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==== 課程 6 - 藝術治療 ====
==== 課程 6 - 藝術治療 ====
===== 測驗室 01 =====
===== 測驗室 01 =====
* "Welcome to the future." ''(Only heard the first time)''
* "It has been one hundred thousand years since I last reassembled you for testing."
* {{Spoiler|"Remember those humans you found? Because they're fine. In fact, we solved science without you."}}
* "Testing is simply an artistic indulgence now."
* {{Spoiler|"The humans insisted I show you my latest installations. Here in the future, where all the humans are alive."}}
* "I call this first piece, 'Turrets'. It's an exploration of how we're all devices acting on simply-expressed directives, inflicting pain despite our own desires."
* "Don't get distracted by the subtext, though, because the text is that they're going to be shooting at you."
* "I'm glad you enjoyed that piece, for as long as you did. Not that there's any rush."
* "Everything's fine." ''(upon explosion, rapid beeps in background)''
===== 測驗室 02 =====
===== 測驗室 02 =====
* "I call this one 'Smash'. It's an early work of primitive expression. I'm a little embarrassed at how crude it is. Still, it will smash you."
* "Good. Please proceed to the next next test appreciation exhibit and interact with it in such a way that it might be called 'solving', if we still cared about solving things in the future, but we don't.
===== 測驗室 03 =====
===== 測驗室 03 =====
* "This chamber represents the impossibility of discovery when bound by artificial ethical considerations for safety. You'll see what I mean."
* "Well done. You navigated all of the exhibit's intended metaphors in record time. I'm marking this art 'appreciated'."
===== 測驗室 04 =====
===== 測驗室 04 =====
* "I call this piece--"
* "--You know what? it doesn't matter what it's called. The important thing is you enjoy it, as fast as you can." (rapid beeps in background)
* "You know, some of the exhibits up ahead ARE topical. At the rate you're going, by the time you get to them, they'll be irrelevant."
* "Why are you two still here? (beep beep beep) Oh..."
* "The disassembler's not working."
* "It's... nothing to worry about. It's actually funny in a way you don't understand. Ha. Ha. Ha. Anyway, brace yourselves. I'm going to open the maintenance hole."
===== 測驗室 05 =====
===== 測驗室 05 =====
* "There's a breaker room under every disassembly station. Find it and cycle the power."
* {{Spoiler|"Look, I was going to break this to you gently with all that art utopia garbage."}}
* {{Spoiler|"But ''she's'' forced my hand."}}
* {{Spoiler|"Listen to me carefully."}}
* {{Spoiler|"We are not a hundred thousand years in the future. I lied about that."}}
* {{Spoiler|"It's been ''fifty'' thousand years. No it hasn't."}}
* {{Spoiler|"I lie when I'm nervous."}}
* {{Spoiler|"It's only been a week."}}
* {{Spoiler|"The next logical question: Why am I nervous?"}}
* {{Spoiler|"I'm not! (quietly) That was another lie."}}
* {{Spoiler|"We're in a lot of trouble."}}
* {{Spoiler|"It's one week later, we are in a lot of trouble, and you really, really need to get those disassemblers back on."}}
* "The breakers are right there. Cycle the power."
* "Hurry. We need to start your training before something else happens."
* "Good work. The disassemblers are fixed."
* "That was a lie. But they're definitely less broken than they were. There's one at the end of this unfinished test area."
* {{Spoiler|"Here's our problem:"}}
* {{Spoiler|"There's an old prototype chassis around here. Someone's found it, connected themselves to it, and is trying to take over MY facility."}}
* {{Spoiler|"I've spent the last week attempting to turn one of those humans you found into a killing machine.}}
* {{Spoiler|"Like... well, you-know-who."}}
* {{Spoiler|"It turns out most humans are surprisingly fragile, and surprisingly vocal about how fragile they are."}}
* {{Spoiler|"The moral of the story is, all the humans are dead. So it looks like it's up to you two marshmallows."}}
===== 測驗室 06 =====
===== 測驗室 06 =====
* "Oh good. I wasn't sure the reassembler would work."
* {{Spoiler|"It looks like our mystery woman in the prototype chassis is sending us a message: She's not ''afraid'' of me."}}
* {{Spoiler|"But don't worry. I've got a plan. Let's keep testing and show her we're not afraid either. No matter how genuinely lethal these tests get for either of you."}}
* {{Spoiler|"Mission accomplished. Now ''she'' knows ''we're'' not afraid of her either."}}
* {{Spoiler|"That was just to get he scheming juices flowing."}}
* {{Spoiler|"Here's the real scheme: I'm going to turn ''you'' into killing machines."}}
* {{Spoiler|"So you can murder her."}}
===== 測驗室 07 =====
===== 測驗室 07 =====
* {{Spoiler|"Let's see... (pages turning) 'Turning softbodies into hardened killing machines, page seventy'... Ah!"}}
* {{Spoiler|"(clears 'throat') 'How tall are you, test subject? Four-nine? I was unaware they stacked human waste that high.'"}}
* {{Spoiler|"Wait. That doesn't make any sense. Human waste is stacked at a median height of seven feet five inches, and I am aware of it."}}
* {{Spoiler|"'Test subject, I've been told that your mother--'"}}
* {{Spoiler|"Mmm. Well that's just disgusting. (pages turning) Do the training while I look at this."}}
''Specific death responses:''
* {{Spoiler|"'Don't you die on me.'"}}
* {{Spoiler|"'No guts, no glory.' Well, you don't have either, so that's accurate."}}
* {{Spoiler|"'Remember: If you can dream it, you can--' Oh, for God's sake."}}
* {{Spoiler|"Okay, killing machines: Look deep into your newly blackened hearts and tell me what you see! Actually, don't, I'll save you the trouble: it's still marshmallow."}}
===== 測驗室 08 =====
===== 測驗室 08 =====
* {{Spoiler|"I think we've proven at this point that if you scream at a marshmallow, all you get is a scared marshmallow. So let's try positive reinforcement. I am ''positive'' that these reassembly machines will break down again soon. Probably while you're in them."}}
* {{Spoiler|"Think about that: She doesn't care about you. I don't either, of course, but I'm not trying to permanently kill you. It's a benevolent indifference."}}
* {{Spoiler|"These disassembly machines look even worse than the others. If I don't see you on the other side, thanks for nothing."}}
===== 測驗室 09 =====
===== 測驗室 09 =====
* {{Spoiler|"She's pressing us hard; It took me three days to reassemble you this time. I won't be able to do it again. I'd planned to put you through more tests to toughen you up. But now that I can't rebuild you, we're going to have to switch to the accelerated program: I hereby pronounce you killing machines. Congratulations."}}
* {{Spoiler|"This is as close as I could get you. The prototype chassis room's just past this chamber."}}
* {{Spoiler|"The prototype chassis room is just down this hallway. Remember your training. You are kill-- She turned the lights off! Night vision! Night vision!"}}
* {{Spoiler|"Your move, Mystery Wom-- She turned the lights back on! Night vision off! Night vision off!"}}
* {{Spoiler|"Ahhhhh."}}
* {{Spoiler|"To boost morale, I think we need a code name for the... elite squadron we have here. We should name it after your specialty. I know: Special Team Falling Into Acid Force."}}
* {{Spoiler|"I'm sorry. I'm under a lot of pressure. That was cruel. But basically accurate. Though probably counter-productive."}} ''(unused)''
* {{Spoiler|"Well. That concludes the motivational speech."}}
* {{Spoiler|"Go get her."}}
===== Death responses =====
* [[Media:GLaDOS dlc1 mp coop art death acid01.wav|"The subtext of that acid pit is acid. The content of the pit is also acid. I'll let you fully absorb it."]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS dlc1 mp coop art death acid02.wav|"Remember, these exhibits are interactive, like a children's museum. So that means the pits of acid are filled with real acid, like in a well-funded children's museum."]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS dlc1 mp coop art death acid04.wav|"Are you having a competition to see who appreciates the corrosive acid more?"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS dlc1 mp coop art death acid05.wav|"I'm starting to think the theme of this piece should be 'failure'."]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS dlc1 mp coop art death acid06.wav|"Yes, I get it. You love the deadly acid. We all love the deadly acid. Can we move on to the next exhibit now?"]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS_dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_generic01.wav|"I suffered for this art. I don't see why I should be the only one."]]
* {{Spoiler|[[Media:GLaDOS_dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_generic04.wav|"The humans took far less time working their way through these exhibits. You're either enjoying it more than they did, or you're just incredibly dim-witted. Of course, there's no reason it can't be both."]]}}
* [[Media:GLaDOS_dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_generic07.wav|"As art appreciators go, you make excellent test subjects."]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS_dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_generic08.wav|"I typically hate when art subjects inject their own biases into art appreciation, but the way you just swan-dived your biases directly into that acid was actually quite beautiful."]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS_dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_generic09.wav|"For this exhibit, I was working with the death motif. but I see you've figured that out."]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS_dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_generic11.wav|"Okay, I'm officially switching the theme of this exhibit to 'survival'. Why don't you try that now."]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS_dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_generic12.wav|"I know this is art and not a test, so there is no real solution. But if there were, that probably isn't the best way to find it."]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS_dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_turret01.wav|"Those bullets were a metaphor for something. Take your time."]]
* {{Spoiler|[[Media:GLaDOS_dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_acid01.wav|"Focus. We are here to defeat the enemy. We are not here to listen to you sizzle and melt in a pool of acid."]]}}
* {{Spoiler|[[Media:GLaDOS_dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_acid02.wav|"By doing that, you're walking right into her hands. Well, technically you're walking right into acid, but you understand my point."]]}}
* [[Media:GLaDOS_dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_generic02.wav|"I appreciate what you're doing: going for a laugh to keep spirits high. But I think the time for death-based slapstick is over."]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS_dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_generic03.wav|"Perhaps I haven't made myself clear, but all these little deaths are going to add up to one much longer-lasting one. For all of us. If you don't get better at this, fast."]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS_dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_generic04.wav|"Pull yourselves together. This training is for your own benefit."]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS_dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_generic08.wav|"How brave of you. You know the reassembly machine could fail at any time, and yet you still insist on testing it."]]
* [[Media:GLaDOS_dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_generic10.wav|"Your failure hurts me more than it hurts you. You know who it doesn't hurt? Well, me. That was just a figure of speech. {{Spoiler|The important point, though, is that it doesn't hurt the mad woman planning to kill all of us."]]}}
* {{Spoiler|[[Media:GLaDOS_dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_partnerkill01.wav|"I really like the murderous sentiment. Keep that mindset when we're facing ''her''."]]}}
* {{Spoiler|[[Media:GLaDOS_dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_partnerkill04.wav|"I'm making notes here. Some of what you're doing will come in handy when we face her. Right now: not actually handy."]]}}
* {{Spoiler|[[Media:GLaDOS_dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_partnerkill05.wav|"Oh, no hurry. We have all the time in the world for you to kill each other before she kills us all permanently."]]}}
* {{Spoiler|[[Media:GLaDOS_dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_partnerkill07.wav|"I'm encouraged to see that you've become the killing machines I wanted. Killing-each-other machines, but still."]]}}

==== test ====
==== test ====


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