Template:If lang

Template page
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Documentation for If lang

{{if lang}} is a template that can output specified values based on whether a particular page is a language subpage or not.


Code English page result Language page result (de)
[[Portals{{if lang}}]] Portals Portals/de
[[Portals {{if lang}}]] Portals Portals_/de


{{if lang}} can be used in more advanced ways by specifying the English and non-English outputs.

  • {{if lang | non-en = _{{SUBPAGENAME}} }} will generate _de when used on Portals/de.
    • This example is used in infobox templates to display item name images in the correct language.

Languages supported

{{if lang}} recognises only the below language subpages (the same as {{lang}}):

Available languages ar, cs, da, de, es, fi, fr, hu, it, ja, ko, nl, no, pl, pt, pt-br, ro, ru, sv, zh-hans, zh-hant