Party Escort Beans Enrichment Center Test Chamber 03

From the Portal Wiki

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Test Chamber 03

Chamber number 0.pngChamber number 3.png

Test Chamber Infobox previous.png
Test Chamber Infobox next.png
Test Chamber Infobox Portal Guy.png
Chamber progress 0.pngChamber progress 3.pngChamber progress slash.pngChamber progress 2.pngChamber progress 0.png

Screenshot needed.png
Chamber icon cube dispenser on.pngChamber icon cube hazard.pngChamber icon pellet hazard on.pngChamber icon pellet catcher.pngChamber icon water hazard on.png
Chamber icon fling enter.pngChamber icon fling exit.pngChamber icon turret hazard.pngChamber icon dirty water on.pngChamber icon cake.png

You enter a tiny room with a closed door. That's all. Suddenly, you hear a voice:

Okay, it's me again. Just a reminder that the reviving machines aren't made to be used every 10 minutes, okay? Yes, it's our fault if you can die inside those tests. No, it's not our fault if you keep dying in the test chambers. That's because you're stupid. So in case you are scared of those tests, you're fired. This was a pre-recorded mess-

After the message is finished, the door opens. You enter a big room with a button, a cube, a pit of goo, and the closed exit door on the other side of the goo. What do you do? (by the way, this chamber looks simpler than the last one, it might be a trap)

Put the cube on the button
Jump into the goo