Template:Dictionary/voice lines/GLaDOS/mp coop fling crushers01: Difference between revisions

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Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/voice lines/GLaDOS for string "mp coop fling crushers01".
m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/voice lines/GLaDOS for string "mp coop fling crushers01".)
m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/voice lines/GLaDOS for string "mp coop fling crushers01".)
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{{#switch:{{{1|}}}|cz=Kdyby vás to zajímalo, tak k vyřešení tohoto testu se nemusíte nechat rozdrtit.|da=Hvis I undrer jer, er det ikke nødvendigt at blive knust for at løse denne test.|de=Zum Abschluss dieses Tests muss man sich übrigens nicht zermalmen lassen.|en=In case you were wondering, you do not need to be crushed to solve this test.|es=Por si os lo preguntáis, no es necesario que os aplasten para resolver esto.|fi=Tämän testin ratkaisu ei edellytä murskautumista, jos se askarrutti teitä.|fr=Pour anticiper votre question : le broyage n'est pas indispensable à la résolution de ce test.|hu=Ha netán érdekel titeket, a teszt megoldásához nem kell összezúzatnotok magatokat.|it=Nel caso ve lo stiate chiedendo, per risolvere il test non è necessario essere schiacciati.|ja=念のため言っておきます。このテストは、体をつぶされなくてもクリアできます。|ka=혹시 궁금해할까 봐 알려주는 건데, 이 실험을 풀기 위해 박살날 필요는 없어.|ko=혹시 궁금해할까 봐 알려주는 건데, 이 실험을 풀기 위해 박살날 필요는 없어.|nl=Mochten jullie het je afvragen, jullie hoeven niet te worden geplet om deze test op te lossen.|no=Hvis dere lurte på det, så trenger dere ikke bli knust for å løse denne testen.|pl=Na wszelki wypadek zaznaczę, że do rozwiązania tego testu niekoniecznie trzeba zostać zgniecionym.|po=Caso estejam a tentar adivinhar, não é preciso ser-se esmagado para resolver este teste.|ro=În caz că vă întrebaţi, nu trebuie să fiţi striviţi ca să rezolvaţi testul ăsta.|ru=ГЛаДОС: Если вам интересно, для завершения этого теста не обязательно быть раздавленными.|sw=Om ni undrar så behöver ni inte krossas för att lösa testet.|th=กรณีที่นายสงสัยอยู่นั้น นายไม่จำเป็นต้องทำลายมันเพื่อแก้ปัญหาการทดสอบนี้|tu=Eğer merak ediyorsanız, bu testi çözmek için paramparça olmanız gerekmiyor.|zh-hans=如果你在疑惑,不至于为了通过测试把自己压垮。|zh-hant=在這裡先告訴你,你不需要被壓碎就能過關。}}<noinclude><hr style="margin: 1em 0em;" /><div style="font-size: 95%;">
{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=In case you were wondering, you do not need to be crushed to solve this test.|en=In case you were wondering, you do not need to be crushed to solve this test.|cz=Kdyby vás to zajímalo, tak k vyřešení tohoto testu se nemusíte nechat rozdrtit.|da=Hvis I undrer jer, er det ikke nødvendigt at blive knust for at løse denne test.|de=Zum Abschluss dieses Tests muss man sich übrigens nicht zermalmen lassen.|es=Por si os lo preguntáis, no es necesario que os aplasten para resolver esto.|fi=Tämän testin ratkaisu ei edellytä murskautumista, jos se askarrutti teitä.|fr=Pour anticiper votre question : le broyage n'est pas indispensable à la résolution de ce test.|hu=Ha netán érdekel titeket, a teszt megoldásához nem kell összezúzatnotok magatokat.|it=Nel caso ve lo stiate chiedendo, per risolvere il test non è necessario essere schiacciati.|ja=念のため言っておきます。このテストは、体をつぶされなくてもクリアできます。|ka=혹시 궁금해할까 봐 알려주는 건데, 이 실험을 풀기 위해 박살날 필요는 없어.|ko=혹시 궁금해할까 봐 알려주는 건데, 이 실험을 풀기 위해 박살날 필요는 없어.|nl=Mochten jullie het je afvragen, jullie hoeven niet te worden geplet om deze test op te lossen.|no=Hvis dere lurte på det, så trenger dere ikke bli knust for å løse denne testen.|pl=Na wszelki wypadek zaznaczę, że do rozwiązania tego testu niekoniecznie trzeba zostać zgniecionym.|po=Caso estejam a tentar adivinhar, não é preciso ser-se esmagado para resolver este teste.|ro=În caz că vă întrebaţi, nu trebuie să fiţi striviţi ca să rezolvaţi testul ăsta.|ru=ГЛаДОС: Если вам интересно, для завершения этого теста не обязательно быть раздавленными.|sw=Om ni undrar så behöver ni inte krossas för att lösa testet.|th=กรณีที่นายสงสัยอยู่นั้น นายไม่จำเป็นต้องทำลายมันเพื่อแก้ปัญหาการทดสอบนี้|tu=Eğer merak ediyorsanız, bu testi çözmek için paramparça olmanız gerekmiyor.|zh-hans=如果你在疑惑,不至于为了通过测试把自己压垮。|zh-hant=在這裡先告訴你,你不需要被壓碎就能過關。}}<noinclude><hr style="margin: 1em 0em;" /><div style="font-size: 95%;">
:[[File:Pictogram info.png|15px|text-top|link=]]&nbsp;'''Note''': Any changes made here will be automatically overwritten by a bot. Please ''do not'' make changes here as they will be lost. Edit '''[[:Template:Dictionary/voice lines/GLaDOS|the master page]]''' instead.</div>[[Category:Template dictionary|voice lines/GLaDOS/mp coop fling crushers01]]</noinclude>
:[[File:Pictogram info.png|15px|text-top|link=]]&nbsp;'''Note''': Any changes made here will be automatically overwritten by a bot. Please ''do not'' make changes here as they will be lost. Edit '''[[:Template:Dictionary/voice lines/GLaDOS|the master page]]''' instead.
:Languages missing: ar, cs, pt, pt-br, sv, tr</div>[[Category:Template dictionary|voice lines/GLaDOS/mp coop fling crushers01]]</noinclude>

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