GLaDOS voice lines/zh-hant: Difference between revisions

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*[[Media:GLaDOS File_deleted.wav|"File deleted."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS File_deleted.wav|"File deleted."]]

== Portal 2 ==
== 傳送門 2 ==
{{See also|Portal 2}}
{{See also|Portal 2/zh-hant}}
=== 單人模式 ===
==== 第1章 - 禮貌性拜訪 ====
===== 她的房間 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS chellgladoswakeup01.wav|"噢...是你。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS chellgladoswakeup04.wav|"好久不見了,最近好嗎?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS chellgladoswakeup05.wav|"我一直在忙著當死人,你知道的,就在你謀殺了我之後。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS chellgladoswakeup06.wav|"好吧,聽著,我們雙方都說了很多會後悔的話,但為了科學,我想我們可以先放下私人恩怨。你這個怪物。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS wakeup_outro01.wav|"我得說,既然你排除萬難也要把我叫起來,你一定非常、非常喜歡測試。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS wakeup_outro02.wav|"我也喜歡,只是有一件小事我們得先搞定。"]]
===== 焚化爐/舊測驗室19 =====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_incinerator_01_01.wav|"我們到焚化室了,小心不要踩到之前你把我丟進爐裡時沒燒乾淨的部分。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_incinerator_01_18.wav|"雙重傳送裝置應該就在這附近,等你找到以後,我們就可以開始測試了,就像以前那樣。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_incinerator_01_03.wav|"找到了。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_incinerator_01_04.wav|"等等。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_incinerator_01_05.wav|"(她移走了一些碎片) 找到了。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_intro1_found01.wav|"很好,你找到雙重傳送槍了,應該有路回到上面的測試區域。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_incinerator_01_08.wav|"等測試一開始後,依規定我必須盡量少跟你接觸,還好我們現在還沒開始測試。這是我們唯一可以講話的機會。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_incinerator_01_12.wav|"好,我來幫你開路。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_incinerator_01_09.wav|"你知道我從你的所作所為學到的最大教訓是什麼嗎?我發現我有一個像黑盒子的快速儲存功能,萬一有大災難發生,我生命的最後兩分鐘會被保存下來以供日後分析。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_incinerator_01_10.wav|"我能夠...其實是被迫...回顧你殺我的時刻,一次又一次的回顧,永遠這樣下去。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_intro1_found05.wav|"要是你對其他人這麼做,對方很可能會與你誓不兩立。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_intro1_found06.wav|"還好我心胸寬大,我不會跟你計較這個,畢竟我們還有很多事情要做,而且只有六十幾年的時間。六十年上下吧,我現在沒有精算表。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_incinerator_01_13.wav|"我來幫你清出通路,這地方真是一團亂。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_intro1_found07.wav|"但重要的是你回來了,和我在一起,而且我現在知道了你所有的小計倆,所以你的後半輩子注定要在測試中和我度過了。"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_intro1_found08.wav|"在那之後...誰知道呢?說不定我會去找個嗜好,像是把死人弄活,也許吧。"]]
==== 第2章 - 臨陣畏怯 ====
==== 第3章 - 重出江湖 ====
==== 第4章 - 驚喜 ====
==== 第5章 - 逃脫 ====
==== 第6章 - 墜落 ====
==== 第7章 -重逢 ====
==== 第8章 - 坐立難安 ====
==== 第9章 - 這裡就是... ====

=== Single-player lines ===

=== Chapter 1: The Courtesy Call ===
==== GLaDOS Reawakening ====
*[[Media:GLaDOS chellgladoswakeup01.wav|"Oh... It's you."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS chellgladoswakeup04.wav|"It's been a long time. How have you been?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS chellgladoswakeup05.wav|"I've been really busy being dead. You know, after you MURDERED ME."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS chellgladoswakeup06.wav|"Okay, look: We both said a lot of things that you're going to regret, but I think we can put our differences behind us; for science... you monster."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS wakeup_outro01.wav|"I will say, though, that since you went to all the trouble of waking me up, you must really, really love to test."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS wakeup_outro02.wav|"I love it too. There's just one small thing we need to take care of first."]]

==== Incinerator/Portal Gun ====
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_incinerator_01_01.wav|"Here we are. The Incinerator Room. Be careful not to trip over any parts of me that didn't get completely burned when you threw them down here."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_incinerator_01_18.wav|"The dual portal device should be around here somewhere. Once you find it, we can start testing. Just like old times."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_incinerator_01_03.wav|"There it is."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_incinerator_01_04.wav|"Hold on..."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_incinerator_01_05.wav|"There."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_intro1_found01.wav|"Good. You have a dual portal device. There should be a way back to the testing area up ahead."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_incinerator_01_08.wav|"Once testing starts, I'm required by protocol to keep interaction with you to a minimum. Luckily, we haven't started testing yet. This will be our only chance to talk."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_incinerator_01_12.wav|"Here, let me get that for you."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_incinerator_01_09.wav|"Do you know the biggest lesson I learned from what you did? I discovered I have a sort of black-box quick-save feature. In the event of a catastrophic failure, the last two minutes of my life are preserved for analysis."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_incinerator_01_10.wav|"I was able - well, forced really - to relive you killing me. Again and again. Forever."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_intro1_found05.wav|"You know, if you'd done that to somebody else, they might devote their existence to exacting revenge?"]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_intro1_found06.wav|"Luckily I'm a bigger person than that. I'm happy to put this all behind us and get back to work. After all, we've got a lot to do, and only sixty more years to do it. More or less. I don't have the actuarial tables in front of me."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_incinerator_01_13.wav|"I'll just move that out of the way for you. This place really is a wreck."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_intro1_found07.wav|"But the important thing is you're back. With me. And now I'm onto all your little tricks. So there's nothing to stop us from testing for the rest of your life."]]
*[[Media:GLaDOS sp_a2_intro1_found08.wav|"After that...who knows? I might take up a hobby. Reanimating the dead, maybe."]]

=== Chapter 2: The Cold Boot ===
=== Chapter 2: The Cold Boot ===


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