GLaDOS voice lines/zh-hant: Difference between revisions

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Line 457: Line 457:
*[[Media:GLaDOS wakeup_outro02.wav|"我也喜歡,只是有一件小事我們得先搞定。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS wakeup_outro02.wav|"我也喜歡,只是有一件小事我們得先搞定。"]]

===== 焚化爐/舊測驗室19 =====
===== 焚化爐/舊測驗室 19 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_incinerator_01_01.wav|"我們到焚化室了,小心不要踩到之前你把我丟進爐裡時沒燒乾淨的部分。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_incinerator_01_01.wav|"我們到焚化室了,小心不要踩到之前你把我丟進爐裡時沒燒乾淨的部分。"]]
Line 468: Line 468:
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_intro1_found01.wav|"很好,你找到雙重傳送槍了,應該有路回到上面的測試區域。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_intro1_found01.wav|"很好,你找到雙重傳送槍了,應該有路回到上面的測試區域。"]]

返回舊測驗室 19入口途中:
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_incinerator_01_08.wav|"等測試一開始後,依規定我必須盡量少跟你接觸,還好我們現在還沒開始測試。這是我們唯一可以講話的機會。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_incinerator_01_08.wav|"等測試一開始後,依規定我必須盡量少跟你接觸,還好我們現在還沒開始測試。這是我們唯一可以講話的機會。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_incinerator_01_12.wav|"好,我來幫你開路。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_incinerator_01_12.wav|"好,我來幫你開路。"]]
Line 482: Line 482:

==== 第2章 - 臨陣畏怯 ====
==== 第2章 - 臨陣畏怯 ====
===== 測驗室 01 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_laser_redirect_intro_entry01.wav|"抱歉這裡很亂。在你殺了我以後我真的就沒再管這裡了,不過還是謝謝你。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_laser_redirect_intro_entry02.wav|"喔太好了,那又上線了,在你進行這個剛開始的簡單測試時,我會讓其他所有東西重新運作起來。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_laser_redirect_intro_entry03.wav|"這個測試會用到致命雷射,並觀察受測者跟致命雷射一起鎖在房間時的反應。"]]

==== 第3章 - 重出江湖 ====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_laser_intro_ending02.wav|"不錯喔,我都忘了你有多擅長這個了。但你應該調整一下步調,我們還有一堆測試要做呢。"]]

==== 第4章 - 驚喜 ====
===== 測驗室 02 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_laser_stairs_intro02.wav|"接下來的測試會有沮喪重導方塊,我在...嗯...你弄完你的事情以前蓋好的,現在我們可以看看這些方塊的表現如何。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_laser_stairs_intro03.wav|"角落應該會有一個。"]]

==== 第5章 - 逃脫 ====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_laser_powered_lift_completion02.wav|"很好,測試結果出爐:你是個可惡的人。我是說真的,這是上面說的:一個可惡的人。我們可沒打算針對這點做測試。"]]

==== 第6章 - 墜落 ====
===== 測驗室 03 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_dual_lasers_intro01.wav|"別讓那些「壞人」的事情打擊你,那只是個資料點。如果這能讓你更好過的話,現在,科學已經驗證是你的生母決定把你丟在門口的階梯上的。"]]

==== 第7章 -重逢 ====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_laser_redirect_intro_completion01.wav|"恭喜你,不是指測試方面。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_laser_redirect_intro_completion03.wav|"多數人從長眠後甦醒後都會嚴重營養不良,我要恭喜你是個異數,而且不知怎的還胖了好幾磅。"]]

==== 第8章 - 坐立難安 ====
===== 測驗室 04 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_laser_over_goo_entry01.wav|"等我一下。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_laser_over_goo_intro01.wav|"你探索這些測試室的速度比我建造的速度還快,所以你要的話可以放慢腳步...並做些你沒在破壞這座設施時會做的任何事。"]]

==== 第9章 - 這裡就是... ====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_laser_over_goo_completion01.wav|"我會幫你記上一筆,我想你是真的有聽進我說的話,但就算是為了記錄,你也不需要走那麼慢。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc12.wav|"慢慢走到電梯那裡去,我們來繼續進行測試。"]]

===== 測驗室 05 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS faith_plate_intro01.wav|"下個測試會用到「光圈科學」對空跳板,它是屬於最初計畫的一部分,用來調查受測者被彈射到空中時解決問題的能力。調查結果提供了很有用的資訊:他們無能為力。祝好運!"]]

*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_catapult01.wav|"跟你說件有趣的事:你吸的不是真的空氣,要從上面把空氣打到這麼深太貴了,所以我們只是把房間裡的二氧化碳重新稍微過濾一下,再把它打回來,所以你終生都得吸同一個房間的空氣。我覺得這真是太有趣了。"]]

===== 測驗室 06 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_catapult_intro_completion01.wav|"來看看下一個測試是什麼。噢,進階對空跳板。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_trust_fling_entry01.wav|"好好無憂無慮地遨遊天際吧。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_trust_fling_entry02.wav|"「我」得去那個全部是玻璃做的側房掃掉十五英畝的碎玻璃,就我一個人。"]]

=== Chapter 2: The Cold Boot ===
==== GLaDOS Test Chamber 1 ====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_trust_fling01.wav|"喔,抱歉,我還在清理測試室。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_laser_redirect_intro_entry01.wav|"Sorry about the mess. I've really let the place go since you killed me. By the way, thanks for that."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_trust_fling02.wav|"有時候測試室裡還是會有垃圾,佔地方、難聞又沒什麼用處。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_laser_redirect_intro_entry02.wav|"Oh good, that's back online. I'll start getting everything else working while you perform this first simple test."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_trust_fling03.wav|"記得閃躲那些朝你飛來的垃圾。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_laser_redirect_intro_entry03.wav|"Which involves deadly lasers and how test subjects react when locked in a room with deadly lasers."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_laser_intro_ending02.wav|"Not bad. I forgot how good you are at this. You should pace yourself, though. We have A LOT of tests to do."]]

==== GLaDOS Test Chamber 2 ====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_laser_stairs_intro02.wav|"This next test involves discouragement redirection cubes. I'd just finished building them before you had your, well, episode. So now we'll both get to see how they work."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_trust_fling04.wav|"你不需要跟垃圾一起測試,那只是垃圾。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_laser_stairs_intro03.wav|"There should be one in the corner."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS faithplategarbage06.wav|"再按一次按鈕。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_laser_powered_lift_completion02.wav|"Well done. Here come the test results: You are a horrible person. That's what it says: A horrible person. We weren't even testing for that."]]

==== GLaDOS Test Chamber 3 ====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_dual_lasers_intro01.wav|"Don't let that 'horrible person' thing discourage you. It's just a data point. If it makes you feel any better, science has now validated your birth mother's decision to abandon you on a doorstep."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_trust_fling06.wav|"記得我之前說到那些佔地方難聞又沒用的垃圾嗎?那只是個比喻,我就是在說你,我很抱歉。因為你當下沒有反應,我擔心你根本沒把那當回事,這樣我的道歉就顯得愚蠢了,這也是為什麼我現在要再叫你一次垃圾的原因。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_laser_redirect_intro_completion01.wav|"Congratulations. Not on the test."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_laser_redirect_intro_completion03.wav|"Most people emerge from suspension terribly undernourished. I want to congratulate you on beating the odds and somehow managing to pack on a few pounds."]]

==== GLaDOS Test Chamber 4 ====
===== 測驗室 07 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_laser_over_goo_entry01.wav|"One moment."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_paint_jump_wall_jumps01.wav|"你知道人們心中有鬼的時候很容易就會被吵鬧的噪音嚇到嗎?(汽車喇叭聲)"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_laser_over_goo_intro01.wav|"You're navigating these test chambers faster than I can build them. So feel free to slow down and... do whatever it is you do when you're not destroying this facility."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_paint_jump_wall_jumps02.wav|""<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: 對不起,我不知道為什麼會那樣。不過呢,這只是個有趣的科學事實而已。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_laser_over_goo_completion01.wav|"I'll give you credit: I guess you ARE listening to me. But for the record: You don't have to go THAT slowly."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS testchambermisc12.wav|"Waddle over to the elevator and we'll continue the testing."]]

==== GLaDOS Test Chamber 5 ====
*[[Media:GLaDOS faith_plate_intro01.wav|"This next test involves the Aperture Science Aerial Faith Plate. It was part of an initiative to investigate how well test subjects could solve problems when they were catapulted into space. Results were highly informative: They could not. Good luck!"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS fizzlecube01.wav|"噢,我不小心在你完成測試前就把它毀了嗎?對不起。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_catapult01.wav|"Here's an interesting fact: you're not breathing real air. It's too expensive to pump this far down. We just take carbon dioxide out of a room, freshen it up a little, and pump it back in. So you'll be breathing the same room full of air for the rest of your life. I thought that was interesting."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS fizzlecube03.wav|"繼續再拿一個。"]]

==== GLaDOS Test Chamber 6 ====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_catapult_intro_completion01.wav|"Let's see what the next test is. Oh. Advanced Aerial Faith Plates."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS fizzlecube05.wav|"喔,不,我也把那個消掉了。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_trust_fling_entry01.wav|"Well. Have fun soaring through the air without a care in the world."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS fizzlecube06.wav|"噢,倉庫塞得滿滿都是東西,全都沒用,我很樂意擺脫它們。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_trust_fling_entry02.wav|"*I* have to go to the wing that was made entirely of glass and pick up fifteen acres of broken glass. By myself."]]

*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_pit_flings03.wav|"噢,每個測試室的出口都會有分解網,所以受測者無法偷帶走測試區的測試物體,這個壞掉了。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_pit_flings02.wav|"別帶走任何東西。"]]

*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_trust_fling01.wav|"Oh, sorry. I'm still cleaning out the test chambers."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_trust_fling02.wav|"So sometimes there's still trash in them. Standing around, smelling, and being useless."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_pit_flings_future_starter01.wav|"喔哦,你被困住了,看看這個方塊能不能幫你逃脫吧。事實上,基於我們不會整天待在這裡,我就直說好了:它不能。你感受到的所有感覺都只是你那可悲又空虛的生命所產生的幻覺。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_trust_fling03.wav|"Try to avoid the garbage hurtling towards you."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_pit_flings_future_starter02.wav|"不管怎樣,這邊還有個新方塊可以給你照照你瘋狂又孤寂的身影。"]]

*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_pit_flings06.wav|"我想它要說的是「我愛你」,它們是有感情的,當然,這東西我們有很多。"]]

''If the player picks up a trash item''
===== 測驗室 08 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_trust_fling04.wav|"You don't have to test with the garbage. It's garbage."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_fizzler_intro01.wav|"下個測試會用到分解網。記得嗎?我在上個測試區有跟你提過,但那邊沒有這個。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS faithplategarbage06.wav|"Press the button again."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_fizzler_intro04.wav|"喔不,又是渦輪機,這座設施的每一吋地方都需要我照料,我得走了。等等,下個測試是需要一些解說,我跟你快速講解一下好了。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_fizzler_intro05.wav|"[含糊不清的話語]"]]
**Slowed-down version:
**:[[Media:GLaDOS_sp_a2_fizzler_intro05 slowed down.ogg|"—and methodically knocking peoples' hats off. Then I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I ca—"]]<ref>''{{w|Moby-Dick}}'', chapter 1.</ref>
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_fizzler_intro06.wav|"好了。如果你有任何問題,只要記得我在慢動作時所說的話就好。在測試中好好保護你自己吧,我等下就回來。"]]

==== 第3章 - 重出江湖 ====

*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_trust_fling06.wav|"Remember before when I was talking about smelly garbage standing around being useless? That was a metaphor. I was actually talking about you. And I'm sorry. You didn't react at the time, so I was worried it sailed right over your head. Which would have made this apology seem insane. That's why I had to call you garbage a second time just now."]]
==== 第4章 - 驚喜 ====

==== GLaDOS Test Chamber 7 ====
==== 第5章 - 逃脫 ====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_paint_jump_wall_jumps01.wav|"Did you know that people with guilty consciences are more easily startled by loud noi-- [train horn]"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_paint_jump_wall_jumps02.wav|"I'm sorry, I don't know why that went off. Anyway, just an interesting science fact."]]

==== 第6章 - 墜落 ====

*[[Media:GLaDOS fizzlecube01.wav|"Oh. Did I accidentally fizzle that before you could complete the test? I'm sorry."]]
==== 第7章 -重逢 ====
*[[Media:GLaDOS fizzlecube03.wav|"Go ahead and grab another one."]]

==== 第8章 - 坐立難安 ====

*[[Media:GLaDOS fizzlecube05.wav|"Oh. No. I fizzled that one too."]]
==== 第9章 - 這裡就是... ====
*[[Media:GLaDOS fizzlecube06.wav|"Oh well. We have warehouses FULL of the things. Absolutely worthless. I'm happy to get rid of them."]]

*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_pit_flings03.wav|"Every test chamber is equipped with an emancipation grill at its exit, so that test subjects can't smuggle test objects out of the test area. This one is broken."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_pit_flings02.wav|"Don't take anything with you."]]

''If the player jumps down and leaves the Companion Cube up above''
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_pit_flings_future_starter01.wav|"Uh oh. You're stranded. Let's see if the cube will try to help you escape. Actually, so that we're not here all day, I'll just cut to the chase: It won't. Any feelings you think it has for you are simply byproducts of your sad, empty life."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_pit_flings_future_starter02.wav|"Anyway, here's a new cube for you to project your deranged loneliness onto."]]
''If the player takes the Companion Cube past the exit''
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_pit_flings06.wav|"I think that one was about to say 'I love you.' They ARE sentient, of course. We just have a LOT of them."]]
==== GLaDOS Test Chamber 8 ====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_fizzler_intro01.wav|"This next test involves emancipation grills. Remember? I told you about them in the last test area, that did not have one."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_fizzler_intro04.wav|"Ohhh, no. The turbines again.  I have to go.  Wait. This next test DOES require some explanation. Let me give you the fast version."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_fizzler_intro05.wav|"[fast gibberish]"]]
**Slowed-down version:
**:[[Media:GLaDOS_sp_a2_fizzler_intro05 slowed down.ogg|"—and methodically knocking peoples' hats off. Then I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I ca—"]]<ref>''{{w|Moby-Dick}}'', chapter 1.</ref>
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_fizzler_intro06.wav|"There. If you have any questions, just remember what I said in slow motion. Test on your own recognizance, I'll be right back."]]

=== Chapter 3: The Return===
=== Chapter 3: The Return===


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