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:''Not to be confused with [[Portal: Still Alive]], a port of the original game for the Xbox 360 with extra content.''

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"''Still Alive''" was written by Jonathan Coulton, who also wrote "''Want You Gone''", and was sung by Ellen McLain, [[Voice actor]] for [[GLaDOS]] and opera singer. {{spoiler text|She also sang "''[[Want You Gone]]''" during the end credits of [[Portal 2]]}}.
"''Still Alive''" was written by Jonathan Coulton, who also wrote "''Want You Gone''", and was sung by Ellen McLain, [[Voice actor]] for [[GLaDOS]] and opera singer. {{spoiler text|She also sang "''[[Want You Gone]]''" during the end credits of [[Portal 2]]}}.

== See Also ==
{{Template: MusicNav}}
* [[Portal Soundtrack]]
* [[Want You Gone]]
* [[Turret Opera]]
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