Portal Test Chamber 18 (Bonus): Difference between revisions

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=== Portals ===
=== Portals ===
- in progress -
* Go out to the end of the walkway and over against the wall on your left.  Crouch and look at the ceiling opposite.  To the right of it, you should be able to see a bit of the adjacent higher ceiling.  Shoot a portal there. 
* Shoot the second portal onto the walkway where you can move around it and look through.  Get into a position where you are facing towards the 4-dot platform with minimal obstructions.  There are some blocks sticking out of the side wall that can queer your shot here, so watch out for those. 
* This is the tricky part.  Crouch and step into the portal.  As you fall, shoot a portal across to the 4-dot floor, aiming for the left side of it.  At the same time, you have to be directing your fall so you land on the 3-dot platform.  Quickly shoot the second portal under your feet before you touch down.  If you can get all this coordinated you will come flying up from the 4-dot platform and you can shift yourself to land right by the big button.  High five if you want. 
* Shoot the red portal onto the floor way down below. 
* Go in and press the small button.  Take cover behind the moving panel as it slides out, then as soon as it locks in place dash out to place your blue portal on it, then run back again to the big button and jump off the platform and through the red portal to propel yourself across the turret room to the cube. 
* Hide behind the cube until the turrets calm down, then pick up the cube and walk off the edge.  Start moving backwards right away and with a bit of luck you'll land in the lower niche.  Put the blue portal on one of the side walls and go through it with the cube to emerge on the platform down below the big button. 
* Shoot the blue portal up to the projecting panel above the exit door.  Pick up the cube again, step through and jump off the platform and back through the blue portal to fling yourself and the cube over to the button.  Put the cube on the button. 
* Jump down to the lower floor and step through the portal again, then exit via the now open door and do the leap-frogging ascent in the approved manner.  A mere 14 portals if you got it all right. 

=== Steps ===
=== Steps ===


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