je něco rozloženo, zčerná, poletuje ve vzduchu, mizí a emituje malé plamínky a jiskry. V ''[[Portal 2/cs|Portalu 2]]'' je tento proces doprovázen hlasitým zvukem když objekt přijde do kontaktu s Roštem. V ''Portalu 2'' Osvobozovací Rošty mírně záři když se k nim přiblíží objekt, který Rošt umí zničit, aby hráče upozornil, že při kontaktu se objekt vypaří. Portály nemůžou proletět osvobozovacím roštem.
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AnimeBase: 1
Appropedia: 1
Arqade - Stack Exchange: 1
Artificial Intelligence Stack Exchange: 1
Ask Different - Stack Exchange: 1
Ask Ubuntu: 1
Bioinformatics Stack Exchange: 1
Bitcoin Stack Exchange: 1
Blender Stack Exchange: 1
Chess Stack Exchange: 1
Code Golf Stack Exchange: 1
Cross Validated - Stack Exchange: 1
Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange: 1
Enpedia: 1
Fandom - Minecraft Wiki: 1
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Fanlore: 1
French Wikipedia: 1
GameFAQs: 1
GameSpot: 1
Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange: 1
German Wikipedia: 1
German Wikivoyage: 1
Giant Bomb: 1
Home Improvement Stack Exchange: 1
Japanese Language Stack Exchange: 1
Japanese Wikiquote: 1
Japanese Wikitravel: 1
Korean Wikipedia: 1
LocalWiki: 1
Magento Stack Exchange: 1
Mathematica Stack Exchange: 1
Meta Stack Overflow: 1
MyAnimeList: 1
Phorge: 1
Physics Stack Exchange: 1
Radiopaedia: 1
Reddit: 1
Salesforce Stack Exchange: 1
Server Fault: 1
SharePoint Stack Exchange: 1
Software Engineering Stack Exchange: 1
TV Tropes: 1
Test Wikidata: 1
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Test2 Wikipedia: 1
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Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki: 1
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Wikisource: 1
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Wikitech: 1
Wikitravel Shared: 1
WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1

Osvobozovací Rošty také zatřesou s Příručním Portálovým Zařízením na znamení že se "restartovalo", a všechny dosud položené portály jsou vymazané. Díky této funkci začíná hráč "s čistým štítem" když začne další Testovací místnost. Také zabraňuje hráči se rychle pohybovat po Aperture Science pomocí portálů.
Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.

Vedlejším účinkem osvobozovacích roštů je vypaření zubů, zubní skloviny, plomb, výplní a ušních kanálků.
Wikimedia Foundation - Global lock: 18
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Italian Wikipedia: 2
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Amateur Radio Stack Exchange: 1
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Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange: 1
Anime & Manga Stack Exchange: 1
Anime UK News Forums: 1
AnimeBase: 1
Appropedia: 1
Arqade - Stack Exchange: 1
Artificial Intelligence Stack Exchange: 1
Ask Different - Stack Exchange: 1
Ask Ubuntu: 1
Bioinformatics Stack Exchange: 1
Bitcoin Stack Exchange: 1
Blender Stack Exchange: 1
Chess Stack Exchange: 1
Code Golf Stack Exchange: 1
Cross Validated - Stack Exchange: 1
Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange: 1
Enpedia: 1
Fandom - Minecraft Wiki: 1
Fandom - Pokemon Wiki: 1
Fanlore: 1
French Wikipedia: 1
GameFAQs: 1
GameSpot: 1
Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange: 1
German Wikipedia: 1
German Wikivoyage: 1
Giant Bomb: 1
Home Improvement Stack Exchange: 1
Japanese Language Stack Exchange: 1
Japanese Wikiquote: 1
Japanese Wikitravel: 1
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Magento Stack Exchange: 1
Mathematica Stack Exchange: 1
Meta Stack Overflow: 1
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Phorge: 1
Physics Stack Exchange: 1
Radiopaedia: 1
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Salesforce Stack Exchange: 1
Server Fault: 1
SharePoint Stack Exchange: 1
Software Engineering Stack Exchange: 1
TV Tropes: 1
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Test2 Wikipedia: 1
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Wikimedia API Portal: 1
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Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki: 1
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Wikinews: 1
Wikiquote: 1
Wikisource: 1
Wikispore: 1
Wikitech: 1
Wikitravel Shared: 1
WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1

== Objevení ==
Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.

=== Portal ===
{{See also|Portal/cs|l1=Portal}}
Wikimedia Foundation - Global lock: 18
V ''Portalu'' se osvobozovací rošty objevují jako zářící pole částic v mnoha lokacích.
Japanese Wikipedia: 9
teratail: 9
Wikimedia Phabricator: 8
MediaWiki: 7
Meta-Wiki: 5
Stack Overflow: 5
Gaia Online: 4
Mathematics Stack Exchange: 4
Japanese Wikivoyage: 3
Japanese Wiktionary: 3
Medium: 3
Tripadvisor: 3
Wikipedia: 3
Wikitravel: 3
Wiktionary: 3
Academia Stack Exchange: 2
Italian Wikipedia: 2
Meta Stack Exchange: 2
Qiita: 2
Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange: 2
Unix & Linux Stack Exchange: 2
Warframe Forums: 2
Wikibooks: 2
Wikidata: 2
Wikimedia Incubator: 2
Wikispecies: 2
Wikiversity: 2
Wikivoyage: 2
教えて!goo: 2
3D Printing Stack Exchange: 1
Amateur Radio Stack Exchange: 1
Amino: 1
Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange: 1
Anime & Manga Stack Exchange: 1
Anime UK News Forums: 1
AnimeBase: 1
Appropedia: 1
Arqade - Stack Exchange: 1
Artificial Intelligence Stack Exchange: 1
Ask Different - Stack Exchange: 1
Ask Ubuntu: 1
Bioinformatics Stack Exchange: 1
Bitcoin Stack Exchange: 1
Blender Stack Exchange: 1
Chess Stack Exchange: 1
Code Golf Stack Exchange: 1
Cross Validated - Stack Exchange: 1
Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange: 1
Enpedia: 1
Fandom - Minecraft Wiki: 1
Fandom - Pokemon Wiki: 1
Fanlore: 1
French Wikipedia: 1
GameFAQs: 1
GameSpot: 1
Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange: 1
German Wikipedia: 1
German Wikivoyage: 1
Giant Bomb: 1
Home Improvement Stack Exchange: 1
Japanese Language Stack Exchange: 1
Japanese Wikiquote: 1
Japanese Wikitravel: 1
Korean Wikipedia: 1
LocalWiki: 1
Magento Stack Exchange: 1
Mathematica Stack Exchange: 1
Meta Stack Overflow: 1
MyAnimeList: 1
Phorge: 1
Physics Stack Exchange: 1
Radiopaedia: 1
Reddit: 1
Salesforce Stack Exchange: 1
Server Fault: 1
SharePoint Stack Exchange: 1
Software Engineering Stack Exchange: 1
TV Tropes: 1
Test Wikidata: 1
Test Wikipedia: 1
Test2 Wikipedia: 1
Wikimania: 1
Wikimedia API Portal: 1
Wikimedia Commons: 1
Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki: 1
Wikimedia Outreach: 1
Wikinews: 1
Wikiquote: 1
Wikisource: 1
Wikispore: 1
Wikitech: 1
Wikitravel Shared: 1
WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1

=== Portal: Still Alive ===
Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.
{{See also|Portal: Still Alive/cs|l1=Portal: Still Alive}}

=== Portal 2 ===
{{See also|Portal 2/cs|l1=Portal 2}}
Wikimedia Foundation - Global lock: 18
V ''Portalu 2'' vypadají rošty "pevněji" než v ''Portalu''. Jsou světle modré a mají vzhled vody. V [[developer commentary/cs|komentáři vývojářů]], bylo poznamenáno že nové rošty vypadají pro hráče "bezpečněji" a přitom je u nich znatelná funkce "bariéry" neanimovaných objektů.
Japanese Wikipedia: 9
teratail: 9
Wikimedia Phabricator: 8
MediaWiki: 7
Meta-Wiki: 5
Stack Overflow: 5
Gaia Online: 4
Mathematics Stack Exchange: 4
Japanese Wikivoyage: 3
Japanese Wiktionary: 3
Medium: 3
Tripadvisor: 3
Wikipedia: 3
Wikitravel: 3
Wiktionary: 3
Academia Stack Exchange: 2
Italian Wikipedia: 2
Meta Stack Exchange: 2
Qiita: 2
Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange: 2
Unix & Linux Stack Exchange: 2
Warframe Forums: 2
Wikibooks: 2
Wikidata: 2
Wikimedia Incubator: 2
Wikispecies: 2
Wikiversity: 2
Wikivoyage: 2
教えて!goo: 2
3D Printing Stack Exchange: 1
Amateur Radio Stack Exchange: 1
Amino: 1
Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange: 1
Anime & Manga Stack Exchange: 1
Anime UK News Forums: 1
AnimeBase: 1
Appropedia: 1
Arqade - Stack Exchange: 1
Artificial Intelligence Stack Exchange: 1
Ask Different - Stack Exchange: 1
Ask Ubuntu: 1
Bioinformatics Stack Exchange: 1
Bitcoin Stack Exchange: 1
Blender Stack Exchange: 1
Chess Stack Exchange: 1
Code Golf Stack Exchange: 1
Cross Validated - Stack Exchange: 1
Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange: 1
Enpedia: 1
Fandom - Minecraft Wiki: 1
Fandom - Pokemon Wiki: 1
Fanlore: 1
French Wikipedia: 1
GameFAQs: 1
GameSpot: 1
Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange: 1
German Wikipedia: 1
German Wikivoyage: 1
Giant Bomb: 1
Home Improvement Stack Exchange: 1
Japanese Language Stack Exchange: 1
Japanese Wikiquote: 1
Japanese Wikitravel: 1
Korean Wikipedia: 1
LocalWiki: 1
Magento Stack Exchange: 1
Mathematica Stack Exchange: 1
Meta Stack Overflow: 1
MyAnimeList: 1
Phorge: 1
Physics Stack Exchange: 1
Radiopaedia: 1
Reddit: 1
Salesforce Stack Exchange: 1
Server Fault: 1
SharePoint Stack Exchange: 1
Software Engineering Stack Exchange: 1
TV Tropes: 1
Test Wikidata: 1
Test Wikipedia: 1
Test2 Wikipedia: 1
Wikimania: 1
Wikimedia API Portal: 1
Wikimedia Commons: 1
Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki: 1
Wikimedia Outreach: 1
Wikinews: 1
Wikiquote: 1
Wikisource: 1
Wikispore: 1
Wikitech: 1
Wikitravel Shared: 1
WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1

== Galerie ==
Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.
|title=Materiální osvobozovací rošt
|File:Portal 1 Emancipation Grid.jpg|alt1=Material Emancipation Grill|Osvobozovací rošt v ''Portalu''
|File:Large Emancipation Grid.jpg|alt2=A larger Emancipation Grill, used in a test chamber in ''Portal 2''|Větší osvobozovací rošt použitý v testovací místnosti v ''Portalu 2''
|File:Vaporized.jpg|alt3=A vaporized [[Discouragement Redirection Cube/cs|přesměrovací kostka]] in ''Portal 2''|Vypařená [[Discouragement Redirection Cube/cs|přesměrovací kostka]] v ''Portalu 2''

{{see also|Videos/cs|l1=Videa}}
Wikimedia Foundation - Global lock: 18
Japanese Wikipedia: 9
Materiální osvobozovací rošt v [[Chamberlock/cs#Videa|informačním videu v Zámku místnosti]].
teratail: 9
Wikimedia Phabricator: 8
MediaWiki: 7
Meta-Wiki: 5
Stack Overflow: 5
Gaia Online: 4
Mathematics Stack Exchange: 4
Japanese Wikivoyage: 3
Japanese Wiktionary: 3
Medium: 3
Tripadvisor: 3
Wikipedia: 3
Wikitravel: 3
Wiktionary: 3
Academia Stack Exchange: 2
Italian Wikipedia: 2
Meta Stack Exchange: 2
Qiita: 2
Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange: 2
Unix & Linux Stack Exchange: 2
Warframe Forums: 2
Wikibooks: 2
Wikidata: 2
Wikimedia Incubator: 2
Wikispecies: 2
Wikiversity: 2
Wikivoyage: 2
教えて!goo: 2
3D Printing Stack Exchange: 1
Amateur Radio Stack Exchange: 1
Amino: 1
Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange: 1
Anime & Manga Stack Exchange: 1
Anime UK News Forums: 1
AnimeBase: 1
Appropedia: 1
Arqade - Stack Exchange: 1
Artificial Intelligence Stack Exchange: 1
Ask Different - Stack Exchange: 1
Ask Ubuntu: 1
Bioinformatics Stack Exchange: 1
Bitcoin Stack Exchange: 1
Blender Stack Exchange: 1
Chess Stack Exchange: 1
Code Golf Stack Exchange: 1
Cross Validated - Stack Exchange: 1
Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange: 1
Enpedia: 1
Fandom - Minecraft Wiki: 1
Fandom - Pokemon Wiki: 1
Fanlore: 1
French Wikipedia: 1
GameFAQs: 1
GameSpot: 1
Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange: 1
German Wikipedia: 1
German Wikivoyage: 1
Giant Bomb: 1
Home Improvement Stack Exchange: 1
Japanese Language Stack Exchange: 1
Japanese Wikiquote: 1
Japanese Wikitravel: 1
Korean Wikipedia: 1
LocalWiki: 1
Magento Stack Exchange: 1
Mathematica Stack Exchange: 1
Meta Stack Overflow: 1
MyAnimeList: 1
Phorge: 1
Physics Stack Exchange: 1
Radiopaedia: 1
Reddit: 1
Salesforce Stack Exchange: 1
Server Fault: 1
SharePoint Stack Exchange: 1
Software Engineering Stack Exchange: 1
TV Tropes: 1
Test Wikidata: 1
Test Wikipedia: 1
Test2 Wikipedia: 1
Wikimania: 1
Wikimedia API Portal: 1
Wikimedia Commons: 1
Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki: 1
Wikimedia Outreach: 1
Wikinews: 1
Wikiquote: 1
Wikisource: 1
Wikispore: 1
Wikitech: 1
Wikitravel Shared: 1
WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1

== Související achievementy ==
Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.
=== Portal: Still Alive ===
{{Achievement table
| 1 = {{Show achievement|Portal: Still Alive|A Feeling Like Floating}}

=== Portal 2 ===
{{Achievement table
Wikimedia Foundation - Global lock: 18
| 1 = {{Show achievement|Portal 2|Preservation of Mass}}
Japanese Wikipedia: 9
teratail: 9
Wikimedia Phabricator: 8
MediaWiki: 7
Meta-Wiki: 5
Stack Overflow: 5
Gaia Online: 4
Mathematics Stack Exchange: 4
Japanese Wikivoyage: 3
Japanese Wiktionary: 3
Medium: 3
Tripadvisor: 3
Wikipedia: 3
Wikitravel: 3
Wiktionary: 3
Academia Stack Exchange: 2
Italian Wikipedia: 2
Meta Stack Exchange: 2
Qiita: 2
Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange: 2
Unix & Linux Stack Exchange: 2
Warframe Forums: 2
Wikibooks: 2
Wikidata: 2
Wikimedia Incubator: 2
Wikispecies: 2
Wikiversity: 2
Wikivoyage: 2
教えて!goo: 2
3D Printing Stack Exchange: 1
Amateur Radio Stack Exchange: 1
Amino: 1
Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange: 1
Anime & Manga Stack Exchange: 1
Anime UK News Forums: 1
AnimeBase: 1
Appropedia: 1
Arqade - Stack Exchange: 1
Artificial Intelligence Stack Exchange: 1
Ask Different - Stack Exchange: 1
Ask Ubuntu: 1
Bioinformatics Stack Exchange: 1
Bitcoin Stack Exchange: 1
Blender Stack Exchange: 1
Chess Stack Exchange: 1
Code Golf Stack Exchange: 1
Cross Validated - Stack Exchange: 1
Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange: 1
Enpedia: 1
Fandom - Minecraft Wiki: 1
Fandom - Pokemon Wiki: 1
Fanlore: 1
French Wikipedia: 1
GameFAQs: 1
GameSpot: 1
Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange: 1
German Wikipedia: 1
German Wikivoyage: 1
Giant Bomb: 1
Home Improvement Stack Exchange: 1
Japanese Language Stack Exchange: 1
Japanese Wikiquote: 1
Japanese Wikitravel: 1
Korean Wikipedia: 1
LocalWiki: 1
Magento Stack Exchange: 1
Mathematica Stack Exchange: 1
Meta Stack Overflow: 1
MyAnimeList: 1
Phorge: 1
Physics Stack Exchange: 1
Radiopaedia: 1
Reddit: 1
Salesforce Stack Exchange: 1
Server Fault: 1
SharePoint Stack Exchange: 1
Software Engineering Stack Exchange: 1
TV Tropes: 1
Test Wikidata: 1
Test Wikipedia: 1
Test2 Wikipedia: 1
Wikimania: 1
Wikimedia API Portal: 1
Wikimedia Commons: 1
Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki: 1
Wikimedia Outreach: 1
Wikinews: 1
Wikiquote: 1
Wikisource: 1
Wikispore: 1
Wikitech: 1
Wikitravel Shared: 1
WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1

== Zajímavosti ==
Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.
* [[Borealis/cs|Borealis]] byl navržen s osvobozovacími rošty, jak je vidět na [[:File:Borealis Blueprint.png|tomto plánu]].

Wikimedia Foundation - Global lock: 18
Japanese Wikipedia: 9
teratail: 9
Wikimedia Phabricator: 8
MediaWiki: 7
Meta-Wiki: 5
Stack Overflow: 5
Gaia Online: 4
Mathematics Stack Exchange: 4
Japanese Wikivoyage: 3
Japanese Wiktionary: 3
Medium: 3
Tripadvisor: 3
Wikipedia: 3
Wikitravel: 3
Wiktionary: 3
Academia Stack Exchange: 2
Italian Wikipedia: 2
Meta Stack Exchange: 2
Qiita: 2
Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange: 2
Unix & Linux Stack Exchange: 2
Warframe Forums: 2
Wikibooks: 2
Wikidata: 2
Wikimedia Incubator: 2
Wikispecies: 2
Wikiversity: 2
Wikivoyage: 2
教えて!goo: 2
3D Printing Stack Exchange: 1
Amateur Radio Stack Exchange: 1
Amino: 1
Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange: 1
Anime & Manga Stack Exchange: 1
Anime UK News Forums: 1
AnimeBase: 1
Appropedia: 1
Arqade - Stack Exchange: 1
Artificial Intelligence Stack Exchange: 1
Ask Different - Stack Exchange: 1
Ask Ubuntu: 1
Bioinformatics Stack Exchange: 1
Bitcoin Stack Exchange: 1
Blender Stack Exchange: 1
Chess Stack Exchange: 1
Code Golf Stack Exchange: 1
Cross Validated - Stack Exchange: 1
Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange: 1
Enpedia: 1
Fandom - Minecraft Wiki: 1
Fandom - Pokemon Wiki: 1
Fanlore: 1
French Wikipedia: 1
GameFAQs: 1
GameSpot: 1
Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange: 1
German Wikipedia: 1
German Wikivoyage: 1
Giant Bomb: 1
Home Improvement Stack Exchange: 1
Japanese Language Stack Exchange: 1
Japanese Wikiquote: 1
Japanese Wikitravel: 1
Korean Wikipedia: 1
LocalWiki: 1
Magento Stack Exchange: 1
Mathematica Stack Exchange: 1
Meta Stack Overflow: 1
MyAnimeList: 1
Phorge: 1
Physics Stack Exchange: 1
Radiopaedia: 1
Reddit: 1
Salesforce Stack Exchange: 1
Server Fault: 1
SharePoint Stack Exchange: 1
Software Engineering Stack Exchange: 1
TV Tropes: 1
Test Wikidata: 1
Test Wikipedia: 1
Test2 Wikipedia: 1
Wikimania: 1
Wikimedia API Portal: 1
Wikimedia Commons: 1
Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki: 1
Wikimedia Outreach: 1
Wikinews: 1
Wikiquote: 1
Wikisource: 1
Wikispore: 1
Wikitech: 1
Wikitravel Shared: 1
WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1
Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.
Wikimedia Foundation - Global lock: 18
Japanese Wikipedia: 9
teratail: 9
Wikimedia Phabricator: 8
MediaWiki: 7
Meta-Wiki: 5
Stack Overflow: 5
Gaia Online: 4
Mathematics Stack Exchange: 4
Japanese Wikivoyage: 3
Japanese Wiktionary: 3
Medium: 3
Tripadvisor: 3
Wikipedia: 3
Wikitravel: 3
Wiktionary: 3
Academia Stack Exchange: 2
Italian Wikipedia: 2
Meta Stack Exchange: 2
Qiita: 2
Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange: 2
Unix & Linux Stack Exchange: 2
Warframe Forums: 2
Wikibooks: 2
Wikidata: 2
Wikimedia Incubator: 2
Wikispecies: 2
Wikiversity: 2
Wikivoyage: 2
教えて!goo: 2
3D Printing Stack Exchange: 1
Amateur Radio Stack Exchange: 1
Amino: 1
Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange: 1
Anime & Manga Stack Exchange: 1
Anime UK News Forums: 1
AnimeBase: 1
Appropedia: 1
Arqade - Stack Exchange: 1
Artificial Intelligence Stack Exchange: 1
Ask Different - Stack Exchange: 1
Ask Ubuntu: 1
Bioinformatics Stack Exchange: 1
Bitcoin Stack Exchange: 1
Blender Stack Exchange: 1
Chess Stack Exchange: 1
Code Golf Stack Exchange: 1
Cross Validated - Stack Exchange: 1
Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange: 1
Enpedia: 1
Fandom - Minecraft Wiki: 1
Fandom - Pokemon Wiki: 1
Fanlore: 1
French Wikipedia: 1
GameFAQs: 1
GameSpot: 1
Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange: 1
German Wikipedia: 1
German Wikivoyage: 1
Giant Bomb: 1
Home Improvement Stack Exchange: 1
Japanese Language Stack Exchange: 1
Japanese Wikiquote: 1
Japanese Wikitravel: 1
Korean Wikipedia: 1
LocalWiki: 1
Magento Stack Exchange: 1
Mathematica Stack Exchange: 1
Meta Stack Overflow: 1
MyAnimeList: 1
Phorge: 1
Physics Stack Exchange: 1
Radiopaedia: 1
Reddit: 1
Salesforce Stack Exchange: 1
Server Fault: 1
SharePoint Stack Exchange: 1
Software Engineering Stack Exchange: 1
TV Tropes: 1
Test Wikidata: 1
Test Wikipedia: 1
Test2 Wikipedia: 1
Wikimania: 1
Wikimedia API Portal: 1
Wikimedia Commons: 1
Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki: 1
Wikimedia Outreach: 1
Wikinews: 1
Wikiquote: 1
Wikisource: 1
Wikispore: 1
Wikitech: 1
Wikitravel Shared: 1
WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1
Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.
Wikimedia Foundation - Global lock: 18
Japanese Wikipedia: 9
teratail: 9
Wikimedia Phabricator: 8
MediaWiki: 7
Meta-Wiki: 5
Stack Overflow: 5
Gaia Online: 4
Mathematics Stack Exchange: 4
Japanese Wikivoyage: 3
Japanese Wiktionary: 3
Medium: 3
Tripadvisor: 3
Wikipedia: 3
Wikitravel: 3
Wiktionary: 3
Academia Stack Exchange: 2
Italian Wikipedia: 2
Meta Stack Exchange: 2
Qiita: 2
Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange: 2
Unix & Linux Stack Exchange: 2
Warframe Forums: 2
Wikibooks: 2
Wikidata: 2
Wikimedia Incubator: 2
Wikispecies: 2
Wikiversity: 2
Wikivoyage: 2
教えて!goo: 2
3D Printing Stack Exchange: 1
Amateur Radio Stack Exchange: 1
Amino: 1
Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange: 1
Anime & Manga Stack Exchange: 1
Anime UK News Forums: 1
AnimeBase: 1
Appropedia: 1
Arqade - Stack Exchange: 1
Artificial Intelligence Stack Exchange: 1
Ask Different - Stack Exchange: 1
Ask Ubuntu: 1
Bioinformatics Stack Exchange: 1
Bitcoin Stack Exchange: 1
Blender Stack Exchange: 1
Chess Stack Exchange: 1
Code Golf Stack Exchange: 1
Cross Validated - Stack Exchange: 1
Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange: 1
Enpedia: 1
Fandom - Minecraft Wiki: 1
Fandom - Pokemon Wiki: 1
Fanlore: 1
French Wikipedia: 1
GameFAQs: 1
GameSpot: 1
Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange: 1
German Wikipedia: 1
German Wikivoyage: 1
Giant Bomb: 1
Home Improvement Stack Exchange: 1
Japanese Language Stack Exchange: 1
Japanese Wikiquote: 1
Japanese Wikitravel: 1
Korean Wikipedia: 1
LocalWiki: 1
Magento Stack Exchange: 1
Mathematica Stack Exchange: 1
Meta Stack Overflow: 1
MyAnimeList: 1
Phorge: 1
Physics Stack Exchange: 1
Radiopaedia: 1
Reddit: 1
Salesforce Stack Exchange: 1
Server Fault: 1
SharePoint Stack Exchange: 1
Software Engineering Stack Exchange: 1
TV Tropes: 1
Test Wikidata: 1
Test Wikipedia: 1
Test2 Wikipedia: 1
Wikimania: 1
Wikimedia API Portal: 1
Wikimedia Commons: 1
Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki: 1
Wikimedia Outreach: 1
Wikinews: 1
Wikiquote: 1
Wikisource: 1
Wikispore: 1
Wikitech: 1
Wikitravel Shared: 1
WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1

Revision as of 04:50, 13 June 2023

Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.

``` Wikimedia Foundation - Global lock: 18 Japanese Wikipedia: 9 teratail: 9 Wikimedia Phabricator: 8 MediaWiki: 7 Meta-Wiki: 5 Stack Overflow: 5 Gaia Online: 4 Mathematics Stack Exchange: 4 Japanese Wikivoyage: 3 Japanese Wiktionary: 3 Medium: 3 Tripadvisor: 3 Wikipedia: 3 Wikitravel: 3 Wiktionary: 3 Academia Stack Exchange: 2 Italian Wikipedia: 2 Meta Stack Exchange: 2 Qiita: 2 Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange: 2 Unix & Linux Stack Exchange: 2 Warframe Forums: 2 Wikibooks: 2 Wikidata: 2 Wikimedia Incubator: 2 Wikispecies: 2 Wikiversity: 2 Wikivoyage: 2 教えて!goo: 2 3D Printing Stack Exchange: 1 Amateur Radio Stack Exchange: 1 Amino: 1 Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange: 1 Anime & Manga Stack Exchange: 1 Anime UK News Forums: 1 AnimeBase: 1 Appropedia: 1 Arqade - Stack Exchange: 1 Artificial Intelligence Stack Exchange: 1 Ask Different - Stack Exchange: 1 Ask Ubuntu: 1 Bioinformatics Stack Exchange: 1 Bitcoin Stack Exchange: 1 Blender Stack Exchange: 1 Chess Stack Exchange: 1 Code Golf Stack Exchange: 1 Cross Validated - Stack Exchange: 1 Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange: 1 Enpedia: 1 Fandom - Minecraft Wiki: 1 Fandom - Pokemon Wiki: 1 Fanlore: 1 French Wikipedia: 1 GameFAQs: 1 GameSpot: 1 Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange: 1 German Wikipedia: 1 German Wikivoyage: 1 Giant Bomb: 1 Home Improvement Stack Exchange: 1 Japanese Language Stack Exchange: 1 Japanese Wikiquote: 1 Japanese Wikitravel: 1 Korean Wikipedia: 1 LocalWiki: 1 Magento Stack Exchange: 1 Mathematica Stack Exchange: 1 Meta Stack Overflow: 1 MyAnimeList: 1 Phorge: 1 Physics Stack Exchange: 1 Radiopaedia: 1 Reddit: 1 Salesforce Stack Exchange: 1 Server Fault: 1 SharePoint Stack Exchange: 1 Software Engineering Stack Exchange: 1 TV Tropes: 1 Test Wikidata: 1 Test Wikipedia: 1 Test2 Wikipedia: 1 Wikimania: 1 Wikimedia API Portal: 1 Wikimedia Commons: 1 Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki: 1 Wikimedia Outreach: 1 Wikinews: 1 Wikiquote: 1 Wikisource: 1 Wikispore: 1 Wikitech: 1 Wikitravel Shared: 1 WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1 ```

Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.

``` Wikimedia Foundation - Global lock: 18 Japanese Wikipedia: 9 teratail: 9 Wikimedia Phabricator: 8 MediaWiki: 7 Meta-Wiki: 5 Stack Overflow: 5 Gaia Online: 4 Mathematics Stack Exchange: 4 Japanese Wikivoyage: 3 Japanese Wiktionary: 3 Medium: 3 Tripadvisor: 3 Wikipedia: 3 Wikitravel: 3 Wiktionary: 3 Academia Stack Exchange: 2 Italian Wikipedia: 2 Meta Stack Exchange: 2 Qiita: 2 Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange: 2 Unix & Linux Stack Exchange: 2 Warframe Forums: 2 Wikibooks: 2 Wikidata: 2 Wikimedia Incubator: 2 Wikispecies: 2 Wikiversity: 2 Wikivoyage: 2 教えて!goo: 2 3D Printing Stack Exchange: 1 Amateur Radio Stack Exchange: 1 Amino: 1 Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange: 1 Anime & Manga Stack Exchange: 1 Anime UK News Forums: 1 AnimeBase: 1 Appropedia: 1 Arqade - Stack Exchange: 1 Artificial Intelligence Stack Exchange: 1 Ask Different - Stack Exchange: 1 Ask Ubuntu: 1 Bioinformatics Stack Exchange: 1 Bitcoin Stack Exchange: 1 Blender Stack Exchange: 1 Chess Stack Exchange: 1 Code Golf Stack Exchange: 1 Cross Validated - Stack Exchange: 1 Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange: 1 Enpedia: 1 Fandom - Minecraft Wiki: 1 Fandom - Pokemon Wiki: 1 Fanlore: 1 French Wikipedia: 1 GameFAQs: 1 GameSpot: 1 Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange: 1 German Wikipedia: 1 German Wikivoyage: 1 Giant Bomb: 1 Home Improvement Stack Exchange: 1 Japanese Language Stack Exchange: 1 Japanese Wikiquote: 1 Japanese Wikitravel: 1 Korean Wikipedia: 1 LocalWiki: 1 Magento Stack Exchange: 1 Mathematica Stack Exchange: 1 Meta Stack Overflow: 1 MyAnimeList: 1 Phorge: 1 Physics Stack Exchange: 1 Radiopaedia: 1 Reddit: 1 Salesforce Stack Exchange: 1 Server Fault: 1 SharePoint Stack Exchange: 1 Software Engineering Stack Exchange: 1 TV Tropes: 1 Test Wikidata: 1 Test Wikipedia: 1 Test2 Wikipedia: 1 Wikimania: 1 Wikimedia API Portal: 1 Wikimedia Commons: 1 Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki: 1 Wikimedia Outreach: 1 Wikinews: 1 Wikiquote: 1 Wikisource: 1 Wikispore: 1 Wikitech: 1 Wikitravel Shared: 1 WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1 ```

Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.

``` Wikimedia Foundation - Global lock: 18 Japanese Wikipedia: 9 teratail: 9 Wikimedia Phabricator: 8 MediaWiki: 7 Meta-Wiki: 5 Stack Overflow: 5 Gaia Online: 4 Mathematics Stack Exchange: 4 Japanese Wikivoyage: 3 Japanese Wiktionary: 3 Medium: 3 Tripadvisor: 3 Wikipedia: 3 Wikitravel: 3 Wiktionary: 3 Academia Stack Exchange: 2 Italian Wikipedia: 2 Meta Stack Exchange: 2 Qiita: 2 Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange: 2 Unix & Linux Stack Exchange: 2 Warframe Forums: 2 Wikibooks: 2 Wikidata: 2 Wikimedia Incubator: 2 Wikispecies: 2 Wikiversity: 2 Wikivoyage: 2 教えて!goo: 2 3D Printing Stack Exchange: 1 Amateur Radio Stack Exchange: 1 Amino: 1 Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange: 1 Anime & Manga Stack Exchange: 1 Anime UK News Forums: 1 AnimeBase: 1 Appropedia: 1 Arqade - Stack Exchange: 1 Artificial Intelligence Stack Exchange: 1 Ask Different - Stack Exchange: 1 Ask Ubuntu: 1 Bioinformatics Stack Exchange: 1 Bitcoin Stack Exchange: 1 Blender Stack Exchange: 1 Chess Stack Exchange: 1 Code Golf Stack Exchange: 1 Cross Validated - Stack Exchange: 1 Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange: 1 Enpedia: 1 Fandom - Minecraft Wiki: 1 Fandom - Pokemon Wiki: 1 Fanlore: 1 French Wikipedia: 1 GameFAQs: 1 GameSpot: 1 Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange: 1 German Wikipedia: 1 German Wikivoyage: 1 Giant Bomb: 1 Home Improvement Stack Exchange: 1 Japanese Language Stack Exchange: 1 Japanese Wikiquote: 1 Japanese Wikitravel: 1 Korean Wikipedia: 1 LocalWiki: 1 Magento Stack Exchange: 1 Mathematica Stack Exchange: 1 Meta Stack Overflow: 1 MyAnimeList: 1 Phorge: 1 Physics Stack Exchange: 1 Radiopaedia: 1 Reddit: 1 Salesforce Stack Exchange: 1 Server Fault: 1 SharePoint Stack Exchange: 1 Software Engineering Stack Exchange: 1 TV Tropes: 1 Test Wikidata: 1 Test Wikipedia: 1 Test2 Wikipedia: 1 Wikimania: 1 Wikimedia API Portal: 1 Wikimedia Commons: 1 Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki: 1 Wikimedia Outreach: 1 Wikinews: 1 Wikiquote: 1 Wikisource: 1 Wikispore: 1 Wikitech: 1 Wikitravel Shared: 1 WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1 ```

Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.

``` Wikimedia Foundation - Global lock: 18 Japanese Wikipedia: 9 teratail: 9 Wikimedia Phabricator: 8 MediaWiki: 7 Meta-Wiki: 5 Stack Overflow: 5 Gaia Online: 4 Mathematics Stack Exchange: 4 Japanese Wikivoyage: 3 Japanese Wiktionary: 3 Medium: 3 Tripadvisor: 3 Wikipedia: 3 Wikitravel: 3 Wiktionary: 3 Academia Stack Exchange: 2 Italian Wikipedia: 2 Meta Stack Exchange: 2 Qiita: 2 Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange: 2 Unix & Linux Stack Exchange: 2 Warframe Forums: 2 Wikibooks: 2 Wikidata: 2 Wikimedia Incubator: 2 Wikispecies: 2 Wikiversity: 2 Wikivoyage: 2 教えて!goo: 2 3D Printing Stack Exchange: 1 Amateur Radio Stack Exchange: 1 Amino: 1 Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange: 1 Anime & Manga Stack Exchange: 1 Anime UK News Forums: 1 AnimeBase: 1 Appropedia: 1 Arqade - Stack Exchange: 1 Artificial Intelligence Stack Exchange: 1 Ask Different - Stack Exchange: 1 Ask Ubuntu: 1 Bioinformatics Stack Exchange: 1 Bitcoin Stack Exchange: 1 Blender Stack Exchange: 1 Chess Stack Exchange: 1 Code Golf Stack Exchange: 1 Cross Validated - Stack Exchange: 1 Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange: 1 Enpedia: 1 Fandom - Minecraft Wiki: 1 Fandom - Pokemon Wiki: 1 Fanlore: 1 French Wikipedia: 1 GameFAQs: 1 GameSpot: 1 Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange: 1 German Wikipedia: 1 German Wikivoyage: 1 Giant Bomb: 1 Home Improvement Stack Exchange: 1 Japanese Language Stack Exchange: 1 Japanese Wikiquote: 1 Japanese Wikitravel: 1 Korean Wikipedia: 1 LocalWiki: 1 Magento Stack Exchange: 1 Mathematica Stack Exchange: 1 Meta Stack Overflow: 1 MyAnimeList: 1 Phorge: 1 Physics Stack Exchange: 1 Radiopaedia: 1 Reddit: 1 Salesforce Stack Exchange: 1 Server Fault: 1 SharePoint Stack Exchange: 1 Software Engineering Stack Exchange: 1 TV Tropes: 1 Test Wikidata: 1 Test Wikipedia: 1 Test2 Wikipedia: 1 Wikimania: 1 Wikimedia API Portal: 1 Wikimedia Commons: 1 Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki: 1 Wikimedia Outreach: 1 Wikinews: 1 Wikiquote: 1 Wikisource: 1 Wikispore: 1 Wikitech: 1 Wikitravel Shared: 1 WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1 ```

Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.

``` Wikimedia Foundation - Global lock: 18 Japanese Wikipedia: 9 teratail: 9 Wikimedia Phabricator: 8 MediaWiki: 7 Meta-Wiki: 5 Stack Overflow: 5 Gaia Online: 4 Mathematics Stack Exchange: 4 Japanese Wikivoyage: 3 Japanese Wiktionary: 3 Medium: 3 Tripadvisor: 3 Wikipedia: 3 Wikitravel: 3 Wiktionary: 3 Academia Stack Exchange: 2 Italian Wikipedia: 2 Meta Stack Exchange: 2 Qiita: 2 Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange: 2 Unix & Linux Stack Exchange: 2 Warframe Forums: 2 Wikibooks: 2 Wikidata: 2 Wikimedia Incubator: 2 Wikispecies: 2 Wikiversity: 2 Wikivoyage: 2 教えて!goo: 2 3D Printing Stack Exchange: 1 Amateur Radio Stack Exchange: 1 Amino: 1 Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange: 1 Anime & Manga Stack Exchange: 1 Anime UK News Forums: 1 AnimeBase: 1 Appropedia: 1 Arqade - Stack Exchange: 1 Artificial Intelligence Stack Exchange: 1 Ask Different - Stack Exchange: 1 Ask Ubuntu: 1 Bioinformatics Stack Exchange: 1 Bitcoin Stack Exchange: 1 Blender Stack Exchange: 1 Chess Stack Exchange: 1 Code Golf Stack Exchange: 1 Cross Validated - Stack Exchange: 1 Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange: 1 Enpedia: 1 Fandom - Minecraft Wiki: 1 Fandom - Pokemon Wiki: 1 Fanlore: 1 French Wikipedia: 1 GameFAQs: 1 GameSpot: 1 Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange: 1 German Wikipedia: 1 German Wikivoyage: 1 Giant Bomb: 1 Home Improvement Stack Exchange: 1 Japanese Language Stack Exchange: 1 Japanese Wikiquote: 1 Japanese Wikitravel: 1 Korean Wikipedia: 1 LocalWiki: 1 Magento Stack Exchange: 1 Mathematica Stack Exchange: 1 Meta Stack Overflow: 1 MyAnimeList: 1 Phorge: 1 Physics Stack Exchange: 1 Radiopaedia: 1 Reddit: 1 Salesforce Stack Exchange: 1 Server Fault: 1 SharePoint Stack Exchange: 1 Software Engineering Stack Exchange: 1 TV Tropes: 1 Test Wikidata: 1 Test Wikipedia: 1 Test2 Wikipedia: 1 Wikimania: 1 Wikimedia API Portal: 1 Wikimedia Commons: 1 Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki: 1 Wikimedia Outreach: 1 Wikinews: 1 Wikiquote: 1 Wikisource: 1 Wikispore: 1 Wikitech: 1 Wikitravel Shared: 1 WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1 ```

Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.

``` Wikimedia Foundation - Global lock: 18 Japanese Wikipedia: 9 teratail: 9 Wikimedia Phabricator: 8 MediaWiki: 7 Meta-Wiki: 5 Stack Overflow: 5 Gaia Online: 4 Mathematics Stack Exchange: 4 Japanese Wikivoyage: 3 Japanese Wiktionary: 3 Medium: 3 Tripadvisor: 3 Wikipedia: 3 Wikitravel: 3 Wiktionary: 3 Academia Stack Exchange: 2 Italian Wikipedia: 2 Meta Stack Exchange: 2 Qiita: 2 Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange: 2 Unix & Linux Stack Exchange: 2 Warframe Forums: 2 Wikibooks: 2 Wikidata: 2 Wikimedia Incubator: 2 Wikispecies: 2 Wikiversity: 2 Wikivoyage: 2 教えて!goo: 2 3D Printing Stack Exchange: 1 Amateur Radio Stack Exchange: 1 Amino: 1 Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange: 1 Anime & Manga Stack Exchange: 1 Anime UK News Forums: 1 AnimeBase: 1 Appropedia: 1 Arqade - Stack Exchange: 1 Artificial Intelligence Stack Exchange: 1 Ask Different - Stack Exchange: 1 Ask Ubuntu: 1 Bioinformatics Stack Exchange: 1 Bitcoin Stack Exchange: 1 Blender Stack Exchange: 1 Chess Stack Exchange: 1 Code Golf Stack Exchange: 1 Cross Validated - Stack Exchange: 1 Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange: 1 Enpedia: 1 Fandom - Minecraft Wiki: 1 Fandom - Pokemon Wiki: 1 Fanlore: 1 French Wikipedia: 1 GameFAQs: 1 GameSpot: 1 Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange: 1 German Wikipedia: 1 German Wikivoyage: 1 Giant Bomb: 1 Home Improvement Stack Exchange: 1 Japanese Language Stack Exchange: 1 Japanese Wikiquote: 1 Japanese Wikitravel: 1 Korean Wikipedia: 1 LocalWiki: 1 Magento Stack Exchange: 1 Mathematica Stack Exchange: 1 Meta Stack Overflow: 1 MyAnimeList: 1 Phorge: 1 Physics Stack Exchange: 1 Radiopaedia: 1 Reddit: 1 Salesforce Stack Exchange: 1 Server Fault: 1 SharePoint Stack Exchange: 1 Software Engineering Stack Exchange: 1 TV Tropes: 1 Test Wikidata: 1 Test Wikipedia: 1 Test2 Wikipedia: 1 Wikimania: 1 Wikimedia API Portal: 1 Wikimedia Commons: 1 Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki: 1 Wikimedia Outreach: 1 Wikinews: 1 Wikiquote: 1 Wikisource: 1 Wikispore: 1 Wikitech: 1 Wikitravel Shared: 1 WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1 ```

Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.

``` Wikimedia Foundation - Global lock: 18 Japanese Wikipedia: 9 teratail: 9 Wikimedia Phabricator: 8 MediaWiki: 7 Meta-Wiki: 5 Stack Overflow: 5 Gaia Online: 4 Mathematics Stack Exchange: 4 Japanese Wikivoyage: 3 Japanese Wiktionary: 3 Medium: 3 Tripadvisor: 3 Wikipedia: 3 Wikitravel: 3 Wiktionary: 3 Academia Stack Exchange: 2 Italian Wikipedia: 2 Meta Stack Exchange: 2 Qiita: 2 Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange: 2 Unix & Linux Stack Exchange: 2 Warframe Forums: 2 Wikibooks: 2 Wikidata: 2 Wikimedia Incubator: 2 Wikispecies: 2 Wikiversity: 2 Wikivoyage: 2 教えて!goo: 2 3D Printing Stack Exchange: 1 Amateur Radio Stack Exchange: 1 Amino: 1 Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange: 1 Anime & Manga Stack Exchange: 1 Anime UK News Forums: 1 AnimeBase: 1 Appropedia: 1 Arqade - Stack Exchange: 1 Artificial Intelligence Stack Exchange: 1 Ask Different - Stack Exchange: 1 Ask Ubuntu: 1 Bioinformatics Stack Exchange: 1 Bitcoin Stack Exchange: 1 Blender Stack Exchange: 1 Chess Stack Exchange: 1 Code Golf Stack Exchange: 1 Cross Validated - Stack Exchange: 1 Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange: 1 Enpedia: 1 Fandom - Minecraft Wiki: 1 Fandom - Pokemon Wiki: 1 Fanlore: 1 French Wikipedia: 1 GameFAQs: 1 GameSpot: 1 Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange: 1 German Wikipedia: 1 German Wikivoyage: 1 Giant Bomb: 1 Home Improvement Stack Exchange: 1 Japanese Language Stack Exchange: 1 Japanese Wikiquote: 1 Japanese Wikitravel: 1 Korean Wikipedia: 1 LocalWiki: 1 Magento Stack Exchange: 1 Mathematica Stack Exchange: 1 Meta Stack Overflow: 1 MyAnimeList: 1 Phorge: 1 Physics Stack Exchange: 1 Radiopaedia: 1 Reddit: 1 Salesforce Stack Exchange: 1 Server Fault: 1 SharePoint Stack Exchange: 1 Software Engineering Stack Exchange: 1 TV Tropes: 1 Test Wikidata: 1 Test Wikipedia: 1 Test2 Wikipedia: 1 Wikimania: 1 Wikimedia API Portal: 1 Wikimedia Commons: 1 Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki: 1 Wikimedia Outreach: 1 Wikinews: 1 Wikiquote: 1 Wikisource: 1 Wikispore: 1 Wikitech: 1 Wikitravel Shared: 1 WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1 ```

Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.

``` Wikimedia Foundation - Global lock: 18 Japanese Wikipedia: 9 teratail: 9 Wikimedia Phabricator: 8 MediaWiki: 7 Meta-Wiki: 5 Stack Overflow: 5 Gaia Online: 4 Mathematics Stack Exchange: 4 Japanese Wikivoyage: 3 Japanese Wiktionary: 3 Medium: 3 Tripadvisor: 3 Wikipedia: 3 Wikitravel: 3 Wiktionary: 3 Academia Stack Exchange: 2 Italian Wikipedia: 2 Meta Stack Exchange: 2 Qiita: 2 Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange: 2 Unix & Linux Stack Exchange: 2 Warframe Forums: 2 Wikibooks: 2 Wikidata: 2 Wikimedia Incubator: 2 Wikispecies: 2 Wikiversity: 2 Wikivoyage: 2 教えて!goo: 2 3D Printing Stack Exchange: 1 Amateur Radio Stack Exchange: 1 Amino: 1 Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange: 1 Anime & Manga Stack Exchange: 1 Anime UK News Forums: 1 AnimeBase: 1 Appropedia: 1 Arqade - Stack Exchange: 1 Artificial Intelligence Stack Exchange: 1 Ask Different - Stack Exchange: 1 Ask Ubuntu: 1 Bioinformatics Stack Exchange: 1 Bitcoin Stack Exchange: 1 Blender Stack Exchange: 1 Chess Stack Exchange: 1 Code Golf Stack Exchange: 1 Cross Validated - Stack Exchange: 1 Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange: 1 Enpedia: 1 Fandom - Minecraft Wiki: 1 Fandom - Pokemon Wiki: 1 Fanlore: 1 French Wikipedia: 1 GameFAQs: 1 GameSpot: 1 Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange: 1 German Wikipedia: 1 German Wikivoyage: 1 Giant Bomb: 1 Home Improvement Stack Exchange: 1 Japanese Language Stack Exchange: 1 Japanese Wikiquote: 1 Japanese Wikitravel: 1 Korean Wikipedia: 1 LocalWiki: 1 Magento Stack Exchange: 1 Mathematica Stack Exchange: 1 Meta Stack Overflow: 1 MyAnimeList: 1 Phorge: 1 Physics Stack Exchange: 1 Radiopaedia: 1 Reddit: 1 Salesforce Stack Exchange: 1 Server Fault: 1 SharePoint Stack Exchange: 1 Software Engineering Stack Exchange: 1 TV Tropes: 1 Test Wikidata: 1 Test Wikipedia: 1 Test2 Wikipedia: 1 Wikimania: 1 Wikimedia API Portal: 1 Wikimedia Commons: 1 Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki: 1 Wikimedia Outreach: 1 Wikinews: 1 Wikiquote: 1 Wikisource: 1 Wikispore: 1 Wikitech: 1 Wikitravel Shared: 1 WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1 ```

Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.

``` Wikimedia Foundation - Global lock: 18 Japanese Wikipedia: 9 teratail: 9 Wikimedia Phabricator: 8 MediaWiki: 7 Meta-Wiki: 5 Stack Overflow: 5 Gaia Online: 4 Mathematics Stack Exchange: 4 Japanese Wikivoyage: 3 Japanese Wiktionary: 3 Medium: 3 Tripadvisor: 3 Wikipedia: 3 Wikitravel: 3 Wiktionary: 3 Academia Stack Exchange: 2 Italian Wikipedia: 2 Meta Stack Exchange: 2 Qiita: 2 Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange: 2 Unix & Linux Stack Exchange: 2 Warframe Forums: 2 Wikibooks: 2 Wikidata: 2 Wikimedia Incubator: 2 Wikispecies: 2 Wikiversity: 2 Wikivoyage: 2 教えて!goo: 2 3D Printing Stack Exchange: 1 Amateur Radio Stack Exchange: 1 Amino: 1 Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange: 1 Anime & Manga Stack Exchange: 1 Anime UK News Forums: 1 AnimeBase: 1 Appropedia: 1 Arqade - Stack Exchange: 1 Artificial Intelligence Stack Exchange: 1 Ask Different - Stack Exchange: 1 Ask Ubuntu: 1 Bioinformatics Stack Exchange: 1 Bitcoin Stack Exchange: 1 Blender Stack Exchange: 1 Chess Stack Exchange: 1 Code Golf Stack Exchange: 1 Cross Validated - Stack Exchange: 1 Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange: 1 Enpedia: 1 Fandom - Minecraft Wiki: 1 Fandom - Pokemon Wiki: 1 Fanlore: 1 French Wikipedia: 1 GameFAQs: 1 GameSpot: 1 Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange: 1 German Wikipedia: 1 German Wikivoyage: 1 Giant Bomb: 1 Home Improvement Stack Exchange: 1 Japanese Language Stack Exchange: 1 Japanese Wikiquote: 1 Japanese Wikitravel: 1 Korean Wikipedia: 1 LocalWiki: 1 Magento Stack Exchange: 1 Mathematica Stack Exchange: 1 Meta Stack Overflow: 1 MyAnimeList: 1 Phorge: 1 Physics Stack Exchange: 1 Radiopaedia: 1 Reddit: 1 Salesforce Stack Exchange: 1 Server Fault: 1 SharePoint Stack Exchange: 1 Software Engineering Stack Exchange: 1 TV Tropes: 1 Test Wikidata: 1 Test Wikipedia: 1 Test2 Wikipedia: 1 Wikimania: 1 Wikimedia API Portal: 1 Wikimedia Commons: 1 Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki: 1 Wikimedia Outreach: 1 Wikinews: 1 Wikiquote: 1 Wikisource: 1 Wikispore: 1 Wikitech: 1 Wikitravel Shared: 1 WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1 ```

Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.

``` Wikimedia Foundation - Global lock: 18 Japanese Wikipedia: 9 teratail: 9 Wikimedia Phabricator: 8 MediaWiki: 7 Meta-Wiki: 5 Stack Overflow: 5 Gaia Online: 4 Mathematics Stack Exchange: 4 Japanese Wikivoyage: 3 Japanese Wiktionary: 3 Medium: 3 Tripadvisor: 3 Wikipedia: 3 Wikitravel: 3 Wiktionary: 3 Academia Stack Exchange: 2 Italian Wikipedia: 2 Meta Stack Exchange: 2 Qiita: 2 Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange: 2 Unix & Linux Stack Exchange: 2 Warframe Forums: 2 Wikibooks: 2 Wikidata: 2 Wikimedia Incubator: 2 Wikispecies: 2 Wikiversity: 2 Wikivoyage: 2 教えて!goo: 2 3D Printing Stack Exchange: 1 Amateur Radio Stack Exchange: 1 Amino: 1 Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange: 1 Anime & Manga Stack Exchange: 1 Anime UK News Forums: 1 AnimeBase: 1 Appropedia: 1 Arqade - Stack Exchange: 1 Artificial Intelligence Stack Exchange: 1 Ask Different - Stack Exchange: 1 Ask Ubuntu: 1 Bioinformatics Stack Exchange: 1 Bitcoin Stack Exchange: 1 Blender Stack Exchange: 1 Chess Stack Exchange: 1 Code Golf Stack Exchange: 1 Cross Validated - Stack Exchange: 1 Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange: 1 Enpedia: 1 Fandom - Minecraft Wiki: 1 Fandom - Pokemon Wiki: 1 Fanlore: 1 French Wikipedia: 1 GameFAQs: 1 GameSpot: 1 Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange: 1 German Wikipedia: 1 German Wikivoyage: 1 Giant Bomb: 1 Home Improvement Stack Exchange: 1 Japanese Language Stack Exchange: 1 Japanese Wikiquote: 1 Japanese Wikitravel: 1 Korean Wikipedia: 1 LocalWiki: 1 Magento Stack Exchange: 1 Mathematica Stack Exchange: 1 Meta Stack Overflow: 1 MyAnimeList: 1 Phorge: 1 Physics Stack Exchange: 1 Radiopaedia: 1 Reddit: 1 Salesforce Stack Exchange: 1 Server Fault: 1 SharePoint Stack Exchange: 1 Software Engineering Stack Exchange: 1 TV Tropes: 1 Test Wikidata: 1 Test Wikipedia: 1 Test2 Wikipedia: 1 Wikimania: 1 Wikimedia API Portal: 1 Wikimedia Commons: 1 Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki: 1 Wikimedia Outreach: 1 Wikinews: 1 Wikiquote: 1 Wikisource: 1 Wikispore: 1 Wikitech: 1 Wikitravel Shared: 1 WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1 ```