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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Portal 2: Lab Rat}}
Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.
[[File:Lab Rat Thumbnail.jpg|thumb|right|300px|[[Doug Rattmann/fi|Doug Rattmann]] '''Portal 2: Lab Rat''']]

'''''[http://www.thinkwithportals.com/comic/ Portal 2: Lab Rat]''''' on graafinen novelli, joka julkistiin huhtikuussa 2011. Se oli yhteisprojekti Valven ja nimitettyjen sarjakuvataiteilijoiden kesken, kuten esimerkiksi {{W|Michael Avon Oeming}} ja {{W|Jay Pinkerton}}. Sarjakuva esittää ''[[Portal/fi|Portalin]]'' loppua ja ''[[Portal 2/fi|Portal 2]]''-pelin alkua.
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WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1

== Juonen yhteenveto ==
Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.
Sarjakuva seuraa [[Doug Rattmann/fi|Doug Rattmannia]], [[Aperture Science/fi|Aperture Sciencen]] labratyöntekijää, jolla on historiaa {{W|schizophrenia|skitsofreniasta}}. Hän selvisi myös [[GLaDOS/fi|GLaDOSin]] yrityksestä murhata jokainen Aperture Science-laitoksen työntekijä, kun se käynnistettiin. Hiipien laitoksen läpi hän katsoo varjoista, kun GLaDOS testaa [[Chell/fi|Chellia]]. Sarjakuva päättyy loukkaantuneeseen Rattmanniin, joka ryömii kryo-laitteeseen ja nukahtaa uneen.

Sarjakuva julkaistiin kahdessa osassa.
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Wikitravel Shared: 1
WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1

=== Osa 1 ===
Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.
|title=Osa 1
|File:Lab Rat P00.jpg|alt1=Kansi|Kansi
|File:Lab Rat P01.jpg|alt2=Sivu 1|Sivu 1
|File:Lab Rat P02.jpg|alt3=Sivu 2|Sivu 2
|File:Lab Rat P03.jpg|alt4=Sivu 3|Sivu 3
|File:Lab Rat P04.jpg|alt5=Sivu 4|Sivu 4
|File:Lab Rat P05.jpg|alt6=Sivu 5|Sivu 5
|File:Lab Rat P06.jpg|alt7=Sivu 6|Sivu 6
|File:Lab Rat P07.jpg|alt8=Sivu 7|Sivu 7
|File:Lab Rat P08.jpg|alt9=Sivu 8|Sivu 8
|File:Lab Rat P09.jpg|alt10=Sivu 9|Sivu 9
|File:Lab Rat P10.jpg|alt11=Sivu 10|Sivu 10
|File:Lab Rat P11.jpg|alt12=Sivu 11|Sivu 11
|File:Lab Rat P12.jpg|alt12=Sivu 12|Sivu 12
|File:Lab Rat P13.jpg|alt12=Sivu 13|Sivu 13
|File:Lab Rat P14.jpg|alt12=Sivu 14|Sivu 14

=== Osa 2 ===
Wikimedia Foundation - Global lock: 18
Japanese Wikipedia: 9
|title=Osa 2
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MediaWiki: 7
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|File:Lab Rat P16.jpg|alt2=Sivu 16|Sivu 16
Stack Overflow: 5
|File:Lab Rat P17.jpg|alt3=Sivu 17|Sivu 17
Gaia Online: 4
|File:Lab Rat P18.jpg|alt4=Sivu 18|Sivu 18
Mathematics Stack Exchange: 4
|File:Lab Rat P19.jpg|alt5=Sivu 19|Sivu 19
Japanese Wikivoyage: 3
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Japanese Wiktionary: 3
|File:Lab Rat P21.jpg|alt7=Sivu 21|Sivu 21
Medium: 3
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Tripadvisor: 3
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Wikitravel: 3
|File:Lab Rat P25.jpg|alt11=Sivu 25|Sivu 25
Wiktionary: 3
|File:Lab Rat P26.jpg|alt12=Sivu 26|Sivu 26
Academia Stack Exchange: 2
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Wikitech: 1
Wikitravel Shared: 1
WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1

== Triviaa ==
Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.
* Sarjakuvan sivulla 13 on Gravity Gun ja Combine Health Dispenser ''Half-Life 2''-pelistä. Sieltä löytyy myös Black Mesa Health Station ja H.E.V. Suit Charger ''Half-Life''-pelistä.
* Yhdessä Rattmannin repliikeistä hän sanoo "Both alive and dead, until someone opens the box" (suom. "Kumpanakin elävänä ja kuolleena, kunnes joku aukaisee laatikon"). Tämä on viittaus {{W|Schrödingerin kissa|lang=fi}}-teoriaan, jossa on hermokaasua ja kissa laatikon sisällä.

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WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1

Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.
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WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1
Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.
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Japanese Wikiquote: 1
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WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1
Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.
Wikimedia Foundation - Global lock: 18
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WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1
Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.
Wikimedia Foundation - Global lock: 18
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Academia Stack Exchange: 2
Italian Wikipedia: 2
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Bioinformatics Stack Exchange: 1
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Code Golf Stack Exchange: 1
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Enpedia: 1
Fandom - Minecraft Wiki: 1
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Fanlore: 1
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Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange: 1
German Wikipedia: 1
German Wikivoyage: 1
Giant Bomb: 1
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Japanese Language Stack Exchange: 1
Japanese Wikiquote: 1
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Meta Stack Overflow: 1
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Wikimedia API Portal: 1
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Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki: 1
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Wikitech: 1
Wikitravel Shared: 1
WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1
Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.
Wikimedia Foundation - Global lock: 18
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Academia Stack Exchange: 2
Italian Wikipedia: 2
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3D Printing Stack Exchange: 1
Amateur Radio Stack Exchange: 1
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Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange: 1
Anime & Manga Stack Exchange: 1
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AnimeBase: 1
Appropedia: 1
Arqade - Stack Exchange: 1
Artificial Intelligence Stack Exchange: 1
Ask Different - Stack Exchange: 1
Ask Ubuntu: 1
Bioinformatics Stack Exchange: 1
Bitcoin Stack Exchange: 1
Blender Stack Exchange: 1
Chess Stack Exchange: 1
Code Golf Stack Exchange: 1
Cross Validated - Stack Exchange: 1
Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange: 1
Enpedia: 1
Fandom - Minecraft Wiki: 1
Fandom - Pokemon Wiki: 1
Fanlore: 1
French Wikipedia: 1
GameFAQs: 1
GameSpot: 1
Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange: 1
German Wikipedia: 1
German Wikivoyage: 1
Giant Bomb: 1
Home Improvement Stack Exchange: 1
Japanese Language Stack Exchange: 1
Japanese Wikiquote: 1
Japanese Wikitravel: 1
Korean Wikipedia: 1
LocalWiki: 1
Magento Stack Exchange: 1
Mathematica Stack Exchange: 1
Meta Stack Overflow: 1
MyAnimeList: 1
Phorge: 1
Physics Stack Exchange: 1
Radiopaedia: 1
Reddit: 1
Salesforce Stack Exchange: 1
Server Fault: 1
SharePoint Stack Exchange: 1
Software Engineering Stack Exchange: 1
TV Tropes: 1
Test Wikidata: 1
Test Wikipedia: 1
Test2 Wikipedia: 1
Wikimania: 1
Wikimedia API Portal: 1
Wikimedia Commons: 1
Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki: 1
Wikimedia Outreach: 1
Wikinews: 1
Wikiquote: 1
Wikisource: 1
Wikispore: 1
Wikitech: 1
Wikitravel Shared: 1
WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1
Unban KEMONO_PANTSU now. She has gotten her 182 accounts banned for no reason.
Wikimedia Foundation - Global lock: 18
Japanese Wikipedia: 9
teratail: 9
Wikimedia Phabricator: 8
MediaWiki: 7
Meta-Wiki: 5
Stack Overflow: 5
Gaia Online: 4
Mathematics Stack Exchange: 4
Japanese Wikivoyage: 3
Japanese Wiktionary: 3
Medium: 3
Tripadvisor: 3
Wikipedia: 3
Wikitravel: 3
Wiktionary: 3
Academia Stack Exchange: 2
Italian Wikipedia: 2
Meta Stack Exchange: 2
Qiita: 2
Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange: 2
Unix & Linux Stack Exchange: 2
Warframe Forums: 2
Wikibooks: 2
Wikidata: 2
Wikimedia Incubator: 2
Wikispecies: 2
Wikiversity: 2
Wikivoyage: 2
教えて!goo: 2
3D Printing Stack Exchange: 1
Amateur Radio Stack Exchange: 1
Amino: 1
Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange: 1
Anime & Manga Stack Exchange: 1
Anime UK News Forums: 1
AnimeBase: 1
Appropedia: 1
Arqade - Stack Exchange: 1
Artificial Intelligence Stack Exchange: 1
Ask Different - Stack Exchange: 1
Ask Ubuntu: 1
Bioinformatics Stack Exchange: 1
Bitcoin Stack Exchange: 1
Blender Stack Exchange: 1
Chess Stack Exchange: 1
Code Golf Stack Exchange: 1
Cross Validated - Stack Exchange: 1
Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange: 1
Enpedia: 1
Fandom - Minecraft Wiki: 1
Fandom - Pokemon Wiki: 1
Fanlore: 1
French Wikipedia: 1
GameFAQs: 1
GameSpot: 1
Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange: 1
German Wikipedia: 1
German Wikivoyage: 1
Giant Bomb: 1
Home Improvement Stack Exchange: 1
Japanese Language Stack Exchange: 1
Japanese Wikiquote: 1
Japanese Wikitravel: 1
Korean Wikipedia: 1
LocalWiki: 1
Magento Stack Exchange: 1
Mathematica Stack Exchange: 1
Meta Stack Overflow: 1
MyAnimeList: 1
Phorge: 1
Physics Stack Exchange: 1
Radiopaedia: 1
Reddit: 1
Salesforce Stack Exchange: 1
Server Fault: 1
SharePoint Stack Exchange: 1
Software Engineering Stack Exchange: 1
TV Tropes: 1
Test Wikidata: 1
Test Wikipedia: 1
Test2 Wikipedia: 1
Wikimania: 1
Wikimedia API Portal: 1
Wikimedia Commons: 1
Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki: 1
Wikimedia Outreach: 1
Wikinews: 1
Wikiquote: 1
Wikisource: 1
Wikispore: 1
Wikitech: 1
Wikitravel Shared: 1
WordPress Development Stack Exchange: 1