Password Checker

From the Portal Wiki

Subject #147551536798 detected, Identity: Party Escort Bot equal Beans. Test chamber reset process authorized.
— Password Checker

A wiki in a wiki. WIKICEPTION!!!

Password Checker (a.k.a. Password Checking Machine) is a minor character in the Party Escort Beans Enrichment Center Activity. Much like the Announcer from Portal 2, he checks if the correct password has been found. He is only seen in Test Chamber 04.


Pre-Party Escort Beans Enrichment Center Activity

Not much of the backstory of Password Checker is revealed in the Party Escort Beans Enrichment Center Activity. It is known, however, that the Password Checker remained secret until Party Escort Bot = Beans discovered it in Test Chamber 04:

Password? No one has told me that there was a password.

Party Escort Beans Enrichment Center Activity

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