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  • "Long speeches" points:
    • Mini Turret Opera
    • Different Turret
    • Wheatley -> Silent meditation in neurotoxin chamber
    • Wheatley -> Hack in neurotoxin generator
    • Wheatley -> Stalemate resolution associate qualifications in glados room
    • Wheatley -> Masher death option
  • Hacks used:
    • Neurotoxin generator:
      • On every tick frame, laser going out of moving Portal is off-center.
      • Game frames are at 30 ticks/sec, the in-between frames being interpolated.
      • Interpolated frames have regular laser placement
      • Recording at 60fps would give 30fps of usable interpolated frames.
      • Solution: Record at 120fps and discard either all odd or all even frames, depending on which of these two sets contains the tick frames.
    • Tube ride:
      • Camera movement choppy during tube ride sequence.
      • To fix, record at 180fps, then for n going 3 to (number of frames - 3), increasing by increments of 3:
        • For every pixel in frame:
          • For every color component in pixel:
            • Color = 4% color of frame n-2 + 16% frame n-1 + 60% frame n + 16% frame n+1 + 4% frame n+2
        • Let resulting frame be numbered finalframe_(n/3)
    • Enrichment Sphere 3:
      • Breaking glass simulation CPU-intensive, causes laggy framerate and demo frames drops -> highly interpolated demo
        • To fix, use slowmo during the glass breaking; get a choppy sequence but it'll be 10x less choppy in final demo
        • Shift = Slow-mo key:
 alias +slowmo "demo_recordcommands 0; host_timescale 0.1"
 alias +slowmo "host_timescale 1; demo_recordcommands 1"
 bind shift +slowmo
    • Finale:
      • Recorded .dem + Fraps at the same time
        • Fraps is necessary, as some graphical glitches on the .dem files (namely white paint on the floor not showing up where it should)
        • Sometimes parts of the Aperture Science facility will be visible on the lunar background; this happens only when recording, so a separate Fraps recording (without .dem recording) is necessary, then cut at some frame to blend it in the video, but don't use the wholr thing so that the .dem file still matches what is on the video
      • Videos are rendered at 30fps no matter the rendered framerate, causing them to play twice as fast when recording at 60fps with the Source Recorder.
        • Used original .bik video files converted to lossless instead. Used an additional 30fps Source recorder render to sync them properly
      • Credits+song are a mix of video + engine text
        • Used another Fraps recording to add it in, and used the aforementioned 30fps Source recorder render to sync it properly