May 21, 2012 Patch

From the Portal Wiki
Revision as of 21:49, 21 May 2012 by RJackson (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Patch layout | source = | source-title = Portal 2 Update Released | before = May 10, 2012 Patch | current = [[May 21, 201...")
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Patch notes

Portal 2

  • Added more descriptive error messages to common publishing failures.
  • Optimizations and rendering improvements for the Puzzle Maker.
  • Fixed compile error from fizzlers in certain orientations.
  • Fixed stacked goo creating kill triggers that spanned between the two levels of goo.
  • Fixed connection symbols potentially leaking outside the map, causing maps to fail compiling.
  • Fixed some lightboards not showing their map titles and tags properly
  • Fixed compiler error when trying to compile certain very large maps.
  • Localization fixes and additions.
  • Autosaves made while playing workshop/puzzlemaker maps no longer conflict with singleplayer saves.
  • Fixed glass not having collision before being moved after being dropped in.
  • Fixed paint dropper arc becoming weird while extruding.
  • Fixed going through portals on angled platforms in goo killing the player.
  • A loading screen will always show up when playing puzzlemaker/workshop maps and dying or restarting the maps.
  • Using puzzlemaker_export to export a custom vmf will make the player start in the elevators and not spawn the triggers that restart the map when walking in the exit hallway
  • Better progress indication for compiling puzzles.
  • Paint is valid on goo and buttons now.
  • Fixed a crash on completing the preview puzzle.
  • Fixed the first item in the map list not always showing valid information.
  • Fix a variety of bugs (some Mac-specific, mostly platform-independent) which made the texture filter setting in the Advanced Video Options act incorrectly.
  • Fixed bug with light strips and fizzlers sometimes changing the portalability of the surface they were on during export.
  • Fizzlers are now properly sorted when a portal shot hits a fizzler. This makes the correct fizzler light up when there are multiple fizzlers along the portal shot.
  • Better item handle interactions.
  • The catapult target is now copyable. Copying the target will drop a catapult on the spot and attach a target to your cursor.
  • Fixed the box dropper and paint dropper disappearing if you did Undo past their creation, then Redo back through it.
  • Fixed hitting "Undo" while dragging causing weird behaviors.
  • "Bendy" player model appears in all community map chambers now
  • Right mouse button clicking on a solid volume selection boundary surface no longer clears selection.
  • Bound 'view reset' to H as well as Home, for Mac users without a Home key
  • Removed bad keyvalues from elevator_exit instance
  • Fixed a crash due to deleted items not removing their collision entries
  • Fixed glass and rail platforms computing the wrong extents just after being undeleted.

Files changed

Note: The changelog below is generated from a diff of two revisions of the game.
Revision changes
Modified: bin/adminserver.dll
Modified: bin/bsppack.dll
Modified: bin/bugreporter_filequeue.dll
Modified: bin/bugreporter_public.dll
Modified: bin/datacache.dll
Modified: bin/engine.dll
Modified: bin/filesystem_stdio.dll
Modified: bin/filesystemopendialog.dll
Modified: bin/inputsystem.dll
Modified: bin/launcher.dll
Modified: bin/localize.dll
Modified: bin/materialsystem.dll
Modified: bin/mdllib.dll
Modified: bin/scenefilecache.dll
Modified: bin/serverbrowser.dll
Modified: bin/serverplugin_empty.dll
Modified: bin/shaderapidx9.dll
Modified: bin/shaderapiempty.dll
Modified: bin/soundemittersystem.dll
Modified: bin/soundsystem.dll
Modified: bin/stdshader_dbg.dll
Modified: bin/stdshader_dx9.dll
Modified: bin/studiorender.dll
Modified: bin/texturecompile_dll.dll
Modified: bin/tier0.dll
Modified: bin/unitlib.dll
Modified: bin/valve_avi.dll
Modified: bin/vaudio_miles.dll
Modified: bin/vbsp.exe
Modified: bin/vbsp_osx
Modified: bin/vgui2.dll
Modified: bin/vguimatsurface.dll
Modified: bin/vphysics.dll
Modified: bin/vrad.exe
Modified: bin/vrad_dll.dll
Modified: bin/vrad_osx
Modified: bin/vscript.dll
Modified: bin/vstdlib.dll
Modified: bin/vtex_dll.dll
Modified: bin/vvis.exe
Modified: bin/vvis_dll.dll
Modified: bin/vvis_osx
Modified: portal2/bin/client.dll
Modified: portal2/bin/client.dylib
Modified: portal2/bin/matchmaking.dll
Modified: portal2/bin/matchmaking.dylib
Modified: portal2/bin/server.dll
Modified: portal2/bin/server.dylib
Modified: portal2_dlc2/maps/puzzlemaker/newchamber.bsp
Modified: portal2_dlc2/media/valve.bik
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/basemodui_brazilian.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/basemodui_bulgarian.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/basemodui_czech.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/basemodui_danish.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/basemodui_dutch.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/basemodui_english.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/basemodui_finnish.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/basemodui_french.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/basemodui_german.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/basemodui_greek.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/basemodui_hungarian.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/basemodui_italian.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/basemodui_japanese.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/basemodui_korean.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/basemodui_koreana.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/basemodui_norwegian.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/basemodui_polish.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/basemodui_portuguese.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/basemodui_romanian.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/basemodui_russian.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/basemodui_schinese.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/basemodui_spanish.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/basemodui_swedish.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/basemodui_tchinese.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/basemodui_thai.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/basemodui_turkish.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_czech.dat
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_czech.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_dutch.dat
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_dutch.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_english.dat
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_english.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_finnish.dat
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_finnish.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_french.dat
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_french.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_german.dat
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_german.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_greek.dat
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_greek.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_italian.dat
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_italian.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_korean.dat
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_korean.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_koreana.dat
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_koreana.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_norwegian.dat
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_norwegian.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_romanian.dat
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_romanian.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_russian.dat
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_russian.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_schinese.dat
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_schinese.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_tchinese.dat
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_tchinese.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_thai.dat
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_thai.txt
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_turkish.dat
Modified: portal2_dlc2/resource/subtitles_turkish.txt