Still Alive 05

From the Portal Wiki
Still Alive 05

Chamber number 0.pngChamber number 5.png

Test Chamber Infobox previous.png
Test Chamber Infobox next.png
Test Chamber Infobox Portal Guy.png
Chamber progress 0.pngChamber progress 5.pngChamber progress slash.pngChamber progress 1.pngChamber progress 4.png

Still Alive 05.png
Chamber icon zap camp on.pngChamber icon cube hazard on.pngChamber icon pellet hazard.pngChamber icon pellet catcher.pngChamber icon water hazard.png
Chamber icon put a portal bellow.pngChamber icon still alive laser field.pngChamber icon turret hazard.pngChamber icon crusher hazard.pngChamber icon cake.png

This test chamber is the fifth bonus level of the game. It is based off a level from Portal: The Flash Version MapPack. The challenges of this level are unlocked when the test chamber is completed once.




  • Proceed to the door on your right and pass through it.
  • Wait the Electricity Field to be deactivated, take the Weighted Storage Cube and come back quickly to the room's entrance in order to place it on the button.
  • Quickly cross the electricity field when it is deactivated, then pass through the door.
  • Place the first portal at the end of the pit, and the other on one of the walls facing the electricity field and at an average height.
  • When the electricity field is deactivated, fall in the pit and go through the portal while falling, in order to take momentum and then land on the electricity field.
  • Drop quickly the two cubes before the electricity field is activated again, then put them on the two buttons.
  • Shoot the same portal as the previous on the angled panel above the pit.
  • When the electricity field is deactivated, fall in the pit and go through the portal while falling, in order to take momentum and then land in front of the exit door.
  • Go to the Chamberlock.

Video walkthrough

Award requirements (challenge mode)

Portals Steps Time
Bronze Silver Gold Bronze Silver Gold Bronze Silver Gold
9 Portals 4 Portals 4 Portals 165 Steps 115 Steps 75 Steps 110 Seconds 75 Seconds 55 Seconds

Video strategies (challenge mode)

Portals challenge

Steps challenge

Time challenge