
From the Portal Wiki
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Portal logo.png This user is a Portal Unnoficial Wiki translator!

Flag Czech.png This user is Czech.

Achievement Overclocker.jpg As of December 21, 2024,
I have been a Portal Wikipedian for Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{". Expression error: Unexpected < operator., Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{". Expression error: Unexpected < operator., and Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{". Expression error: Unexpected < operator.. (since {{{day}}}, {{{year}}})

RE icon.png This user has a Portal 2 backpack, which can be found here.

Portal logo.png This user owns Portal.

Portal logo.png This user enjoys Portal.

Portal 2 logo.png This user owns Portal 2.

Portal 2 logo.png This user enjoys Portal 2.

Atlas.png This user prefers Atlas.

Ping Deer.png This user's favorite animal is a Deer!

Hg This user's favorite element is Mercury.