Template:PatchDiff/May 12, 2011 Patch/portal2/resource/portal2 dutch.txt

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439439"[english]HL2_Saved" "Saved."
442N/A"HL2_SetupMicrophoneSteam" "Steam-community in game is uitgeschakeld.\nSchakel Steam-community in game in of configureer de spraakinstellingen in je Steam-client."
N/A442"HL2_SetupMicrophoneSteam" "Steam Community tijdens het spelen is uitgeschakeld.\nSchakel Steam Community tijdens het spelen in of configureer de spraakinstellingen in je Steam-client."
443443"[english]HL2_SetupMicrophoneSteam" "Steam Community In-Game is currently disabled.\nPlease, enable Steam Community In-Game or configure voice settings in your Steam client."
444444"HL2_Enable_Commentary" "Commentaartrack inschakelen"
445445"[english]HL2_Enable_Commentary" "Enable commentary track"
797797"[english]song.line08" "You want your freedom? Take it"
798798"song.line09" "Daar reken ik op"
799799"[english]song.line09" "That's what I'm counting on"
800N/A"song.line10" "Ik wenste je normaal gesproken door"
N/A800"song.line10" "Ik wenste je normaal gesproken dood"
801801"[english]song.line10" "I used to want you dead but"
802802"song.line11" "Nu wil ik alleen dat je weggaat"
803803"[english]song.line11" "Now I only want you gone"
967967"[english]P2_Gesture_Ballbot_HeadSpin" "ATLAS HEAD SPIN"
968968"P2_Gesture_Ballbot_Dance" "ATLAS DANSEN"
969969"[english]P2_Gesture_Ballbot_Dance" "ATLAS DANCE SPIN"
970N/A"P2_Gesture_Ballbot_Basketball1" "ATLAS DRIBBLE"
N/A970"P2_Gesture_Ballbot_Basketball1" "ATLAS DRIBBELEN"
971971"[english]P2_Gesture_Ballbot_Basketball1" "ATLAS DRIBBLE"
972972"P2_Gesture_Ballbot_Basketball2" "ATLAS ROLL"
973973"[english]P2_Gesture_Ballbot_Basketball2" "ATLAS ROLL"
10091009"[english]P2_Wearable_JarateHeadband" "MASTER'S YELLOW BELT"
10101010"P2_Wearable_VikingHelm" "TIRANHELM"
10111011"[english]P2_Wearable_VikingHelm" "TYRANT'S HELM"
1012N/A"Store_IntroTitle" "Robot Verrijkingsaddendum"
N/A1012"Store_IntroTitle" "Robotverrijkingsaddendum"
10131013"[english]Store_IntroTitle" "Robot Enrichment Annex"
1014N/A"Store_IntroTitle2" "Welkom, Toekomst-Starter!"
N/A1014"Store_IntroTitle2" "Welkom, Toekomststarter!"
10151015"[english]Store_IntroTitle2" "Welcome, Future-Starter!"
10161016"Store_IntroText" "Robots zijn perfecte proefpersonen. We proberen je niet te vleien, aangezien we geen arrogantiekernen in je geïnstalleerd hebben, dus is het niet nodig. We melden het alleen omdat het statistisch bewezen is. Robots slapen niet. Je eet niet. Je vraagt niet om loonsverhoging, want we betalen je niet. Je bent in feite zo efficiënt, dat we werk moesten zoeken voor de weinige menselijke werknemers die we nog overhadden nadat onze roze slipjes waren opgeraakt. We hebben ze de opdracht gegeven om upgrades te ontwerpen voor de moreel betere (jij) en werkplaatsvervangers (ook jij). Laat het ons gerust weten als deze upgrades niet aan je standaarden voldoen, dan kunnen we de mensen de opdracht geven om hun eigen roze slipjes te ontwerpen zodat ze vervangen kunnen worden door robots."
10171017"[english]Store_IntroText" "Robots make the perfect test subjects. We are not trying to flatter you, because we did not install arrogance cores in you, so there is no need. We only mention it because it is statistically proven to be true. Robots do not sleep. You do not eat. You do not ask for raises, because we do not pay you. You are so efficient, in fact, that we had to find some busy work for the few human employees who were left after we ran out of pink slips. We tasked them with designing upgrades for their moral betters (you) and workplace replacements (also you). Please do not hesitate to let us know if these upgrades do not meet your standards, and we will task the humans to design their own pink slips so they can be replaced by robots."
10431043"[english]Store_Crossplay_Warning_Skins" "Note: Skins will not be visible while playing co-op with a PS3 partner."
10441044"Store_Crossplay_Warning_Gestures" "Let op: Gebaren zijn niet zichtbaar wanneer je co-op speelt met een PS3 speler."
10451045"[english]Store_Crossplay_Warning_Gestures" "Note: Gestures will not be visible while playing co-op with a PS3 partner."
1046N/A"Store_Home" "THUIS"
N/A1046"Store_Home" "STARTPAGINA"
10471047"[english]Store_Home" "HOME"
10481048"Store_Headgear" "HOOFDDEKSELS"
10491049"[english]Store_Headgear" "HEADWEAR"
10651065"[english]P2_Wearable_FlagTheball" "THE BALL FLAG"
10661066"P2_Wearable_FlagRush" "RUSH VLAG"
10671067"[english]P2_Wearable_FlagRush" "RUSH FLAG"
N/A1068"P2_Wearable_FlagSuperMeatBoy" "SUPER MEAT BOY-VLAG"
N/A1069"[english]P2_Wearable_FlagSuperMeatBoy" "SUPER MEAT BOY FLAG"
10681070"P2_Wearable_FlagTokiTori" "TOKI TORI VLAG"
10691071"[english]P2_Wearable_FlagTokiTori" "TOKI TORI FLAG"
10701072"P2_Wearable_FlagTheWonderful" "THE WONDERFUL END OF THE WORLD VLAG"
10711073"[english]P2_Wearable_FlagTheWonderful" "THE WONDERFUL END OF THE WORLD FLAG"
N/A1074"P2_Bundle_CompletePack2" "COMPLEET PAKKET (DEEL 2)"
N/A1075"[english]P2_Bundle_CompletePack2" "COMPLETE PACK (PART 2)"
10721076"P2_Bundle_CompletePack2_Desc" "Bevat al de volgende items:\n"
10731077"[english]P2_Bundle_CompletePack2_Desc" "Includes all the following items:\n"
N/A1079"[english]P2_Bundle_ARGFlagsCatchup" "ARG FLAGS CATCHUP PACK"
N/A1080"P2_Bundle_ARGFlagsCatchup_Desc" "Bevat de ARG-vlaggen die niet in het originele COMPLEET PAKKET zaten:\n"
N/A1081"[english]P2_Bundle_ARGFlagsCatchup_Desc" "Includes the ARG flags that were not in the initial COMPLETE PACK:\n"