Template:PatchDiff/April 29, 2011 Patch/portal2/resource/basemodui finnish.txt

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< Template:PatchDiff/April 29, 2011 Patch
Revision as of 01:51, 8 September 2011 by WindPower (talk | contribs) (Diff of file "portal2/resource/basemodui_finnish.txt" for patch April 29, 2011 Patch.)
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441441"[english]L4D360UI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceFullC" "STORAGE DEVICE FULL"
442442"L4D360UI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceFullTxt" "Asetuksien ja pelin etenemisen tallentamiseen ei ole tilaa.\nHaluatko varmasti jatkaa?"
443443"[english]L4D360UI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceFullTxt" "There is no room to save preferences and game progress.\nAre you sure you want to continue?"
444N/A"L4D360UI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceCorruptC" "Tallennustiedosto on vioittunut"
N/A444"L4D360UI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceCorruptC" "TALLENNUS KORRUPTOITUNUT"
445445"[english]L4D360UI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceCorruptC" "SAVE FILE CORRUPTED"
446446"L4D360UI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceCorruptTxt" "Valitussa tallennusvälineessä on tiedosto, joka on vioittunut tai jota ei voi avata.\nValitse toinen tallennusväline tai poista vioittunut tiedosto.\n\nAsetuksia tai pelin etenemistä ei tallenneta ilman kelvollista tallennusvälinettä.\nHaluatko jatkaa valitsematta tallennusvälinettä?"
447447"[english]L4D360UI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceCorruptTxt" "The selected storage device contains a file that is corrupted or not able to be opened.\nPlease choose another storage device or delete the corrupted file.\n\nPreferences and game progress will not be saved without a valid storage device.\nWould you like to continue without selecting a storage device?"
34353435"[english]PORTAL2_Extras_E1912Subtitle" "Super 8 - Interactive Teaser"
34363436"PORTAL2_Extras_ComicTitle" "Portal 2 sarjakuva"
34373437"[english]PORTAL2_Extras_ComicTitle" "Portal 2 Comic"
3438N/A"PORTAL2_Extras_ComicSubtitle" "Portal 2 sarjakuva: Laboratoriorotta"
N/A3438"PORTAL2_Extras_ComicSubtitle" "Portal 2 -sarjakuva: Labrarotta"
34393439"[english]PORTAL2_Extras_ComicSubtitle" "Portal 2 Comic: Lab Rat"
34403440"PORTAL2_ItemManagement" "Robottien kustomointi"
34413441"[english]PORTAL2_ItemManagement" "Robot Enrichment"
34553455"[english]PORTAL2_VideoOptions_CPUDetail_Info" "Effect Detail controls the complexity of certain visual effects in the game as well as the draw-distance. Decreasing the effect detail may improve performance but will also increase model pop-in artifacts."
34563456"PORTAL2_VideoOptions_ModelDetail_Info" "Mallien / tekstuurien tarkkuus määrää tekstuurien resoluution ja 3D-mallien monimutkaisuuden. Tarkkuuden nostaminen saattaa parantaa suorituskykyä heikommilla järjestelmillä, mutta heikentää kuvan laatua."
34573457"[english]PORTAL2_VideoOptions_ModelDetail_Info" "The Model / Texture Detail setting controls the resolution of textures and geometric complexity of models in the game. Decreasing this setting may improve performance on low-end systems, but will degrade image quality."
N/A3458"SessionError_ConnectionFailedAfter" "Yhteyden muodostaminen pelipalvelimeen epäonnistui."
N/A3459"[english]SessionError_ConnectionFailedAfter" "Connection to game server failed."
N/A3460"SessionError_ServerShuttingDown" "Pelipalvelin suljettiin."
N/A3461"[english]SessionError_ServerShuttingDown" "Game server has been shut down."