Party Escort Beans Laboratories - Official Website: Anti-Reality Physics Cancelling Device

From the Portal Wiki

Our Anti-Reality Physics Cancelling Device (also known as ARPCD, Impossiblity Creating Device or even Overconfusing Device) is an experimental device designed to make impossible physics or mess with logic in the room the person using it is standing in. Using it can have effects such as:

  • Making gravity push you up instead of down
  • Turning any portals purple
  • Making Aperture Science Sentry Turrets unable to shoot
  • Causing boxes to be bigger on the inside
  • Turning cats into dogs
  • Turning fishes into birds, birds into elephants and elephants into fishes
  • Making you appear upside-down to others

To use it, simply press the green "Enable" button and the red "Disable" button to turn it off.

Click here to buy one: Buy ARPCD