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==== 第3章 - 重出江湖 ====
==== 第3章 - 重出江湖 ====
===== 測驗室 09 =====
===== GLaDOS 測驗室 09 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_catapult_fling_sphere_peek_failureone01.wav|"Well, I'm back. The Aerial Faith Plate in here is sending a distress signal."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_catapult_fling_sphere_peek_failureone01.wav|"我回來了,這裡的對空跳板正在發出悲慘的訊號。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_catapult_fling_sphere_peek_failureone02.wav|"You broke it, didn't you."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_catapult_fling_sphere_peek_failureone02.wav|"你把它弄壞了,對不對。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_catapult_fling_sphere_peek_failureone03.wav|"There. Try it now."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_catapult_fling_sphere_peek_failureone03.wav|"拿去,試試看吧。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_catapult_fling_sphere_peek_failuretwo01.wav|"Hmm. This Plate must not be calibrated to someone of your... generous... ness. I'll add a few zeros to the maximum weight."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_catapult_fling_sphere_peek_failuretwo01.wav|"嗯,這個跳板千萬不能根據你...寬大的...某人來校準計算,我來把承載的最高重量加幾個零吧。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_catapult_fling_sphere_peek_failuretwo02.wav|"You look great, by the way. Very healthy."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_catapult_fling_sphere_peek_failuretwo02.wav|"(嘟嘟嘟) 你看起來很好,順帶一提,非常健康。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_catapult_fling_sphere_peek_failuretwo03.wav|"Try it now."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_catapult_fling_sphere_peek_failuretwo03.wav|"現在試試看。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_catapult_fling_sphere_peek_failurethree01.wav|"You seem to have defeated its load-bearing capacity. Well done. I'll just lower the ceiling."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_catapult_fling_sphere_peek_failurethree01.wav|"看來你超過了它的負載量,幹得好,我來把天花板放低點。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_catapult_fling_sphere_peek_completion01.wav|"Look at you. Sailing through the air majestically. Like an eagle. Piloting a blimp."]]

===== 測驗室 10 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_ricochet01.wav|"Enjoy this next test. I'm going to go to the surface. It's a beautiful day out. Yesterday I saw a deer. If you solve this next test, maybe I'll let you ride an elevator all the way up to the break room, and I'll tell you about the time I saw a deer again."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_catapult_fling_sphere_peek_completion01.wav|"看看你,這麼威風地翱翔天際,像隻老鷹,飛天遁地。不管怎樣,恭喜了。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc27.wav|"Well, you passed the test. I didn't see the deer today. I did see some humans. But with you here I've got more test subjects than I'll ever need."]]

===== 測驗室 11 =====
===== GLaDOS 測驗室 10 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_bridge_intro01.wav|"These bridges are made from natural light that I pump in from the surface. If you rubbed your cheek on one, it would be like standing outside with the sun shining on your face. It would also set your hair on fire, so don't actually do it."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_ricochet01.wav|"好好享受接下來的測試吧,我要去地表上逛逛,今天外面天氣不錯,昨天我有看到一隻鹿。如果你通過了接下來的測試,也許我會讓你搭電梯直接到上面的休息室,然後我再跟你說我又看到一隻鹿的時間。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_bridge_intro03.wav|"Excellent! You're a predator and these tests are your prey. Speaking of which, I was researching sharks for an upcoming test. Do you know who else murders people who are only trying to help them?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_bridge_intro04.wav|"Did you guess 'sharks'? Because that's wrong. The correct answer is 'nobody.' Nobody but you is that pointlessly cruel."]]

===== 測驗室 12 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_bridge_the_gap01.wav|"Good news. I figured out what to do with all the money I save recycling your one roomful of air. When you die, I'm going to laminate your skeleton and pose you in the lobby. That way future generations can learn from you how not to have your unfortunate bone structure."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc27.wav|"好,你通過測試了。我今天沒看到鹿,倒是有看到一些人類,但有你在這裡,我需要的受測者就已經夠多了。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_trust_fling_sphereinterrupt01.wav|"Perfect, the door's malfunctioning. I guess somebody's going to have to repair that too. No, don't get up. I'll be right back. Don't touch anything."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_sphere_2nd_encounter_entrytwo01.wav|"I went and spoke with the door mainframe. Let's just say he won't be... well, living anymore. Anyway, back to testing."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc19.wav|"Well done. In fact, you did so well, I'm going to note this on your file, in the commendations section. Oh, there's lots of room here. 'Did.... well.  ...  Enough.'"]]

===== 測驗室 13 =====
===== GLaDOS 測驗室 11 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS turret_intro01.wav|"This next test involves turrets. You remember them, right? They're the pale spherical things that are full of bullets. Oh wait. That's you in five seconds. Good luck."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_bridge_intro01.wav|"這些橋樑是我從地表上汲取自然光做成的,要是你把臉貼上去,那種感覺就像是你在戶外讓陽光曬你的臉,但它也會讓你的頭髮著火,所以千萬別這麼做。"]]

===== 測驗室 14 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc21.wav|"To maintain a constant testing cycle, I simulate daylight at all hours and add adrenal vapor to your oxygen supply. So you may be confused about the passage of time. The point is, yesterday was your birthday. I thought you'd want to know."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_bridge_intro03.wav|"太好了!你就像掠食者,這些測試就是你的獵物。說到這個,我有在研究把鯊魚放進測試裡的可能。你知道還有什麼會為了救人而把人殺掉的嗎?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc23.wav|"You know how I'm going to live forever, but you're going to be dead in sixty years?  Well, I've been working on a belated birthday present for you. Well... more of a belated birthday medical procedure. Well. Technically, it's a medical EXPERIMENT. What's important is, it's a present."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_bridge_intro04.wav|"你是不是猜了「鯊魚」?不對,正確答案是「沒有」,除了你以外沒人會這麼殘忍。"]]

===== 測驗室 15 =====
===== GLaDOS 測驗室 12 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_turret_intro01.wav|"That jumpsuit you're wearing looks stupid.  That's not me talking, it's right here in your file. On other people it looks fine, but right here a scientist has noted that on you it looks 'stupid.'"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_bridge_the_gap01.wav|"好消息,我知道回收你那滿屋子的空氣所省下來的錢可以拿來做什麼了。你死了以後,我會把你的骨頭做成薄片再把它放在大廳展示,這樣後世子孫就可以從你身上知道什麼叫不幸的骨骼架構。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_turret_intro03.wav|"Well, what does a neck-bearded old engineer know about fashion? He probably - Oh, wait. It's a she. Still, what does she know?  Oh wait, it says she has a medical degree. In fashion! From France!"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_trust_fling_sphereinterrupt01.wav|"真是太好了...門不動了,我想得有人去把它修好。(頓一下) 不,別起來,我等下就回來,別碰任何東西。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc30.wav|"I'm going through the list of test subjects in cryogenic storage. I managed to find two with your last name. A man and a woman. So that's interesting. It's a small world."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_sphere_2nd_encounter_entrytwo01.wav|"我去和門的主機講過話了,它應該再也...活不了了。好了,回去測試吧。"]]

===== 測驗室 16 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc31.wav|"I have a surprise waiting for you after this next test. Telling you would spoil the surprise, so I'll just give you a hint: It involves meeting two people you haven't seen in a long time."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc19.wav|"幹得好,你做得實在太棒了,我要在你的功勞簿上記上一筆。喔,這裡空很大一片。「做的...很好。」「足堪此任。」'"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc24.wav|"[hums 'For He's A Jolly Good Fellow']"]]

===== 測驗室 17 =====
===== GLaDOS 測驗室 13 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc39.wav|"It says this next test was designed by one of Aperture's Nobel prize winners. It doesn't say what the prize was for. Well, I know it wasn't for Being Immune To Neurotoxin."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS turret_intro01.wav|"接下來的測試會有機槍塔。你記得它們吧?就是那些裝滿子彈的白色圓形物體。等等,你只剩五秒鐘了,好自為之吧。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc33.wav|"I'll bet you think I forgot about your surprise. I didn't. In fact, we're headed to your surprise right now. After all these years. I'm getting choked up just thinking about it."]]
===== GLaDOS 測驗室 14 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc21.wav|"為了維持固定的測試週期,我把時間都模擬成全天候白天,並在你的氧氣瓶裡加了腎上腺素噴霧,所以你對時間的認知可能會有些錯亂。重點是,昨天是你生日,我想你會想知道這點的。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc23.wav|"你知道我是怎樣得到永生,而你是怎樣在六十年後死去的嗎?我一直在幫你準備遲來的生日禮物,正確來說應該是遲來的生日療程,好吧,技術上來說是個醫學實驗。重要的是,這是個禮物。"]]
===== GLaDOS 測驗室 15 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_turret_intro01.wav|"那件跳傘裝穿在你身上很蠢。[翻頁聲] 那不是我講的,是你的檔案上寫的。穿在其他人身上還好,但是這裡有個科學家註記說穿在你身上很「蠢」。'"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_turret_intro03.wav|"別管他,一個鬍子長到脖子上的老工程師懂什麼時尚?他只不過...等等,是個女的,不過...等等,這裡說她有醫學學位,還有時尚學位,在法國拿到的!"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc30.wav|"我查看了低溫貯存艙的受測者清單,結果找到兩個跟你同姓的人,一個男的跟一個女的。很有趣,這個世界真小。"]]
===== GLaDOS 測驗室 16 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc31.wav|下個測試後我有個驚喜給你。我不想破梗,所以我只給你點提示:你會跟很久沒見面的兩個人重逢。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc24.wav|"[哼唱生日快樂歌]"]]
===== GLaDOS 測驗室 17 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc39.wav|"上面說接下來的測試是由「光圈科學」的一個諾貝爾獎得主設計的!不過它沒說那人得的是什麼獎。反正我知道絕對不會是「神經毒氣免疫」獎。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc33.wav|"我想你一定覺得我忘了說好的驚喜了,我可沒忘。其實,我們現在正要去看你的驚喜,都等了多少年過去了,想到這我就想哭。"]]

==== 第4章 - 驚喜 ====
==== 第4章 - 驚喜 ====


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