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"Still Alive''"はPortalのエンドクレジットとともに再生される曲です。この曲はプレイヤーがGLaDOSを「殺し」その後にEnrichment Centerの破壊を起こした後に流れます。
This was a triumph. |
よくやりましたね。 |
Connection to game/GLaDOS
- Still Alive - GLaDOS revealed to be alive at the end of the game.
- And you make a neat gun - The Handheld Portal Device.
- Even though you broke my heart and killed me - Chell presumably killing GLaDOS.
- "Still Alive" was also used in Left 4 Dead 2 as an easter egg on a jukebox that can be found in the campaigns "The Parish" and "The Passing".
- An instrumental version of "Still Alive" can be heard on some radios in Portal.
"Still Alive" was written by Jonathan Coulton, who also wrote "Want You Gone", and was sung by Ellen McLain, Voice actor for GLaDOS and opera singer. She also sang "Want You Gone" during the end credits of Portal 2.