Party Escort Beans Enrichment Center Test Chamber 04

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You again successfully break the portal spawner and the orange portal closes. You hear a voice:

Aaaargghh!!! Are you kidding me?! Is it YOUR HOBBY to make TEST CHAMBERS UNSOLVABLE?!? MAN, THIS IS GETTING ANNOYING! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST TEST THE TESTS?! [beep] [beep] [beep] Argh, I DID IT WRONG! [beep] [pulling lever] [beep] DID IT WRONG AGAIN! [beep] [beep] [keyboard sounds] [ding] [keyboard sounds] [ding] [beep] [beep] [keyboard sounds] [beep] [pulling lever] Done. Now stop breaking the spawner, and solve this test!

Another orange portal spawner breaks into the room and gets put on the wall facing the exit. What do you do?

Attempt to jump over the pit
Shoot a portal on the portalable surface, then jump from the floor to the portal.
Attempt to break the orange portal spawner again