Party Escort Beans Enrichment Center Test Chamber 04

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Before entering the chamber, you hear a voice:

I hope that there... there is no problem... right? There's no problem, right? Good. Uh, this test chamber introduces the concept of fl- -ng. That is when you sho- -into the exit. Do you understand? Nevermind, this mic isn't two way. Oh wait, the mic is programmed to cut out any information regarding how to solve the test chamber. Let me disable that... [beep] [beep] [pulling lever] Okay, it's done. So, what was i saying? Oh yeah, this chamber introduces the concept of flinging. That's actually a pretty easy skill to master. Okay, enough talking. Let's test this test!

An orange portal opens on a wall facing the exit just above you. You see a small pit with a portalable surface on the bottom of the pit. What do you do?

Attempt to jump over the pit
Shoot a portal on the portalable surface, then jump from the floor to the portal.
Attempt to break the orange portal spawner