Main menu

From the Portal Wiki
Revision as of 17:26, 10 July 2011 by Tturbo (talk | contribs) (As if there was a portal 1)
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The Main Menu of Portal and Portal 2 are hubs for accessing different game modes, options, or other things.


Portal's main menu

The main menu is the interactive screen shown after starting up Portal. It provides links to the player that lead to beginning a new game, bonus maps, or continuing an existing game save.

There is also an option to begin the game with developer commentary, a list of achievements, and a list of options that the player can change, including player control and visuals.

The player can close the game by selecting "quit".

Portal 2

Portal 2's main menu

The main menu is the interactive screen shown after starting up Portal 2.

The main menu allows the player to begin a single player campaign, or a Cooperative Testing Initiative campaign. The player can also manage of in-game settings. Additional videos and concept art can be accessed by clicking the Extras option. Robot Enrichment allows the player access to their Cooperative Testing Initiative Backpack.

The Portal 2 menu features several backgrounds that display pre-rendered videos, which correspond to the story chapter currently being undertaken in the single player campaign.