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  • "Long speeches" points:
    • Different Turret
    • Wheatley -> Silent meditation in neurotoxin chamber
    • Wheatley -> Hack in neurotoxin generator
    • Wheatley -> Stalemate resolution associate qualifications in glados room
  • Hacks used:
    • Neurotoxin generator:
      • On every tick frame, laser going out of moving Portal is off-center.
      • Game frames are at 30 ticks/sec, the in-between frames being interpolated.
      • Interpolated frames have regular laser placement
      • Recording at 60fps would give 30fps of usable interpolated frames.
      • Solution: Record at 120fps and discard either all odd or all even frames, depending on which of these two sets contains the tick frames.
    • Tube ride:
      • Camera movement choppy during tube ride sequence.
      • To fix, record at 180fps, then for n going 3 to (number of frames - 3), increasing by increments of 3:
        • For every pixel in frame:
          • For every color component in pixel:
            • Color = 4% color of frame n-2 + 16% frame n-1 + 60% frame n + 16% frame n+1 + 4% frame n+2
        • Let resulting frame be numbered finalframe_(n/3)