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How to disable a filter

If the bot is malfunctioning, chances are that the problem lies in one of these blocks of code. Thus, instead of shutting down the whole bot, it would be wiser to disable only the chunk of code that is misbehaving. To make the bot ignore a certain line, add a "#" in front of it:

 # This line will be ignored

If there are multiple lines, wrap them inside triple-quotes (you still need to put the two spaces at the beginning of the line):

 """This line will be ignored
 and this one as well
 and this one is cake
 and the previous one was a lie but it was still ignored"""

If all else fails, you can simply delete the block from the page. The bot can't come up with code by itself yet, so it won't run anything. Or, if the problem really is elsewhere, block the bot.

Page filters

 addPageFilter(r'^user:', r'(?:talk|help|wiki|template):')

Semantic filters

None yet~

Language-specific filters

None yet~

Link filters

Wikipedia links filter

 def wikipediaLinks(link, **kwargs):
     wikipediaRegex = compileRegex(r'^https?://(?:(\w+)\.)?wikipedia\.org/wiki/(\S+)')
     if link.getType() == u'external':
         linkInfo =
         if linkInfo:
                 wikiPage = urllib2.unquote(str('utf8', 'ignore').replace(u'_', ' ')
                 wikiPage = u('_', ' ')
             if not or == u'en':
                 link.setLink(u'Wikipedia:' + wikiPage) # English Wikipedia
                 link.setLink(u'Wikipedia:' + + u':' + wikiPage) # Non-english Wikipedia
             if link.getLabel() is None:
     return link

Remove trailing slashes from internal links

 def removeTrailingSlash(l, **kwargs):
     if l.getType() != u'internal':
         return l
     if l.getLink()[-1] == '/':
     return l

Template filters

Template renaming

 def templateRenameMapping(t, **kwargs):
     templateMap = {
         # Format goes like this (without the "#" in front obviously):
         #'Good template name': ['Bad template lowercase name 1', 'Bad template lowercase name 2', 'Bad template lowercase name 3'],
         # Last line has no comma at the end
         'Crush': ['pngcrush']
     for n in templateMap:
         if t.getName().lower() in templateMap[n]:
     return t

Remove useless templates

 def removeUselessTemplate(t, **kwargs):
     if t.getName().lower() in (u'targeted', u'languages'):
         return None # Delete template
     return t

Filter parameters of certain templates

 def templateParamFilter(t, **kwargs):
     params = { # Map: 'lowercase template name': ['list', 'of', 'params', 'to', 'filter']
         'patch layout': ['before', 'after', 'current'],
         'item infobox': ['released']
     if t.getName().lower() not in params:
         return t
     for p in params[t.getName().lower()]:
         if t.getParam(p):
             t.setParam(p, fixContent(t.getParam(p), **kwargs))
     return t

Remove obsolete parameters

 def obsoleteParameterFilter(t, **kwargs):
     params = { # Map: 'lowercase template name': ['list', 'of', 'params', 'to', 'delete']
     if t.getName().lower() not in params:
         return t
     for p in params[t.getName().lower()]:
         p = u(p)
         if p.find(u'#n') != -1:
             for i in range(10):
                 t.delParam(p.replace(u'#n', str(i)))
     return t

Implement {{Dictionary}}

 class DictionaryUpdater:
     def __init__(self):
         self.subpageTemplateLang = """{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|%options%}}<noinclude><hr style="margin: 1em 0em;" /><div style="font-size: 95%;">\n:[[File:Pictogram info.png|15px|text-top|link=]] '''Note''': Any changes made here will be automatically overwritten by a bot. Please ''do not'' make changes here as they will be lost. Edit '''[[:%dictionary%|the master page]]''' instead.\n:%missing%</div>[[Category:Template dictionary|%dictionaryname%/%keyname%]]</noinclude>"""
         self.subpageTemplateParam = """{{#switch:{{{1|}}}|%options%}}<noinclude><hr style="margin: 1em 0em;" /><div style="font-size: 95%;">\n:[[File:Pictogram info.png|15px|text-top|link=]] '''Note''': Any changes made here will be automatically overwritten by a bot. Please ''do not'' make changes here as they will be lost. Edit '''[[:%dictionary%|the master page]]''' instead.</div>[[Category:Template dictionary|%dictionaryname%/%keyname%]]</noinclude>"""
         self.invalidParamError = """<div style="font-size: 95%; color: #CC0000;">\n:[[File:Pictogram info.png|15px|text-top|link=]] '''Error''': Invalid parameter passed.</div>"""
         self.subpageTemplateID = """%string%<noinclude><hr style="margin: 1em 0em;" /><div style="font-size: 95%;">\n:[[File:Pictogram info.png|15px|text-top|link=]] '''Note''': Any changes made here will be automatically overwritten by a bot. Please ''do not'' make changes here as they will be lost. Edit '''[[:%dictionary%|the master page]]''' instead.</div>[[Category:Template dictionary|%dictionaryname%/%keyname%]]</noinclude>"""
         self.dictionaries = {
             u'Template:Dictionary/items': { # Dictionary page
                 'name': 'items', # Dictionary name (used for categorizing)
                 'sync': 'Template:Dictionary/items/Special:SyncData' # Page holding last sync data
             u'Template:Dictionary/common strings': { # Warning: no underscore
                 'name': 'common strings',
                 'sync': 'Template:Dictionary/common strings/Special:SyncData'
             u'Template:Dictionary/price': {
                 'name': 'price',
                 'sync': 'Template:Dictionary/price/Special:SyncData',
                 'allTemplate': {
                     'template': 'item price/fmt',
                     'params': {
                         'tt': '{{{tt|yes}}}'
             u'Template:Dictionary/mechanics': {
                 'name': 'mechanics',
                 'sync': 'Template:Dictionary/mechanics/Special:SyncData'
             u'Template:Dictionary/characters': {
                 'name': 'characters',
                 'sync': 'Template:Dictionary/characters/Special:SyncData'
             u'Template:Dictionary/demonstration': {
                 'name': 'demonstration',
                 'sync': 'Template:Dictionary/demonstration/Special:SyncData'
             u'Template:Dictionary/transcripts': {
                 'name': 'transcripts',
                 'sync': 'Template:Dictionary/transcripts/Special:SyncData'
             u'Template:Dictionary/portal achievements': {
                 'name': 'portal achievements',
                 'sync': 'Template:Dictionary/portal achievements/Special:SyncData'
             u'Template:Dictionary/portal: still alive achievements': {
                 'name': 'portal: still alive achievements',
                 'sync': 'Template:Dictionary/portal: still alive achievements/Special:SyncData'
             u'Template:Dictionary/portal 2 achievements': {
                 'name': 'portal 2 achievements',
                 'sync': 'Template:Dictionary/portal 2 achievements/Special:SyncData'
             u'Template:Dictionary/audio': {
                 'name': 'audio',
                 'sync': 'Template:Dictionary/audio/Special:SyncData'
         self.subpageSeparator = u'/'
         # List of supported languages, in prefered order
         self.languages = [u'en', u'ar', u'cs', u'da', u'de', u'es', u'fi', u'fr', u'hu', u'it', u'ja', u'ko', u'nl', u'no', u'pl', u'pt', u'pt-br', u'ro', u'ru', u'sv', u'zh-hans', u'zh-hant']
         self.defaultLang = u'en'
         self.allKeyName = u'_all_'
         self.filterName = u'Your friendly neighborhood dictionary updater'
         self.commentsExtract = compileRegex(r)
         self.stringsExtract = compileRegex(r'(?:^[ \t]*#[ \t]*([^\r\n]*?)[ \t]*$\s*)?^[ \t]*([^\r\n]+?[ \t]*(?:\|[ \t]*[^\r\n]+?[ \t]*)*):[ \t]*([^\r\n]+?[ \t]*$|\s*[\r\n]+(?:\s*[ \t]+[-\w]+[ \t]*:[ \t]*[^\r\n]+[ \t]*$)+)', re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE)
         self.translationExtract = compileRegex(r'^[ \t]+([-\w]+)[ \t]*:[ \t]*([^\r\n]+)[ \t]*$', re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE)
         self.scheduler = BatchScheduler(16)
     def generateSubpage(self, keyName, data, currentDict, syncData):
         h = hashlib.md5()
         if type(data) is type({}): # Subkeys (translations or not)
             isTranslation = True
             subpage = u(self.subpageTemplateLang)
             for k in data:
                 if k not in self.languages:
                     isTranslation = False
                     subpage = u(self.subpageTemplateParam)
             ordered = []
             unordered = {}
             if isTranslation:
                 missing = []
                 for lang in self.languages:
                     if lang in data:
                         ordered.append(lang + u'=' + data[lang])
                         unordered[lang] = data[lang]
                         h.update((lang + u'=' + data[lang]).encode('utf8'))
                         h.update((u'null-' + lang).encode('utf8'))
                 if self.defaultLang in data:
                     ordered.insert(0, u'#default=' + data[self.defaultLang])
                 if len(missing):
                     subpage = subpage.replace(u'%missing%', u"Languages missing: " + u', '.join(missing))
                     subpage = subpage.replace(u'%missing%', u"Supported languages: all")
             else: # Not a translation
                 subkeys = data.keys()
                 for k in subkeys:
                     ordered.append(k + u'=' + data[k])
                     unordered[k] = data[k]
                     h.update((k + u'=' + data[k]).encode('utf8'))
             if 'allTemplate' in self.dictionaries[currentDict] and (len(unordered) or len(self.dictionaries[currentDict]['allTemplate']['params'])):
                 allKey = []
                 keys = unordered.keys()
                 for k in keys:
                     allKey.append(k + u'=' + unordered[k])
                 for p in self.dictionaries[currentDict]['allTemplate']['params']:
                     allKey.append(u(p) + u'=' + u(self.dictionaries[currentDict]['allTemplate']['params'][p]))
                 insertIndex = 0
                 if isTranslation and self.defaultLang in data:
                     insertIndex = 1
                 ordered.insert(insertIndex, u(self.allKeyName) + u'={{' + u(self.dictionaries[currentDict]['allTemplate']['template']) + u'|' + u'|'.join(allKey) + u'}}')
             subpage = subpage.replace(u'%options%', u'|'.join(ordered))
         else: # No subkeys
             data = u(data)
             subpage = self.subpageTemplateID
             h.update(u(u'ID-' + data).encode('utf8'))
             subpage = subpage.replace(u'%string%', data)
         h = u(h.hexdigest())
         if keyName in syncData and syncData[keyName] == h:
             return # Same hash
         syncData[keyName] = h # Update sync data
         subpage = subpage.replace(u'%dictionary%', currentDict)
         subpage = subpage.replace(u'%dictionaryname%', self.dictionaries[currentDict]['name'])
         subpage = subpage.replace(u'%keyname%', keyName)
         self.scheduler.schedule(editPage, currentDict + self.subpageSeparator + keyName, subpage, summary=u'Pushed changes from [[:' + currentDict + u']] for string "' + keyName + u'".', minor=True, nocreate=False)
     def processComment(self, commentString, currentDict, definedStrings, syncData):
         commentContents = []
         for extractedStr in self.stringsExtract.finditer(commentString):
             comment = u
                 comment = u'# ' + u( + u'\n'
             dataString = u(
             if dataString.find(u'\r') == -1 and dataString.find(u'\n') == -1: # Assume no subkeys
                 data = dataString.strip()
                 dataWriteback = u' ' + data
             else: # There's subkeys; detect whether this is a translation or not
                 data = {}
                 isTranslation = True
                 for translation in self.translationExtract.finditer(dataString.rstrip()):
                     data[u(] = u(
                     if u( not in self.languages:
                         isTranslation = False
                 ordered = []
                 if isTranslation:
                     for lang in self.languages:
                         if lang in data:
                             ordered.append(u'  ' + lang + u': ' + data[lang])
                 else: # Not a translation, so order in alphabetical order
                     subkeys = data.keys()
                     for subk in subkeys:
                         ordered.append(u'  ' + subk + u': ' + data[subk])
                 dataWriteback = u'\n' + u'\n'.join(ordered)
             keyNames = u('|')
             validKeyNames = []
             for keyName in keyNames:
                 keyName = keyName.replace(u'_', u' ').strip()
                 if keyName in definedStrings:
                     continue # Duplicate key
                 self.generateSubpage(keyName, data, currentDict, syncData)
             if len(validKeyNames):
                 commentContents.append(comment + u' | '.join(validKeyNames) + u':' + dataWriteback)
         return u'\n\n'.join(commentContents)
     def __call__(self, content, **kwargs):
         if 'article' not in kwargs:
             return content
         if u(kwargs['article'].title) not in self.dictionaries:
             return content
         currentDict = u(kwargs['article'].title)
         syncPage = page(self.dictionaries[currentDict]['sync'])
             syncDataText = u(syncPage.getWikiText()).split(u'\n')
         except: # Page probably doesn't exist
             syncDataText = u
         syncData = {}
         for sync in syncDataText:
             sync = u(sync.strip())
             if not sync:
             sync = sync.split(u':', 2)
             if len(sync) == 2:
                 syncData[sync[0]] = sync[1]
         oldSyncData = syncData.copy()
         newContent = u
         previousIndex = 0
         definedStrings = []
         for comment in self.commentsExtract.finditer(content):
             newContent += content[previousIndex:comment.start()]
             previousIndex = comment.end()
             # Process current comment
             newContent += u
         newContent += content[previousIndex:]
         # Check if we need to update sync data
         needUpdate = False
         for k in syncData:
             if k not in oldSyncData or oldSyncData[k] != syncData[k]:
                 needUpdate = True
         # Check for deleted strings
         for k in oldSyncData:
             if k not in definedStrings:
                     deletePage(currentDict + self.subpageSeparator + k, 'Removed deleted string "' + k + u'" from ' + currentDict + u'.')
                 if k in syncData:
                     del syncData[k]
                 needUpdate = True
         if needUpdate:
             # Build syncdata string representation
             syncKeys = syncData.keys()
             syncLines = []
             for k in syncKeys:
                 syncLines.append(k + u':' + syncData[k])
             editPage(syncPage, u'\n'.join(syncLines), summary=u'Updated synchronization information for [[:' + currentDict + u']].', minor=True, nocreate=False)
         return newContent
     def scheduledRun(self):
         for d in self.dictionaries:
 dictUpdater = DictionaryUpdater()
 scheduleTask(dictUpdater.scheduledRun, 3)