Template:PatchDiff/May 12, 2011 Patch/portal2/resource/subtitles spanish.txt
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11231123"[english]glados.coop_scoring07" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Orange receives"
11241124"glados.coop_talk_at_once11" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Naranja, ¿te gustaría decirnos algo?"
11251125"[english]glados.coop_talk_at_once11" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Orange, is there something you would like to say?"
1126N/A"glados.coop_talk_at_once12" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Azul, ¿te gsutaría decirnos algo?"
N/A1126"glados.coop_talk_at_once12" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Azul, ¿te gustaría decirnos algo?"
11271127"[english]glados.coop_talk_at_once12" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Blue, is there something you would like to say?"
11281128"glados.coop_teamwork_exercise_alt01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Vamos a interrumpir las pruebas de colaboración para hacer una de competición."
11291129"[english]glados.coop_teamwork_exercise_alt01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: We are now going to take a break from the collaboration for an instructional competition."
35583558"sphere03.bw_sp_a4_laser_catapult_intro02" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Avísame cuando estés a punto de resolver esta, ¿vale? No quiero que me fastidies el final para cuando lo vea luego."
35593559"[english]sphere03.bw_sp_a4_laser_catapult_intro02" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Anyway, just give me a wave before you solve this one, alright? Don't want to spoil the ending for when I watch it later."
35603560"sphere03.bw_sp_a4_laser_catapult_solve01" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Vaya, hombre, la has resuelto. Te dije que avisaras antes... [Frustración] ¿Por qué me lo pones tan difícil?"
3561N/A"[english]sphere03.bw_sp_a4_laser_catapult_solve01" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: You just solved it, didn't you? I-told you to tell me before you... NNNNGH! Why are making this so HARD for me?"
N/A3561"[english]sphere03.bw_sp_a4_laser_catapult_solve01" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: You just solved it, didn't you? I-told you to tell me before you... NNNNGH! Why are you making this so HARD for me?"
35623562"sphere03.bw_sp_a4_laser_platform11" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Perdona por el ascensor. Está temporalmente estropeado. Se fundió."
35633563"[english]sphere03.bw_sp_a4_laser_platform11" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Sorry about the lift. It's, uh... out of service. Because it melted."
35643564"sphere03.bw_sp_a4_laser_platform_intro02" "<clr:29,172,214>Wheatley: Se ESTABA autodestruyendo. Ya no."