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=== Her Chamber ===
=== Her Chamber ===
==== Entrance to GLaDOS's Ruined Chamber ====
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley gladosgantry20.wav|"Probably ought to bring you up to speed on something right now."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley gladosgantry21.wav|"In order to escape, we're going to have to go through HER chamber."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley gladosgantry22.wav|"And she will probably kill us if, um, she's awake."]]
**'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley gladosgantry15.wav|"If you want to just call it quits, we could just sit here. Forever. That's an option. Option A: Sit here. Do nothing. Option B: Go through there, and if she's alive, she'll almost certainly kill us."]]
**'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley gladosgantry05.wav|"So. If you've got any reservations whatsoever about this plan, now would be the time to voice them."]]
**'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley gladosgantry06.wav|"Riggght now."]]
**'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley gladosgantry08.wav|"In case you thought to yourself, 'I've missed the window of time to voice my reservations.' Still open."]]
==== Passing through GLaDOS's Ruined Chamber ====
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley sp_a1_wakeup_gantry01.wav|"Okay, I'm gonna lay my cards on the table: I don't wanna do it. I don't want to go in there. Don't... Don't go in there - She's off. She's off! Panic over! She's off. All fine! On we go."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley demospheregladoschamber01.wav|"There she is..."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley demospheregladoschamber06.wav|"What a nasty piece of work she was, honestly. Like a proper maniac."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley demospheregladoschamber07.wav|"You know who ended up, do you know who ended up taking her down in the end? You're not going to believe this. A human."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley demospheregladoschamber08.wav|"I know! I know, I wouldn't have believed it either."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley demospheregladoschamber09.wav|"Apparently this human escaped and nobody's seen him since."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley demospheregladoschamber11.wav|"Then there was a sort of long chunk of time where absolutely nothing happened and then there's us escaping now. So that's pretty much the whole story, you're up to speed. Don't touch anything."]]
==== Jump down the stairs ====
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley demospherestairs07.wav|"Okay, down these stairs."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley demospherestairs01.wav|"Okay, down those stairs, please?"]] <!--haven't heard this; might be a nag, might be unused; need to verify this-->
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley sp_a1_wakeup_jump01.wav|"Jump! Actually, looking at it, that is quite a distance, isn't it?"]]
**'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley sp_a1_wakeup_jump11.wav|"You know what? Go ahead and jump. You've got braces on your legs. No braces on your arms, though. Gonna have to rely on the old human strength to keep a grip on the device and, by extension, me. So do. Do make sure to maintain a grip."]]
**'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley sp_a1_wakeup_jump12.wav|"Also, a note: No braces on your spine, either. So don't land on that.  Or your head, no braces there. That could split like a melon from this height. [nervous chuckle] Do definitely focus on landing with your legs."]]
**'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley sp_a1_wakeup_jump03.wav|"Quick question: Have you been working out? Because there's no evidence of it. I'm not a plastic cup. We will be landing with some force. So a bit of grip. Just using grip. Classic grip."]]
**'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley sp_a1_wakeup_jump13.wav|"So go ahead and jump. What's the worst that could happen? Oh. Oh wait, I just now thought of the worst thing. Oh! I just thought of something even worse. Alright. New, better plan: no imagining of any potential outcomes whatsoever. Just jump, into the abyss, there, and let's see what happens."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley sp_a1_wakeup_panic01.wav|"[yelling]"]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley sp_a1_wakeup_jump05.wav|"Still held! Still bein' held. That's a great job. You've applied the grip. We're all fine. That's tremendous."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley sp_a1_wakeup_catwalk01.wav|"AH! I- Sorry, I just looked down. I do not recommend it."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley sp_a1_wakeup_catwalk02.wav|"AH! I've just done it again."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley sp_a1_wakeup_catwalk03.wav|"I just now realized that I used to rely on my management rail to not fall into bottomless pits. And you're my rail now. And you can fall into bottomless pits. I'm rambling out of fear, but here's the point: don't get close to the edge."]]
==== Breaker Room ====
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley demosphereswitchroom04.wav|"This is the main breaker room."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley sp_a1_wakeup_into_breakerroom01.wav|"Let's go in!"]]''If player has not entered by the time he finishes above line''
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley demosphereswitchroom09.wav|"Look for a switch that says ESCAPE POD. Alright? Don't touch ANYTHING else."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley demosphereswitchroom05.wav|"Not interested in anything else. Don't TOUCH anything else. Don't even LOOK at anything else, just--well, obviously you've got to look at everything else to find ESCAPE POD, but as soon as you've looked at something and it doesn't say ESCAPE POD, look at something else, look at the next thing. Alright? But don't touch anything else or look at any--well, look at other things, but don't... you understand."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley demosphereswitchroom06.wav|"Can you see it anywhere? I can't see it anywhere. Uh. Tell you what, plug me in and I'll turn the lights on."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley demosphereswitchroom08.wav|"'Let there be light.' That's, uh... God. I was quoting God."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley sp_a1_wakeup_breakerroom_turn03.wav|"Oh! Look at that. It's turning. Ominous. But probably fine. Long as it doesn't start moving up..."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley sp_a1_wakeup_breakerroom_turn02.wav|"Now, escape pod... escape pod..."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley sp_a1_wakeup_breakerroom_turn06.wav|"It's... It's moving up."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley demospherebreakerlift07.wav|"Okay! No, don't worry! Don't worry! I've got it I've got it I've got it! THIS should slow it down!"]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley demospherebreakerlift14.wav|"No. Makes it go faster."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley sp_a1_wakeup_breakerroom_turn04.wav|"Uh oh."]]
==== GLaDOS Reawakening ====
*'''[[Announcer]]''': [[Media:Announcer wakeup_powerup01.wav|" Powerup initiated."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley sp_a1_wakeup_hacking08.wav|"Okay don't panic! Allright? Stop panicking! I can still stop this. Ahh. Oh there's a password.  It's fine. I'll just hack it. Not a problem... umm..."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley sp_a1_wakeup_hacking09.wav|"A...A...A...A...A... Umm... A."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley sp_a1_wakeup_hacking12.wav|"[BUZZER NOISE]"]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley sp_a1_wakeup_hacking10.wav|"Nope. Okay. A... A... A... A... A... C."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley sp_a1_wakeup_hacking12.wav|"[BUZZER NOISE]"]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley demospherepowerup12.wav|"No. Wait, did I do B? Do you have a pen? Start writing these down."]]
*'''[[Announcer]]''': [[Media:Announcer wakeup_powerup02.wav|" Powerup complete."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley sp_a1_wakeup_hacking11.wav|"Okay. Okay. Okay listen: New plan. Act natural act natural. We've done nothing wrong."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley demospherepowerup04.wav|"Hello!"]]
*'''[[GLaDOS]]''': [[Media:GLaDOS chellgladoswakeup01.wav|"Oh... It's you."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley sp_a1_wakeup_hacking03.wav|"You KNOW her?"]]
*'''[[GLaDOS]]''': [[Media:GLaDOS chellgladoswakeup04.wav|"It's been a long time. How have you been?"]]
*'''[[GLaDOS]]''': [[Media:GLaDOS chellgladoswakeup05.wav|"I've been really busy being dead. You know, after you MURDERED ME."]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley demospherepowerup07.wav|"You did WHAT?"]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley sp_a2_wheatley_ows_long03.wav|"Aggggh!"]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley a1_wakeup_pinchergrab01.wav|"Oh no! nonononono!"]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley a1_wakeup_pinchergrab02.wav|"Oh no no no... No! Nooo!"]]
*'''[[Wheatley]]''': [[Media:Wheatley sp_a2_wheatley_ows12.wav|"Gah!"]]
*'''[[GLaDOS]]''': [[Media:GLaDOS chellgladoswakeup06.wav|"Okay, look: We both said a lot of things that you're going to regret, but I think we can put our differences behind us; for science... you monster."]]
*'''[[GLaDOS]]''': [[Media:GLaDOS wakeup_outro01.wav|"I will say, though, that since you went to all the trouble of waking me up, you must really, really love to test."]]
*'''[[GLaDOS]]''': [[Media:GLaDOS wakeup_outro02.wav|"I love it too. There's just one small thing we need to take care of first."]]
=== Incinerator ===